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KanColle Wiki
Shoukaku 翔鶴
Seiyuu Nomizu Iori (野水伊織) Availability Construction (Normal, LSC)
Event Reward
Artist Konishi (コニシ) Implementation 2013/05/15 (Base)
2015/09/25 (Kai Ni)



No.106 翔鶴

Shoukaku Class Standard Aircraft Carrier

Shoukaku Card
Icon HP HP 62 (64) Icon Gun Firepower 0 (39)
Icon Armor Armor 33 (49) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion Evasion 36 (59) Icon AA AA 29 (69)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 75 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 44 (69)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 10 (49)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 55 AmmoKai Ammo 55
Build Time Slots
06:00:00 (Normal, LSC) 4
Stock Equipment Space
Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Type 0 Fighter Model 21Type 0 Fighter Model 21 020 Card 21
Carrier-based Dive Bomber Type 99 Dive BomberType 99 Dive Bomber 023 Card 21
Carrier-based Torpedo Bomber Type 97 Torpedo BomberType 97 Torpedo Bomber 016 Card 21
Xx c - Unequipped - 12


Shoukaku Kai

No.106 翔鶴改

Shoukaku Class Standard Aircraft Carrier

Shoukaku Kai Card
Icon HP HP 75 (77) Icon Gun Firepower 0 (39)
Icon Armor Armor 42 (72) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion Evasion 38 (79) Icon AA AA 40 (79)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 84 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 48 (89)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 12 (89)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 65 AmmoKai Ammo 70
Remodel Level Slots
Level 30 4
Stock Equipment Space
Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Type 0 Fighter Model 52Type 0 Fighter Model 52 021 Card 24
Carrier-based Dive Bomber SuiseiSuisei 024 Card 24
Anti-Aircraft Gun 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher 051 Card 24
Xx c - Unequipped - 12

Second Upgrade

Shoukaku Kai Ni

No.261 翔鶴改二

Shoukaku Class Standard Aircraft Carrier

Shoukaku Kai Ni Card
Icon HP HP 77 (79) Icon Gun Firepower 0 (63)
Icon Armor Armor 43 (77) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion Evasion 39 (84) Icon AA AA 48 (88)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 93 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 53 (93)
Icon Range Range Medium Icon Luck Luck 20 (97)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 90 AmmoKai Ammo 85
Remodel Level Slots
Level 80 (Blueprint Prototype Flight Deck Catapult) 4
Stock Equipment Space
Xx c - Unequipped - 27
Xx c - Unequipped - 27
Xx c - Unequipped - 27
Xx c - Unequipped - 12

Third Upgrade (Reversible to Kai Ni)

Shoukaku Kai Ni A

No.266 翔鶴改二甲

Shoukaku Class Armored Carrier

Shoukaku Kai Ni A Card
Icon HP HP 78 (80) Icon Gun Firepower 0 (70)
Icon Armor Armor 49 (83) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion Evasion 36 (81) Icon AA AA 48 (88)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 76 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 50 (90)
Icon Range Range Medium Icon Luck Luck 20 (97)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 100 AmmoKai Ammo 85
Remodel Level Slots
Level 88 4
Stock Equipment Space
Xx c - Unequipped - 34
Xx c - Unequipped - 21
Xx c - Unequipped - 12
Xx c - Unequipped - 9
[Edit]Shoukaku Kai Ni A Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Armor Evasion Note
Torpedo BomberType 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron)Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron) 143 Card +2
Torpedo BomberTenzan Model 12 (Murata Squadron)Tenzan Model 12 (Murata Squadron) 144 Card +4
Torpedo BomberRyuusei Kai (CarDiv 1)Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1) 342 Card +1
Torpedo BomberRyuusei Kai (CarDiv 1/Skilled)Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1 Skilled) 343 Card +1
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Armor Evasion Note
Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft 061 Card (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +1
(★6-9) +1 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3
Reconnaissance AircraftPrototype Keiun (Carrier-based Reconnaissance Model)Prototype Keiun (Carrier-based Reconnaissance Model) 151 Card (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +1
(★6-9) +1 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3
[Edit]Shoukaku Kai Ni Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Armor Evasion Note
Torpedo BomberType 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron)Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron) 143 Card +2
Torpedo BomberTenzan Model 12 (Murata Squadron)Tenzan Model 12 (Murata Squadron) 144 Card +4
Torpedo BomberRyuusei Kai (CarDiv 1)Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1) 342 Card +1
Torpedo BomberRyuusei Kai (CarDiv 1/Skilled)Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1 Skilled) 343 Card +1
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Armor Evasion Note
Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft 061 Card (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +1
(★6-9) +1 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3
[Edit]Shoukaku Kai Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Armor Evasion Note
Torpedo BomberType 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron)Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron) 143 Card +2
Torpedo BomberTenzan Model 12 (Murata Squadron)Tenzan Model 12 (Murata Squadron) 144 Card +2
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Armor Evasion Note
Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft 061 Card (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +1
(★6-9) +1 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3


Event Japanese English Note
Introduction 翔鶴型航空母艦一番艦、翔鶴です。一航戦ニ航戦の先輩方に少しでも近づけるように、瑞鶴と一緒に頑張ります I'm Shoukaku, the first of the Shoukaku-class carriers. I will try my best with Zuikaku to try and live up to the names of my seniors in the first and second aviation divisions.
Kai Ni 翔鶴型航空母艦一番艦、翔鶴です。改装された翔鶴型、瑞鶴と共に、提督のお力になれればと思います。 I'm Shoukaku, the first of the Shoukaku-class carriers. Alongside Zuikaku as remodeled Shoukaku-class, I'm hoping to be a useful source of strength for the Admiral.
Library 翔鶴型航空母艦1番艦の翔鶴です。
I'm Shoukaku, the first ship in the Shoukaku carrier series.
I was designed and built as the first purpose-built large regular carrier to serve after the Washington Treaty was renounced.
With my sister Zuikaku, we make the fifth carrier division.
Following the tragedy, we followed in the footsteps of our seniors and continued to support the front lines.
Tragedy = Battle of Midway, most likely
Kai Ni 翔鶴型航空母艦1番艦の翔鶴です。
I'm Shoukaku, the first ship in the Shoukaku carrier series.
I was designed and built as the first purpose-built large regular carrier to serve after the Washington Treaty was renounced.
With my sister Zuikaku, we make the fifth carrier division.
Following the tragedy, we followed in the footsteps of our seniors and continued to support the front lines.
And now, having gotten over Mariana, I wish to continue taking a leap forward with the Admiral.
Secretary 1 瑞鶴ったら、スカートあまり触らないで…って、あらやだ。提督!? Geez, Zuikaku, stop fiddling with my skirt so mu- huh, oh my, Admiral?
Kai Ni A 改造された新しい飛行甲板と航空機材、これが新時代の航空艤装。頑張ります! A brand new and modified flight deck and equipment. This is the aviation design of a new era. I'll do my best!
Secretary 2 瑞鶴、あまり提督の邪魔しちゃダメよ? Zuikaku, don't bother the admiral so much, okay?
Kai Ni 瑞鶴、あまり随伴艦の皆さんにご迷惑をお掛けしてはダメよ?……瑞鶴?瑞鶴!? Zuikaku, don't give our supporting ship a hard time, okay? Zuikaku...? Zuikaku!? Her voice became more stern and serious in this line.
Secretary 3 提督…?あの、なんでしょう? Admiral...? Um, what is it?
Idle 提督? あの、そろそろポートモレスビーを…あの…その… Admiral? Um... We should head to Port Moresby... Um, uh... Shoukaku was severely damaged in the Battle of the Coral Sea while supporting Operation Mo, the offense on Port Moresby.
Secretary Married 提督、いつも本当にお疲れ様です。少し休んでくださいね。 Admiral, I'm always really grateful for you hard work. Please take a short break, okay.
Kai Ni 提督……私、あなたのお役に立てていますか?ふふっ……そう…ですか。よかった…、よかったで! Admiral... Had I, been of help to you? Fufu... I see... so that's how it is. I'm glad... I'm so glad!
Wedding 提督ありがとうございます。見たこともない素敵な艦載機まで積んでくれて、本当に感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。もし・・・もし・・・かなうなら、マリアナの後もずっと提督と一緒に・・・ Thank you, Admiral. Giving me these planes that I've never seen before, my gratitude is overflowing. Maybe… just maybe… if my wish comes true, after the Marianas, we can stay together… Shoukaku was sunk in the Battle of the Philippine Sea, part of the Marianas Campaign. (The infamous retirony death flag "Getting married after this war", sadly.)
Looking At Scores 提督、報告書をご覧になりますか? Admiral, would you like to browse through the report?
Joining A Fleet 五航戦、翔鶴、出撃します! CarDiv 5, Shoukaku, sortieing!
Kai Ni 新編五航戦、旗艦翔鶴、出撃します! New CarDiv 5, flagship Shoukaku, moving out!
Equipment 1 はい!これならいけそうです! Thank you! I can use these!
Kai Ni これが新型機材…あっ、はい! しっかり運用できるように努めますね。 So this is the new model equipment... Ah, yes! I shall put it to good use.
Equipment 2 嬉しい!提督、感謝いたします I'm so happy! Many thanks, admiral.
Equipment 3 瑞鶴…いいの? Zuikaku... is this okay?
Kai Ni A あら?何かしら… Oh my, what is this?
 ⇧ shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development
Supply 艦載機も補充しますね。 Resupplying the planes too.
Docking Minor ちょっとお風呂に...すぐ出るから... I'll take a short bath... be out in a bit.
Docking Major 私って、怪我しやすいのかしら...ねぇ、瑞鶴? I seem to get injured rather easily... is this so, Zuikaku?
Docking Complete 提督、入渠していた艦の修復が完了しました Admiral, ship in the dock was fully repaired.
Construction 提督、新造艦が完成いたしました Admiral, a new ship has been completed.
Returning From Sortie 艦隊が帰投しました!みんな、本当にお疲れ様 The fleet has returned! Thank you all for the hard work.
Starting A Sortie いい?瑞鶴?行くわよ。機動部隊、出撃! You ready, Zuikaku? Let's go. Mobile squad, deploying!
Kai Ni いい?瑞鶴?遅れないで。機動部隊、抜錨します! You ready, Zuikaku? Don't fall behind. Mobile squad, setting sail!
Battle Start 全航空隊、発艦はじめ! All aviation squadrons, launch!
Air Battle 直援隊も攻撃隊の援護にまわって! Support team, cover the assault squad!
Attack 行くわよ。全機、突撃! Here I go. All planes, attack!
 ⇧ shared with day/night special attacks, support expedition team arrival
Night Battle さぁて…何が出てくるの?潜水艦には気をつけてね Now... what's going to appear? Make sure you watch out for submarines. Shoukaku was sunk by a US submarine in the Battle of the Philippines Sea.
Kai Ni A あら?またスコールかしら?瑞鶴、少し進路を変える? My, it's another squall. Zuikaku, do you want to change the course a bit Shoukaku also had some unfortunate experiences with storms, during the Battle of Coral Sea, Zuikaku, distant by around 1km, was under cover of a squall when American bombers arrived over the IJN carriers, forcing the enemy to focus on Shoukaku. Heavily damaged after the battle and being chased by submarines, Shoukaku nearly capsized in the squall, on her way back to Japan, due to amount of water she took while going at full speed.
MVP 提督、私やりました!艦載機の子達も、随伴艦の皆さんも本当に頑張ってくれました!感謝です! I did it, Admiral! It's all thanks to the planes and supporting ships! Thank you all!
Minor Damage 1 いっ、痛っ...まだやれるわ! O-ouch... I can still do this!
Minor Damage 2 も、もう!何で私ばっかり! Geez, why is it always me? She suffered major damage twice, one during the Battle of Coral Sea and the other at the Battle of Santa Cruz. Notably, her sister Zuikaku was always with her, but never took damage until after Shoukaku sank.
Kai Ni 。。。ん!痛い!ま…まだ発着艦できますか? Ah! Ouch! A-are we still able to takeoff?
Major Damage やられました!艦載機発着艦困難です! I've been hit! It's difficult to launch and land ship-borne planes! Shoukaku's flight deck and hangar were ruined by an air attack in the Battle of Santa Cruz, rendering her incapable of carrier air operations.
Kai Ni 改装された翔鶴型、この程度で沈みはしません。飛行甲板は無事?うん、よかった!まだまだ戦います! The remodeled Shoukaku-class, will not sink with just this. ...Is the flight deck alright? ...Hm? ...Thank goodness. I can still fight on!
Sunk 私...また逝くのね...矢矧さん、秋月さん後は御願い... Looks like... I'm gone again... Yahagi, Akizuki... please take care of things now. Her survivors are rescued by Yahagi, Urakaze and Akizuki-class Wakatsuki and Hatsuzuki. (The Japanese wiki only mentioned Yahagi and Akizuki.)

Hourly Notifications[]

Time Japanese English Note
00:00 提督?日付が変わったようです Admiral? Seems like the date has changed.
01:00 マルヒトマルマル。お知らせします 0100. Just so you know.
02:00 マルフタマルマル。お知らせしますね 0200. Just letting you know.
03:00 提督、現在時刻マルサンマルマルです Admiral, it's now 0300.
04:00 マルヨンマルマル・・・まっ、まだ起きてますっ! 0400... I-I'm still awake!
05:00 現在時刻、マルゴーマルマル。夜明けですね It's now 0500. The sun's about to come up, huh.
06:00 マルロクマルマル。艦娘たちに総員起床をかけますね 0600. It's about wake-up time for everyone.
07:00 マルナナマルマルです。朝ご飯何にしましょう 0700. What would you like for breakfast?
08:00 マルハチマルマル。今日も頑張りましょう 0800. I'll do my best today too.
09:00 現在時刻マルキューマルマルです。索敵機出しますか? It's now 0900. Should I send out scout planes? Scouts were launched twice per day, once in the morning around this time and once again in the afternoon.
10:00 時刻はヒトマルマルマルです。瑞鶴、大丈夫かしら? It's 1000. I wonder if Zuikaku is okay?
11:00 ヒトヒトマルマル。そろそろお昼の準備ですね 1100. I guess we should prepare for lunch.
12:00 提督、ヒトフタマルマルです。お昼にしましょう Admiral, it's 1200. Shall we have lunch?
13:00 時刻はヒトサンマルマルです It's now 1300.
14:00 現在時刻ヒトヨンマルマル。提督、お疲れですか? It's 1400. Admiral, are you feeling tired?
15:00 ヒトゴーマルマルです。そろそろ作戦開始ですね It's 1500. The campaign is about to begin.
16:00 ヒトロクマルマルです。直掩機出しますね 1600. I'll be sending up the CAP. CAP stands for Combat Air Patrol, a group of fighter aircraft that are airborne at all times to defend the fleet. Each carrier in the fleet contributes to the CAP which is constantly rotated to keep planes and pilots fresh. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combat_air_patrol.
17:00 ヒトナナマルマルです。夕日が綺麗ですね、提督 It's 1700. Isn't the sunset beautiful, Admiral?
18:00 ヒトハチマルマル。日没です 1800. It's sunset.
19:00 時刻はヒトキューマルマルです。 The time is now 1900.
20:00 フタマルマルマルです。何か騒いでいる軽巡が居ますね、何かしら? 2000. There are some noisy light cruisers. I wonder why? Ties in with Zuikaku's 2000 announcement. From Zuikaku's, it seems that this light cruiser is Sendai
21:00 現在時刻、フタヒトマルマルです It's now 2100.
22:00 フタフタマルマルです、提督・・・そろそろお疲れですか? 2200. Admiral, aren't you tired now?
23:00 現在時刻フタサンマルマルです。そろそろお休みになりますか? It's now 2300. You really should be resting now shouldn't you?

Seasonal Quotes[]

Event Japanese English Note
Christmas 2013
Christmas 2014
Christmas 2014
End of Year 2014
New Year 2015
Setsubun 2015
Valentines Day 2015
Valentines Day 2015
White Day 2015
Second Anniversary 2015
二周年…私もとても嬉しく思います。瑞鶴?瑞鶴?あら?瑞鶴?いないの? 2nd year anniversary... I too, am incredibly happy about this. Zuikaku? Zuikaku? Oh my, Zuikaku? You aren't around?
Second Anniversary 2015
Rainy Season 2015
梅雨の季節ですね。MO作戦の頃を思い出します。あのときもスコールが…ね、瑞鶴。 It is the rainy season. Reminds me the days of the MO strategy. And a squall too, at that time... right, Zuikaku? During the Battle of Coral Sea, part of Operation MO, a squall gave cover to Zuikaku, forcing all American bombers to focus on Shoukaku, dealing heavy damage and rendering the older sister incapable of carrier operations.
Early Summer 2015
瑞鶴、新しい水着を買ったの?あら、いいわね。とても可愛いわ。え?私?私は去年のでいいわ。えっ、そう?そうかしら。 Zuikaku, did you buy a new swimsuit? My, it is nice. It's very cute. Eh? Me? I'm fine with last year's. Wha, really? Do you think so?
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Fall 2015
秋…そうね瑞鶴、秋は少し寂しい気持ちになるわね。ううん、今は…平気よ。 Autumn. That's right, Zuikaku. Autumn makes you feel a bit lonely, doesn't it? No, it's okay. I'm fine now. Zuikaku was sunk on 25 October 1944 during Fall season.
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Halloween 2015
Fall Event 2015
Fall Event 2015
Christmas 2015
瑞鶴?どうしたの、何をそんなにイライラしているの?せっかくのクリスマス、これを食べて落ち着いて、ね?…え?ええ~っ!? What's the matter, Zuikaku? What's with the annoyed face? It's Christmas time, have some of this and relax, okay? Eh, Ehhh~!?
Christmas 2015
Christmas 2015
End of Year 2015
師走はやはり色々と忙しいわね。瑞鶴、その布巾は食器用よ・・・ああ、違うの、こっちよ・・・って、ああ!イ・・・タタ・・・ああ!イヤだ!! December is a busy month. Zuikaku, that cloth is for the tablewares. Ah, that's not it, it's this one... huh? Aah! Oww... Ah, oh dear!!
New Year 2016
提督、新年明けましておめでとうございます!本年も、妹の瑞鶴共々どうぞよろしくお願い致します! Admiral, A happy new year to you! I hope this year you will take care of me and my sister, Zuikaku as well.
New Year 2016
Setsubun 2016
瑞鶴、節分よ。……ううん、心配しないで。鬼役は私に任せて。慣れているから……。 Zuikaku, It's Setsubun. ....No, don't worry. Just leave the demon role to me. I'm used to it already...
Valentines Day 2016
提督、もしよろしければ、こちらをお受け取りいただけないでしょうか?・・・あぁ、よかった。ありがとうございます! Admiral, if it's okay with you can you receive this? Aah, thank goodness. Thank you!
Valentines Day 2016
Hinamatsuri 2016
少しずつ、春の陽気になってきました。提督、お花見、瑞鶴と三人で行きたいですね。 A little more and the cheerfulness of Spring will be here soon. Admiral, including me and Zuikaku, the three of us shall go for flower viewing. Spring line
Hinamatsuri 2016
White Day 2016
提督?これを私に?お返しですか?あら、やだ。ありがとうございます。楽しみです。うん?瑞鶴?瑞鶴、何を怒っているの? Admiral, is that for me? Your return gift? Oh, I see. Thank you so much. I'm glad for this. Zuikaku? Zuikaku, why are you mad?
Spring 2016
少しずつ春の陽気になってきました。提督、お花見、瑞鶴と三人で行きたいですね A little more and the cheerfulness of Spring will be here soon. Admiral, including me and Zuikaku, the three of us shall go for flower viewing. From Seasonal/Hinamatsuri_2016
Third Anniversary 2016
三周年、私もとっても嬉しく思います。ん、瑞鶴?瑞鶴?瑞鶴!?もう、瑞鶴またいないの? Third anniversary. I think that this is a wonderful event. Zuikaku? Zuikaku? Zuikaku!? Really, is Zuikaku not here again?
Third Anniversary 2016
Rainy Season 2016
梅雨の季節ですね。MO作戦の頃を思い出します。あのときもスコールが…ね、瑞鶴。 It is the rainy season. It reminds me the days of Operation MO. There was a squall then, too.... Right, Zuikaku? From Rainy Season 2015
Rainy Season 2016
Early Summer 2016
Mid-Summer 2016
Fall 2016
Fall 2016
Sanma 2016
Christmas 2016
New Year 2017
New Year 2017
Setsubun 2017
Valentines Day 2017
Valentines Day 2017
Hinamatsuri 2017
Hinamatsuri 2017
White Day 2017
Spring 2017
Fourth Anniversary 2017
Rainy Season 2017
Rainy Season 2017
Early Summer 2017
Mid-Summer 2017
Fall 2017
Sanma 2017
Late Fall 2017
Eve Of Battle
Fall 2017 Event
Christmas 2017
End Of Year 2017
New Year 2018
Setsubun 2018
Valentines Day 2018
Eve Of Battle 2018
Winter 2018 Event
White Day 2018 Event
Spring 2018 Event
Fifth Anniversary 2018
Rainy Season 2018
Summer 2018
Sanma 2018
Christmas 2018
End Of Year 2018
New Year 2019
Setsubun 2019
For new seasonal lines that may be missing here, check Seasonal



  • Shoukaku wears a shortened miko uniform with arm bracers and thigh boots with propellers protuding from them. Like most archer carriers, she wields a bow and wears a muneate inscribed with the katakana シ (shi), the first kana of her name. This refers to her identification symbol in real life.
  • Shoukaku has long silver hair with a hairband. Her flight deck is attached to her right arm.


  • Seiyu: Iori Nomizu (野水伊織)
  • Kind, a good sister, unlike Zuikaku she doesnt seems have problem with Cardiv 1.
  • in Fubuki Ganbarimasu manga she was called "ms.misfortune" due to her badluck by Oboro.


  • Requires Prototype Flight Deck Catapult for her Kai Ni remodel.
  • Upon reaching level 88, Shoukaku Kai Ni is capable of remodeling into Kai Ni A, which upgrades her into an armored carrier with better overall stats and the ability to use jet-powered and heavy aircraft at the cost of smaller total aircraft capacity.
    • Shoukaku Kai Ni A, like her sister Zuikaku, is capable of switching back and forth between her Kai Ni A and Kai Ni forms via remodeling.
    • Shoukaku must first be remodeled into Kai Ni in order to unlock the option of remodeling into Kai Ni A.
    • As an armored carrier similar to Taihou, Shoukaku Kai Ni A is capable of launching aircraft during the shelling phase even while in a medium damage state.
    • Switching between forms not only requires an expenditure of Ammo and Steel like with normal remodeling, but also requires Development Materials. (15 for from Kai Ni to Kai Ni A, 10 for from Kai Ni A to Kai Ni)
      • Modernization losses still apply when remodeling from/into Kai Ni A.
  • Shoukaku at her Kai Ni and Kai Ni A forms is the first carrier ingame to have an attack range of Medium instead of Short.


  • Her name translates to "soaring crane".
  • Sunk by American submarine USS Cavalla on 19 June 1944.
  • Taihou was made using Shoukaku's design as a basis.
    • Shoukaku's Kai Ni A remodel - based on the hypothetical scenario of Shoukaku surviving the Battle of the Philippine Sea and receiving upgrades - likely uses this lineage as the basis for Shoukaku's hypothetical conversion into an armored carrier.
    • Coincidentally, both were sunk by submarine attacks.
  • Her hair band bears the insignia of the Imperial Japanese Naval Air Service (this same insignia was also used by the Imperial Japanese Army Air Force and the modern Japanese Air Self Defense Force).
  • Shoukaku was considered the fastest carrier in World war 2 alongside with her sister Zuikaku, about 34.5 knots.

See Also

Template:Shoukaku Class

Ship · By Class · By Seiyuu · By Artist · Gallery · Start Stats · Max Stats · Drop List · Construction · Marriage · Enemy Vessel
Coastal Defense Ship Shimushu ShimushuShimushu · KunashiriKunashiri · HachijouHachijou · IshigakiIshigaki
Etorofu EtorofuEtorofu · MatsuwaMatsuwa · SadoSado · TsushimaTsushima · HiratoHirato · FukaeFukae
Mikura MikuraMikura · YashiroYashiro
Hiburi HiburiHiburi · DaitouDaitou
Type D Kaiboukan No.4Kaiboukan No
Destroyer Kamikaze KamikazeKamikaze · AsakazeAsakaze · HarukazeHarukaze · MatsukazeMatsukaze · HatakazeHatakaze
Mutsuki MutsukiMutsuki · KisaragiKisaragi · YayoiYayoi · UzukiUzuki · SatsukiSatsuki · MinazukiMinazuki · FumizukiFumizuki · NagatsukiNagatsuki · KikuzukiKikuzuki · MikazukiMikazuki · MochizukiMochizuki
Special Type Fubuki FubukiFubuki · ShirayukiShirayuki · HatsuyukiHatsuyuki · MiyukiMiyuki · MurakumoMurakumo · IsonamiIsonami · UsugumoUsugumo · UranamiUranami
Ayanami AyanamiAyanami · ShikinamiShikinami · AmagiriAmagiri · SagiriSagiri · OboroOboro · AkebonoAkebono · SazanamiSazanami · UshioUshio
Akatsuki AkatsukiAkatsuki · Hibiki/VerniyHibiki
 · IkazuchiIkazuchi · InazumaInazuma
Hatsuharu HatsuharuHatsuharu · NenohiNenohi · WakabaWakaba · HatsushimoHatsushimo · AriakeAriake
Shiratsuyu ShiratsuyuShiratsuyu · ShigureShigure · MurasameMurasame · YuudachiYuudachi · HarusameHarusame · SamidareSamidare · UmikazeUmikaze · YamakazeYamakaze · KawakazeKawakaze · SuzukazeSuzukaze
Asashio AsashioAsashio · OoshioOoshio · MichishioMichishio · ArashioArashio · AsagumoAsagumo · YamagumoYamagumo · MinegumoMinegumo · ArareArare · KasumiKasumi
Type A Kagerou KagerouKagerou · ShiranuiShiranui · KuroshioKuroshio · OyashioOyashio · HatsukazeHatsukaze · Yukikaze/Dan YangYukikaze
Dan Yang
 · AmatsukazeAmatsukaze · TokitsukazeTokitsukaze · UrakazeUrakaze · IsokazeIsokaze · HamakazeHamakaze · TanikazeTanikaze · NowakiNowaki · ArashiArashi · HagikazeHagikaze · MaikazeMaikaze · AkigumoAkigumo
Yuugumo YuugumoYuugumo · MakigumoMakigumo · KazagumoKazagumo · NaganamiNaganami · TakanamiTakanami · FujinamiFujinami · HayanamiHayanami · HamanamiHamanami · OkinamiOkinami · KishinamiKishinami · AsashimoAsashimo · HayashimoHayashimo · AkishimoAkishimo · KiyoshimoKiyoshimo
Type B Akizuki AkizukiAkizuki · TeruzukiTeruzuki · SuzutsukiSuzutsuki · HatsuzukiHatsuzuki
Type C Shimakaze ShimakazeShimakaze
Type D Matsu MatsuMatsu · TakeTake
Type 1934 Z1Z1 · Z3Z3
Maestrale MaestraleMaestrale · GrecaleGrecale · LibeccioLibeccio · SciroccoScirocco
Fletcher FletcherFletcher · JohnstonJohnston
John C. Butler Samuel B. RobertsSamuel B
J JervisJervis · JanusJanus
Tashkent TashkentTashkent
Light Cruiser Tenryuu TenryuuTenryuu · TatsutaTatsuta
Kuma KumaKuma · TamaTama · KitakamiKitakami · OoiOoi · KisoKiso
Nagara NagaraNagara · IsuzuIsuzu · NatoriNatori · YuraYura · KinuKinu · AbukumaAbukuma
Sendai SendaiSendai · JintsuuJintsuu · NakaNaka
Yuubari YuubariYuubari
Agano AganoAgano · NoshiroNoshiro · YahagiYahagi · SakawaSakawa
Ooyodo OoyodoOoyodo
Duca degli Abruzzi Duca degli AbruzziDuca degli Abruzzi · Giuseppe GaribaldiGiuseppe Garibaldi
St. Louis HelenaHelena
Atlanta AtlantaAtlanta
Town SheffieldSheffield
Gotland GotlandGotland
De Ruyter De RuyterDe Ruyter
Perth PerthPerth
Torpedo Cruiser Kuma KitakamiKitakami Kai · OoiOoi Kai · KisoKiso Kai Ni
Training Cruiser Katori KatoriKatori · KashimaKashima
Heavy Cruiser Furutaka FurutakaFurutaka · KakoKako
Aoba AobaAoba · KinugasaKinugasa
Myoukou MyoukouMyoukou · NachiNachi · AshigaraAshigara · HaguroHaguro
Takao TakaoTakao · AtagoAtago · MayaMaya · ChoukaiChoukai
Mogami MogamiMogami · MikumaMikuma · SuzuyaSuzuya · KumanoKumano
Tone ToneTone · ChikumaChikuma
Admiral Hipper Prinz EugenPrinz Eugen
Zara ZaraZara · PolaPola
Northampton HoustonHouston
Aviation Cruiser Mogami MogamiMogami Kai · MikumaMikuma Kai · SuzuyaSuzuya Kai · KumanoKumano Kai
Tone ToneTone Kai Ni · ChikumaChikuma Kai Ni
Battleship Fast Battleship Kongou KongouKongou · HieiHiei · HarunaHaruna · KirishimaKirishima
Bismarck BismarckBismarck
Vittorio Veneto Littorio/ItaliaLittorio
 · RomaRoma
North Carolina WashingtonWashington
South Dakota South DakotaSouth Dakota
Iowa IowaIowa
Richelieu RichelieuRichelieu
Gangut Gangut/Oktyabrskaya RevolyutsiyaGangut
Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya
Battleship Fusou FusouFusou · YamashiroYamashiro
Ise IseIse · HyuugaHyuuga
Nagato NagatoNagato · MutsuMutsu
Yamato YamatoYamato · MusashiMusashi
Colorado ColoradoColorado
Queen Elizabeth WarspiteWarspite
Nelson NelsonNelson
Aviation Battleship Fusou FusouFusou Kai · YamashiroYamashiro Kai
Ise IseIse Kai · HyuugaHyuuga Kai
Carrier Light Carrier Houshou HoushouHoushou
Ryuujou RyuujouRyuujou
Ryuuhou RyuuhouRyuuhou
Shouhou ShouhouShouhou · ZuihouZuihou
Hiyou HiyouHiyou · JunyouJunyou
Chitose ChitoseChitose Carrier · ChiyodaChiyoda Carrier
Kasuga Maru Kasuga MaruKasuga Maru
Taiyou TaiyouTaiyou · ShinyouShinyou
Mogami SuzuyaSuzuya Carrier Kai Ni · KumanoKumano Carrier Kai Ni
Casablanca Gambier BayGambier Bay
Standard Carrier Akagi AkagiAkagi
Kaga KagaKaga
Souryuu SouryuuSouryuu
Hiryuu HiryuuHiryuu
Shoukaku ShoukakuShoukaku · ZuikakuZuikaku
Unryuu UnryuuUnryuu · AmagiAmagi · KatsuragiKatsuragi
Graf Zeppelin Graf ZeppelinGraf Zeppelin
Aquila AquilaAquila
Lexington SaratogaSaratoga
Essex IntrepidIntrepid
Yorktown HornetHornet
Ark Royal Ark RoyalArk Royal
Armored Carrier Shoukaku ShoukakuShoukaku Kai Ni A · ZuikakuZuikaku Kai Ni A
Taihou TaihouTaihou
Lexington SaratogaSaratoga Mk.II Mod
Submarine Junsen 3 I-8I-8
Junsen Type B I-19I-19 · I-26I-26
Junsen Type C I-47I-47
Kaidai VI I-168I-168
Junsen Type B Kai Ni I-58I-58
Junsen Type A Kai Ni I-13I-13 · I-14I-14
Sentoku I-400I-400 · I-401I-401
Type IXC U-boat U-511U-511
Ro-series Ro-500Ro-500
Guglielmo Marconi Luigi Torelli/UIT-25/I-504Luigi Torelli
Type 3 S.T.V. MaruyuMaruyu
Seaplane Tender Kamoi KamoiKamoi Kai
Chitose ChitoseChitose · ChiyodaChiyoda
Mizuho MizuhoMizuho
Nisshin NisshinNisshin
Akitsushima AkitsushimaAkitsushima
Commandant Teste Commandant TesteCommandant Teste
Auxiliary Ship Submarine Tender Jingei JingeiJingei
Taigei TaigeiTaigei
Fleet Oiler Kamoi KamoiKamoi
Kamoi Kai Bo
Revised Kazahaya HayasuiHayasui
Amphibious Assault Ship IJA R1 Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru
Hei Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru
Repair Ship Akashi AkashiAkashi
Fleet of Fog Playable Iona · Takao · Haruna
Enemy Nagara Class · Takao · Maya · Kirishima · Haruna · Kongou