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Intro to the Exp't []

This is my 6th part of the ASTRE project, in which one exp't was done in 2 days. The exp't was designed as comparison with Exp't F, and trying to estimate different radar modifiers on DA chance. Since DA activation chances are generally lower than CI, I used a larger sample size (~300 Attack Chances). According to limited time & resources, I used fatigue leveling method at 3-2a. Besides, test ships will tank damage, but HP always beyond 50% (moderate damage).

[ Exp't K ][]

Information About the Exp't[]

- Fleet & Test ship condition:

  • Morale <20 (severe fatigue / red face)
  • Always beyond moderate damage (中破)
  • Line ahead
  • AS+ achieved for every battle
  • No Saiun equipped

- Enemy condition:

  • Either Line Ahead or DL.

- Test ship & equipment:

Expt k test ships

[ Exp't K ][]

- Completed in 2 days (2h + 2h + 1h + 3h)

- # Battles & engagement form counting

Total +// -// gT rT
210 105 57 29 19

- Fleet total LoS:  448 -> 458  (+9% DA Chance)

Ashigara Kai


lv.48~> 68

Tone K2


Myoukou K2


Chikuma K2


Haguro K2


Fusou Kai


#ATK 304 305 284 269 267 272
#DA 233 194 178 185 181 182
Actual DA Rate 76.6% 63.6% 62.7% 68.8% 67.8% 66.9%
DA Chance Estimate 77% = 50%+15%+[3%]+(9%) 63% = 50%+[3%]+(9%)+<1%> 62% = 50%+[3%]+(9%) 70% = 50%+[10%]+(9%)+<1%> 69% = 50%+[10%]+(9%) 69% = 50%+[6%]+(12%)+<1%>
Difference (Est - Actual)




+1.2% +1.2% +2.1%

- #Buckets: 51

- #Non-S:  40

Comparative Study on the Effects of Different Radars (DA)[]

Using test results from Exp't F. Test ships were kept w/ the same placement, using same equipment (except radar), very close FLoS, and having negligible level differences.

[ Exp't F ]

FLoS: ~449~

[ Exp't K ]

FLoS: ~453~


[Radar %]


(90% C)

Tone K2 63.1% 63.6%  (#33) +0.5% +/- 4.5%
Myoukou K2 60.3% 62.7%  (#33) +2.4% +/- 4.7%
Chikuma K2 59.6% 68.8%  (#32) +9.2% +/- 4.7%
Haguro K2 57.6% 67.8%  (#32) +10.2% +/- 4.9%
Fusou Kai 60.7%

66.9% (FuMO)

+6.2% +/- 4.7%

Brief Conclusion:[]

- Comparative:

  • Radars, especially those with good stats, will marginally increase a ship's DA chance.
  • Between the 2 surface radars, #32 gives up to 8% higher DA chance than #33.
  • Assuming radars do not reduce DA chance, #33 boosts DA chance by 0% ~ 6%.
  • Assuming data were not off the 90% interval, #32 boosts DA chance by around 10%, within 5% ~ 14.5%
  • Same assumption as above: FuMO boosts DA chance by around 6%, no more than 11%


  • Using comparative method,K-Test No.6a+b & No.15 suggests a modifier of +10% DA chance for #32 radar (error +/- 3.8%). This is consistent with our finding from this exp't. For future exp't I will assume this value (+10%) as #32's DA chance modifier.
  • Using ASTRE, K-Test No.14 suggests a modifier of +6% DA chance for #33 radar (error +/- 5.2%). This is within our tolerance interval above (0~6%). For future estimation I'll try a best fitted value (+3% DA chance) as #33's DA chance modifier, until further evaluation. Due to limited reports & samples size, I will be more cautious on this assumption.
  • Both CAV has 1%~2% higher DA chance than their counterpart CA. If we assume CA & CAV have the same base DA chance at the same FLoS, this suggests the effects from the type of seaplane (Zuiun vs Type 0 Recon), since Zuiun has essentially better stats (+6 LoS). The effects, however, could owe to larger plane slot as well. Since the same thing was obsvered from Exp't F. For future exp't I will count for this minor factor (CAV's larger plane slot & better seaplane) when calculating trigger rate estimates.

Illustration on Data Collection[]

[ Day 1 ][]

Expt k sortie 1
Expt k battle 1

[ Day 2 ][]

Expt k battle 2
Expt k sortie 2