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The Reinforcement Expansion is a consumable item added alongside the Summer 2015 Event that allows you to reinforce a ship to permanently add an additional utility equipment slot. For example, you can equip a reinforced ship with dameconsEmergency Repair Personnel 042 CardEmergency Repair Goddess 043 Card without compromising their equipment loadout.

  • Your Kanmusu must be at least Level 30 to install a Reinforcement Expansion.
  • The additional equipment slot given by a Reinforcement Expansion will remain with the ship permanently; remodels will not remove it..
  • Reinforcement Expansions can be obtained through either normal gameplay, such as events and quests, or the cash shop for 500 DMM points.


To use the Reinforcement Expansion:

Reinforcement Expansion Select

A text box which indicates that a ship may be given a Reinforcement Expansion

  • Go into the equipment menu.
  • Select the ship you wish to add give the Reinforcement Expansion to.
  • Mouse over roughly the bottom half of the ship's card. You should see a text box appear; once you do, click on it.
Reinforcement Expansion Confirm

The Reinforcement Expansion confirmation prompt

  • Press the left button to confirm the application of the Reinforcement Expansion (press the right button to cancel it).
  • The extra slot will appear ontop of the right side of the ship card.

Allowed Equipment[]

Only certain pieces of equipment can be placed inside the additional slot given by a Reinforcement Expansion; the equipment allowed is dependent on the ship that was given the extra slot. Equipment placed inside this slot functions as if it were placed in a normal equipment slot.

Ship Types Equippable Equipment
All ships Emergency Repair Fairies!DameconsEmergency Repair Personnel 042 CardEmergency Repair Goddess 043 Card
Combat RationCombat Rations and SauryCombat Ration 145 CardCanned Saury 150 CardCombat Ration (Special Onigiri) 241 Card
All ships (excluding all SS(V)s except UIT-25/I-504UIT-25
Anti-aircraft Point-defense WeaponAnti-aircraft machine guns and rocket launchers
All ships (excluding SS(V)s) Anti Aircraft Fire DirectorAnti-Aircraft Fire DirectorsType 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director 120 CardType 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director 121 Card
All ships (excluding Coastal Defense Ships) Improved Kanhon Type Turbine 033 CardImproved Kanhon Type TurbineImproved Kanhon Type Turbine 033 Card
All ships capable of equipping Bulges Extra ArmorBulges (size depends on ship type)
All Ships capable of equipping Skilled LookoutsSkilled Lookouts 129 Card Skilled Lookouts 129 CardSkilled LookoutsSkilled Lookouts 129 Card
All SS(V) Submarine RadarSubmarine RadarsSubmarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope 210 CardSubmarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator (E27) 211 CardLate Model Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator 384 Card
, Yura Kai NiYura Kai Ni, Suzuya Kai Ni & Carrier Kai NiSuzuya Kai Ni
Suzuya Carrier Kai Ni
, Kumano Kai Ni & Carrier Kai NiKumano Kai Ni
Kumano Carrier Kai Ni
, Training CruisersKatori
, Repair ShipsAkashi, TaigeiTaigei
8cm High-angle Gun 066 Card8cm High-angle Gun8cm High-angle Gun 066 Card
8cm High-angle Gun Kai + Additional Machine Guns 220 Card8cm High-angle Gun Kai + Additional Machine Guns8cm High-angle Gun Kai + Additional Machine Guns 220 Card
Yamato KaiYamato Kai, Musashi Kai & Kai NiMusashi Kai
Musashi Kai Ni
, TaihouTaihou, OoyodoOoyodo
10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount (Carriage) 071 Card10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount (Carriage)10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount (Carriage) 071 Card
10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai + Additional Machine Guns 275 Card10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai + Additional Machine Guns10cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai + Additional Machine Guns 275 Card
Fleet OilersHayasui
Underway Replenishment 146 CardUnderway ReplenishmentUnderway Replenishment 146 Card
Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru CatbombSoukoutei (Armored Boat Class)Catbomb

Acquisition (Through Gameplay)[]

From Events[]

Events may reward this item for clearing certain maps on certain difficulties. Previously, this item was rewarded for completing:

From Quests[]

ID Requirements FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxite Rewards Note[[${host}/Module:Data/Quest/Composition?action=edit Edit]]
A86 改装「第十七駆逐隊」、再編始め!
Reorganize the Remodeled 17th Destroyer Division!
Have Isokaze B Kai, Hamakaze B Kai, Urakaze Kai, and Tanikaze Kai in your fleet.
※ On completion plays Play
170 / 170 / 170 / 0 Food supply ship mamiya"Mamiya" x1
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Requires: B61, F72
Unlocks: A90
A87 精鋭「第十八駆逐隊」を編成せよ!
Organize the Elite "18th Destroyer Division"!
Have Arare Kai Ni, Kasumi Kai Ni or Kasumi Kai Ni B, Kagerou Kai, and Shiranui Kai in your fleet. 180 / 0 / 180 / 0 Choice between
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Furniture fairyFurniture Fairy x1
Requires: B58/B59(?), B115(?), ??
Unlocks: B116
ID Requirements FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxite Rewards Note[[${host}/Module:Data/Quest/Sortie?action=edit Edit]]
B90 精鋭「第八駆逐隊」突入せよ!
Elite 8th Destroyer Division, Sortie!
Sortie a fleet with Arashio Kai Ni as flagship, at least 1 of Asashio (Kai, Kai Ni), Ooshio (Kai, Kai Ni) or Michishio (Kai), and up to 4 additional ships to World 5-5. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at the boss node twice. 800 / 800 / 0 / 800 Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Improvement Materials x4
Requires: B73, B81
B103 旗艦「由良」、抜錨!
Flagship Yura, Set Sail!
Sortie a fleet with Yura Kai Ni as flagship, at least 2 of Murasame, Yuudachi, Harusame, Samidare, and Akizuki, and up to 3 additional ships to Worlds 2-3 and 5-1. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node. 400 / 400 / 0 / 400 Skilled Crew Member x1
then choice between
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Daihatsu Landing Craft x1
Requires: A78, ??
B104 精鋭「第二二駆逐隊」出撃せよ!
Sortie the Elite 22nd Destroyer Squadron!
Sortie a fleet with Fumizuki Kai Ni, Satsuki Kai Ni, Minazuki Kai, Nagatsuki Kai, and up to 2 additional ships to World 3-2. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node. 0 / 700 / 0 / 100 Choice between
Daihatsu Landing Craft x1
New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material x1
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Requires: A79, C2, ??
B106 夜間作戦空母、前線に出撃せよ!
Night Carrier, to the Front Lines!
Sortie a fleet with Saratoga Mk.II as flagship and up to 5 additonal ships to World 6-5. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node.
0 / 0 / 0 / 1000 Choice between
TBF x1
Night Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled Deckhands x1
New Model Aerial Armament Material x1
then choice between
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
New Model Aerial Armament Material x1
Skilled Crew Member x1
Requires: B91, B105
B125 近海の警戒監視と哨戒活動を強化せよ!
Improve Guard Surveillance and Patrol Activities in the Coastal Waters!
Sortie a fleet with a Light Cruiser as flagship, 2 Destroyers/Coastal Defense Ships, and 3 additional ships to Worlds 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 2-1, and 2-2. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node. 800 / 800 / 0 / 0 Choice between
Medal x1
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
then choice between
New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material x2
Searchlight x2
Action Report x1
Requires: C2, ??
Unlocks: Bq8
B134 艦隊司令部の強化 【実施段階】
Fleet Headquarters Improvements [Implementation Phase]
Sortie a fleet with Ooyodo as flagship, either Akashi or a Seaplane Tender, and up to 4 additional ships to Worlds 2-3, 3-3, and 4-1. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node twice. 1200 / 1200 / 1200 / 0 Headquarters Personnel"Headquarters Personnel" x1
then choice between
Furniture box large x8
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Medal x1
Requires: D29, ??
B138 「羽黒」「神風」、出撃せよ!
Haguro & Kamikaze, Sortie!
Sortie a fleet with Haguro, Kamikaze, and either 1 additional Heavy Cruiser/Aviation Cruiser and 2 additional Destroyers (for a total of 5 ships) or 4 additional Destroyers to Worlds 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node. 516 / 0 / 1945 / 0 "Haguro's Protection"
then choice between
New Model Aerial Armament Material x1
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Furniture fairyFurniture Fairy x1
Requires: B135(?), ??
Unlocks: By5(?)
B141 新編「六水戦」出撃!後で感想、聞かせてね!
New "DesRon6", Sortie! Let Me Know What You Think Atherwards!
Sortie a fleet with Yuubari Kai Ni/Yuubari Kai Ni Toku/Yuubari Kai Ni D as flagship, 3 of Yayoi, Mutsuki, Kisaragi, Mochizuki, Uzuki, Kikuzuki and up to 2 additional ships to Worlds 1-5, 1-6, 2-2, 3-2, and 7-1. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node of 1-5, 2-2, 3-2, and 7-1 once. Reach the anchor node N of 1-6 once. 3000 / 0 / 0 / 0 Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
then choice between
Development material x12
Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai) x1
Improvement Materials x6
Requires: B140, ??
Unlocks: Bq13
B145 改装航空軽巡「Gotland andra」、出撃!
Remodeled Aviation Light Cruiser "Gotland Andra", Sortie!
Sortie a fleet with Gotland Andra as flagship, 1 Destroyer, and up to 4 additional ships to Worlds 2-4, 4-2, 4-4, and 4-5. Obtain a S-rank(?) at each boss node. 700 / 700 / 700 / 1000 Choice between
Swordfish (Seaplane Model) x2
S9 Osprey x2
Swordfish Mk.III Kai (Seaplane Model) x1
then choice between
Improvement Materials x4
New Model Aerial Armament Material x1
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Requires: B62(?), Bd5, ??
Unlocks: B146
ID Requirements FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxite Rewards Note[[${host}/Module:Data/Quest/Exercise?action=edit Edit]]
C20 海防艦、演習始め!
Coastal Defense Ships, Commence Exercises!
Use a fleet with a Coastal Defense Ship as flagship, at least 2 Destroyers, and up to 3 additonal ships to obtain a B-rank (or higher) in Exercises twice within the same day. 300 / 300 / 0 / 0 Fifth Anniversary Scroll (Etorofu class version)
then choice between
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Medal x1
Requires: A63(??), F73
C23 改夕雲型、演習始め!
Remodelled Yuugumo-class, Begin Training!
Use a fleet with Yuugumo Kai Ni, Naganami Kai Ni, and up to 4 additonal ships to obtain a B-rank (or higher) in Exercises 4 times within the same day. 400 / 400 / 0 / 0 Choice between
Food supply ship irako"Irako" x3
Type 2 Depth Charge x1
then choice between
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Medal x1
Requires: Bq6, C18(??), C21, ??
C27 精強「十七駆」、猛特訓!
Elite 17th Destroyer Division, Begin the Intense Training!
Use a fleet with Isokaze B Kai, Hamakaze B Kai, Urakaze D Kai, Tanikaze D Kai, and up to 2 additional ships to obtain a B-rank (or higher) in Exercises 4 times within the same day. 170 / 170 / 170 / 0 Food supply ship mamiya"Mamiya"
then choice between
Type 2 Depth Charge x1
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Requires: A90, C25(?), ??
ID Requirements FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxite Rewards Note[[${host}/Module:Data/Quest/Arsenal?action=edit Edit]]
F71 対空兵装の拡充
Expansion of Anti-Air Equipment
Prepare 900 Bauxite in your inventory. Scrap 6 medium guns and 3 secondary guns.
0 / 100 / 0 / 0 Choice between
25mm Triple Autocannon Mount x2
12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher x2
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion x1
Requires: F4, F5, ??
Unlocks: F72

See Also[]
