KanColle Wiki

Time-limited game content for Pacific Saury Festival of 2016.


Class Ship girls (13)
Destroyers (5) Akebono, Isokaze, Shigure, Yuudachi, Yuugumo
Light Cruisers (1) Tama
Heavy Cruisers (1) Zara
Battleships (2) Fusou, Kongou
Light Carriers (1) Ryuuhou
Standard Carriers (1) Amagi
Auxiliaries (2) Akitsu Maru, Taigei
Artist (9)
drew Akebono
Fujikawa Yuugumo
JiJi Zara
Konishi Kongou
Kujou Ichiso Shigure, Taigei, Ryuuhou, Yuudachi
Kuu Ro Kuro Akitsu Maru, Amagi
Parsley Isokaze
Rikka Fusou


Light Cruisers[]

Heavy Cruisers[]


Aircraft Carriers[]


Twitter Avatars and Illustrations[]


Class Ship girls (79)
Destroyers (38) Akatsuki, Akigumo, Amatsukaze, Arare, Arashi, Arashio, Asashimo, Ayanami, Fumizuki, Harukaze, Harusame, Hatsuzuki, Hibiki, Ikazuchi, Inazuma, Isokaze, Kamikaze, Kasumi, Kikuzuki, Libeccio, Makigumo, Michishio, Mikazuki, Mochizuki, Murasame, Mutsuki, Naganami, Nagatsuki, Ooshio, Oyashio, Satsuki, Shigure, Shikinami, Shiratsuyu, Uranami, Uzuki, Yayoi, Yuugumo
Light Cruisers (6) Agano, Noshiro, Ooyodo, Sakawa, Yura, Yuubari
Heavy Cruisers (10) Aoba, Atago, Kinugasa, Kumano, Mikuma, Mogami, Pola, Suzuya, Takao, Zara
Battleships (10) Fusou, Haruna, Hiei, Iowa, Kirishima, Kongou, Musashi, Warspite, Yamashiro, Yamato
Light Carriers (3) Houshou, Ryuuhou, Ryuujou
Standard Carriers (6) Aquila, Graf Zeppelin, Hiryuu, Souryuu, Taihou, Unryuu
Submarines (4) I-168, I-58, Maruyu, I-26
Auxiliaries (2) Akitsu Maru, Kashima
Seiyuu (23)
Akasaki Chinatsu Aquila, Pola, Zara
Bridcut Sarah Emi Kumano, Suzuya, Yuubari
Chinami Hashimoto Iowa
Fujita Saki Fusou, Yamashiro
Hayami Saori Graf Zeppelin
Hidaka Rina Fumizuki, Kikuzuki, Mikazuki, Mochizuki, Mutsuki, Nagatsuki, Ryuujou, Satsuki, Uzuki, Yayoi
Hondo Kaede Oyashio
Kanemoto Hisako Harusame
Kawasumi Ayako Isokaze, Kamikaze, Ooyodo, Unryuu
Kayano Ai Arashi, Asashimo, Kashima
Kitou Akari Libeccio
Misato Musashi
Miyagawa Wakana Arare, Arashio, Kasumi, Michishio, Ooshio
Nakajima Megumi I-168, I-58, Hatsuzuki, Kinugasa, Mikuma
Noto Mamiko Akitsu Maru, Harukaze, Maruyu, Taihou
Ogura Yui Amatsukaze, I-26, Ryuuhou
Suzaki Aya Akatsuki, Aoba, Hibiki, Houshou, Ikazuchi, Inazuma, Mogami
Taketatsu Ayana Akigumo, Makigumo, Naganami, Yamato, Yuugumo
Tanibe Yumi Murasame, Shigure, Shiratsuyu, Yura
Touyama Nao Atago, Ayanami, Haruna, Hiei, Kirishima, Kongou, Shikinami, Takao
Uchida Shuu Warspite
Uesaka Sumire Hiryuu, Souryuu, Uranami
Yamada Yuki Agano, Noshiro, Sakawa


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Ayanami 特型駆逐艦綾波、秋刀魚漁支援、出撃準備完了です!司令官、いつでもお明示くださいね! Special class destroyer Ayanami, has finished her saury fishing sortie preparations! Commander, just give the order!
Shikinami 司令官、秋刀魚集めてるんだって?ほぇ~、秋刀魚好きだったんだ。へ?違う?あくまで支援任務?そうなんだ。なぁんだ…せっかく敷波が秋刀魚焼いてあげようと思ったのに… Commander, I heard you were gathering saury? Ehh~ so you liked saury. Eh? No? It's just a support mission? So that's what it was... Just when Shikinami was thinking of giving you saury.
Mutsuki 如月ちゃん、秋刀魚漁だよ、秋刀魚漁!睦月型も頑張って参加するにゃしい!いざ、出発にゃ~!おお~! Kisaragi-chan! It's saury fishing! Saury fishing! The Mutsuki-class is going to do their best in participating! Let's sortie! Oooooh!
Kisaragi 秋刀魚漁のお手伝い?如月にできるかしら?睦月ちゃん張り切ってのね。うふふふ。可愛いわ。 Helping out with Saury fishing? Can Kisaragi really do it? Mutsuki-chan is quite fired up for it, huh. Ufufufu. How cute.
Satsuki 司令官、秋刀魚祭りだね!わかった、僕も力を貸すよ!お祭りは楽しいね! Commander, it's the Saury Festival isn't it? All right, I'll lend you my strength. The festival is so fun, isn't it?
Fumizuki 秋刀魚漁だよ~!あたし、文月も漁の支援にでるから~。司令官、任せて、任せて~! It's saury fishing! I, Fumizuki, is going to be in it as well. Commander, leave it to me, leave it to me~
Nagatsuki 秋刀魚か…悪くない。手伝おう。蒲焼もいいが、やはり塩焼きだろう。楽しみだ。 Saury, huh... I don't hate it. I'll help out. Kabayaki's not bad, but it's better grilled. Looking forward to it.
Kikuzuki よし、秋刀魚漁か、任せておけ。神の生業を助けること、この菊月、嫌いではない。 Alirght, Saury fishing, huh? Leave it to me. Kikuzuki doesn't mind helping out the people who do this for a living.
Mikazuki 秋刀魚漁支援、ですか。 了解です、この三日月にお任せください。頑張ります! Support the saury fishing, is it? Understood, please leave it to me, Mikazuki. I'll work hard!
Mochizuki あ~、秋刀魚漁? めんどいってそういうの。あたしゃ、出来たもんを食いたいのよぉ。 Ah, Saury fishing? That sounds like a real pain... I really just want to to eat them when we're done.
Akatsuki 秋刀魚を集めるんでしょ? 任せておいて! 第六駆逐隊の力、見てなさい! You're gathering saury, aren't you? Just leave it to us! We will show you the power of the 6thDesDiv.
Hibiki 秋刀魚漁支援任務、了解。響、出る。Ура!(ウラー!) 。 'Saury Fishing Support Mission', affirmative. Hibiki, sortieing out. Ура!
秋刀魚漁支援任務、了解。Верный、出る。Ура!(ウラー!) 。 'Saury Fishing Support Mission', affirmative. Verniy, sortieing out. Ура! As Verniy
Ikazuchi この雷様が、頑張って大漁旗作ったんだから!あっ、電にも手伝ってもらったわ。 I, the great Ikazuchi-sama, did my best to make the 'Fleet Fishery Banner'! Ah, and I got help from Inazuma too.
Inazuma 電も大漁旗作り、お手伝いしたのです!頑張ったので、飾ってくれるとうれしいのです! Inazuma helped in making the 'Fleet Fishery Banner' too. I did my best, so I would be happy if you decorate the room with it.
Shiratsuyu 提督、この秋は何かさ、音頭踊りたくない?音頭だよ、音頭!やっぱ秋といえば音頭だよね! Admiral, This autumn don't you feel like dancing to a folk song? Yes a folk song! Autumn is all about the folk songs! 音頭(onndo) are Japanese folk songs that are usually played at festivals and are danced to.
Shigure 秋刀魚漁の季節だね、提督。僕も頑張るよ。 It's the season for saury fishing, Admiral. I'll do my best as well.
提督、秋刀魚漁は、今年は大変そうだ。僕も本気でいくよ。 Admiral, the saury fishing seems like a lot of work this year. I'll put my all in to it. Secretary 2
そうだね、次の漁場は北の方がいいかもしれない。ポイントを変えてみよう。 You're right, the next fishing spot would probably be better up north. Let's change points. Secretary 3
Murasame この秋もちょっといい村雨F作業見て共い?うんうん、任せておいて、頑張ります! Would you like to see my fishing operation? Hmhm, leave it to me. I'll do my best.
Ooshio 大潮、秋刀魚大好きです!秋刀魚漁支援任務も、アゲアゲで参ります! Ooshio loves saury! I do my absolute best with the Saury Fishing Support Mission!
秋刀魚の季節!大潮アゲアゲで参ります!改装された大潮のこの力、秋刀魚漁でもアゲアゲで活躍です!はい! The season of saury! Ooshio is fired up! With my power gained from remodeling, I'll fire it up with the saury fishing as well! As Kai Ni
She says a pun in Japanese with her favourite phrase アゲアゲ(ageage) which means to fire it up or to liven up but which also means to bring it up. bringing it up as in bringing the fish up.
Michishio 秋刀魚?はぁ?何バカ言ってんの?え…あたしも?うそでしょ!?やだやだ、引っ張んないでよ! Saury? Hah? What the hell are you saying? eh... Me too? No it can't be! No, no don't pull me!
Arashio 秋刀魚漁ですか~?荒潮、魚臭くなる任務はあんまり…でも仕方ないわ。助けてあ.げ.る。 Saury fishing~? Arashio does not like fishy smelling missions... But it can't be helped. I will help y.o.u.
Arare Arare likes saury too. I think it's especially good when you make Shioyaki with it.
Kasumi 秋刀魚漁ですって!?行くなら行く!はっきりしなさいな!…私も行くから!探照灯も…よし。これで大丈夫ね! Saury fishing!? If you want to go, go! Make up your decision! ... I'll go as well! Searchlights... check. Now it'll be alright!
秋刀魚漁?仕方ない。私が付き合ってあげるわ。もう、見てらんないから!大丈夫!私が出るには大漁よ! Saury fishing? It can't be helped. I'll tag along because I can't bear to watch! Don't worry! With me going it'll be a big catch! As Kai Ni
Akigumo 秋刀魚漁支援艦隊かぁ~!雄壮なような、全然そうでないような…あれは夕張さんかぁ、スゴイな!ある種気合のガン積みだな!…ラフ切っとこ。 Saury fishing support fleet huh. How heroic of us...that's not the case at all... Ah, that's Yuubar-san. Awesome! The way she yells as she loads her gun- Rough cut.
Yuugumo うふふ…漁師さんたちの支援ね、任せて。そういうのは得意なの。さあ、秋雲さん。絵ばっかり描いてないで、お仕事よ。 Ufufu~ The Fishing Division's support mission eh? Leave it to me. I'm good at that kind of thing. Now, Akigumo, stop drawing pictures - we have work to do.
Makigumo 夕雲姉さん、漁師さんの援護とサポートですか?お任せください!この巻雲の得意とするところです!頑張ります!えい、えい、おー! Yuugumo-neesan, are we going to support and cover the Fishing Division? Leave it to me! It's Makigumo's specialty! Ei, ei, oooh!
Naganami 秋刀魚漁ってマジ!?え!?艦隊で支援に出んの?マジで!?いやあ仕方ない、仕方ないなぁ!あたしはやるときはやるぜぇ?高波!探照灯ありったけ持ってこい! Eh? We're going Sanma fishin'? I'm out as fleet support? For real!? Aww shucks, can't say no to that! I'm all game if that's my job. Takanami, bring all the searchlights you can find!
Yayoi 秋刀魚は…好き、です…秋刀魚祭り、弥生、いいと、思います… I like... saury. Saury Festival... Yayoi thinks... it's a good thing.
Uzuki 秋刀魚~!秋刀魚は任せておくぴょん!うーちゃんの奥義、ダブル探照灯で挑むぴょん!…意味?意味は特にないぴょん。ファッションぴょ~ん! Saury~! Leave the saury to me pyon! It's Ucchan's secret double searchlight challenge pyon! What does that mean? There's no particular meaning pyon. It's just a fashion choice pyon!
Isokaze ゴホッ…。いや、秋刀魚はな、こうやって丁寧に焼き上げて、おかしい、おかしいぞ。浦風から聞いていたのと何か、違う…。 (cough)... No, saury are supposed to be grilled gently like this... something's wrong, something's wrong here. This is different from what I heard from Urakaze...
Amatsukaze 秋刀魚漁?しっかたないわね。あたしがサポートしてあげるわ。探照灯と探信儀よね?フン。ばっちりよ。 Saury fishing? It can't be helped. I'll support you. Searchlights and sonar right? Funn. I've got it.
Harusame As always, being with the Commander and the 2nd Destroyer Division makes me want to do my best. Yep!
Hatsuzuki 北洋漁業?いや、秋刀魚漁の支援か。なるほど。この季節ならではだな。よし、僕も一肌脱ごう。探照灯だな? North Pacific Ocean Fishery? No, it was just supporting saury fishing. I see. It's because it's the season. Alright, I'll do my best as well. Searchlights right?
Asashimo あたい、秋刀魚は嫌いじゃないんだよね~。「本気」と書いて「マジ」と読む。「本気」でとるぜ~!やる! I don't not like saury. You write it as 'Honki' but read it as 'Maji'. I'll 「本気で」(majide) catch them! I'll do it! In Japanese when trying to express yourself more clearly, sometimes a kanji is read in a different way.

In this case she is using the words 本気(honki) and マジ(maji) which both mean serious. The word Honki is both literary and colloquially used whereas Maji is only colloquially used. By combining the two she is showing her seriousness but still keeps it casual.

Arashi なんか皆探照灯と三式磨いてんな…どうしたんだ?何が始まるんだ? Everyone's bringing their searchlights and Type-3's(Sonar). What's wrong? What are they starting? "Sanma Wars Two"

"What are they starting" might be a reference to the Japanese dub of the movie "Commando" where a military personnel talk to one another what's going to start, and the 2nd guy replies "World War 3"

Oyashio さ、秋刀魚漁、ですか!?了解です!第十五駆逐隊、秋刀魚漁支援に出撃します!黒潮さん、灯りを持って。参りましょう! S- Saury fishing!? Roger! Destroyer Division 15 will sortie on a saury fishing support mission! Kuroshio-san, get the lights. Let's move out!
Kamikaze これが噂の秋刀魚漁支援艦隊…えっと…私もまず装備から、かな…光り物は必須よね、多分…あとは…… So this is the rumored Saury Fishing Support Fleet... Umm... Let's start with the equipment... We'll probably need this light source... and also...
Harukaze 秋刀魚漁を支援されると言うのですね。了解いたしました。私も出漁いたします。 I'll be in this thing called Saury Fishing Support Mission right? Roger that. I will also go out fishing.
Minazuki はぅぅ…これが噂に聞く、鎮守府秋刀魚祭り…?どんだけの艦隊が秋刀魚漁に出てるっていうんだろう…なんかすごすぎ…えへへ… Hauu... So this is the rumored naval district's Saury Festival? In what kind of fleet does saury fishing show up? It's kind of amazing.
Uranami 艦隊で秋刀魚漁支援ですか?了…了解です!第十九駆逐隊、出撃準備に入ります! The fleet's Saury Fishing Support Mission? Roger that! The 19th Destroyer Division will prepare to sortie!

Light Cruisers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Yura 提督さん、秋刀魚の塩焼きは美味しい季節ですね?ね?夜も焼いてみたいな Admiral, it's the season that's best for saury shioyaki. I want to try grilling them even in the evening.
Yuubari さあ、来た!秋刀魚漁の季節!よーし、頑張ろう!明石、秋刀魚漁用のいい装備、がっつり持ってきて?よーし! It's here! The saury fishing season! I'm going to do my best! Akashi, bring out all the best saury fishing equipment!
秋刀魚漁用装備、あれは…よし、これも…よし、よーし、満載!ここは私が頑張るところ。今年もやるわ!夕張、出撃します! Saury fishing equipment, that is good... this is good to go as well... I'm fully loaded! I'm going to do my best this year too! Yuubari, sortieing! Secretary 2
Agano いよいよ秋刀魚祭りね!大丈夫、任せて!阿賀野がちゃ~んと秋刀魚を集めてしっかり獲って見せるから!…え…阿賀野…お留守番…?そんなぁ~っ! It's the saury festival soon right? It will be okay, leave it to me! Agano will show you that she can properly gather and firmly catch them! Eh? Agano... will stay at home? That can't be!
Noshiro 秋刀魚漁支援任務ですね!能代、了解いたしました!探照灯、熟練見張員、っと………あと魚群探知機は…これでいいかしら。 It's saury fishing support mission! Noshiro, I got it! Search light, skilled lookouts...... and fish finder... is this alright?
Sakawa ぴゃあっ!秋刀魚さん!酒匂お魚大好き!頑張る!ぴゃあっ! Pya! Saury-san! Sakawa likes fish! I'll do my best! Pya!
Ooyodo 灯り、よし!水中探信儀、よし!大淀、装備は万全です!北方海域及び、近海秋刀魚漁支援艦隊、抜錨準備完了しました! Light check! Sonar, check! Ooyodo's equipment is all set! Ready to sortie to the Northern Waters in support of the Saury Fishing Fleet.

Heavy Cruisers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Mogami へぇ~、秋刀魚漁かぁ。いいねぇ、僕も手伝うよ!装備が肝心だね。まず、光り物は必須だよね! Eh~ saury fishing? That sounds good, let me help too! Equipment is essential right? First, a light source is needed, right?
Aoba 秋刀魚漁が本格化しましたっ! ここは秋刀魚漁支援艦隊に同行して、密着取材しなくてはっ! 青葉、出撃、いや、取材しま~すっ! Saury fishing is fully in progress! I'm here to cover the fleet's Saury Fishing Support Mission. Aoba, sortieing, no, covering!
Takao さあ愛宕、私達の漁場守るはよ!四戦隊、出撃!秋刀魚漁支援作戦を実施します! Okay, Atago, let's go to the fishing grounds. Fourth Squadron, setting sail! Starting the Saury Fishing Support Operation!
Atago あら高雄、秋刀魚漁のサポート張り切ってるのね?漁師の方も喜んでるは。 Ah, Takao, are you excited to support the Saury fishing? The fisherman will be so happy.
Mikuma 秋刀魚?高級魚ですの?ふーん…三隈、秋刀魚はあまり…あっ!…美味しい!秋刀魚、美味しいですわ! Saury? Is that some premium fish? Huh... Mikuma does not really... Oh!... Delicious! Saury is delicious!
Kinugasa 秋刀魚漁のシーズンね!よーし、この衣笠さん、ひと肌もふた肌も脱いじゃおっかな!探照灯と見張員さんもバッチリよ! It's Saury fishing season! Right, I'll get undressed then! Search lights and lookouts in place!
Suzuya 秋刀魚?うん、食べるのは好きだけど……えぇ~秋刀魚漁に出るの?なんかヌメヌメしそうでちょっとやだなぁ~… Saury? Yeah, I do like to eat them... Whaa- We're going fishing for them? Seems like it'd be really slimy work, don't feel like doing it~...
Kumano 秋刀魚?なんですのそれは…?サンドイッチの具にも合いますの?えっ?やり方によってはいける?そう…なら、全力で行くしかないですわ!鈴谷、出かけますわよ! Saury? What is that? Are they ingredients for a sandwich? Eh? You can do use them that way? I see, then I'll contribute all my might! Suzuya, let's be off!
Zara サンマー!うん、いいわね。ピザやパスタにも合いそう!手伝うわ!何すればいい? Saury! Yep, it's good. It can be used in pizza and pasta! I'll help out! How should we do this?
Pola サンマーフェス?よくわからないけれど、ザラ姉様、ポーラもお手伝いしまーす! Saury Festival? Don't really get it, Zara-neesama, but Pola will lend a hand too!


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Kongou サンマ…?Oh、秋刀魚デスネー! 探照灯を満載して、ギョジョーに向かうデース! こういうのも、楽しいネー! "Saury"...? Oh! That saury! I'll load up on searchlights and head towards the fishing grounds! This is going to be fun!
Hiei 金剛お姉さま、サンマ漁です!秋刀魚です!旬の秋刀魚は脂がのっていて美味しいですよねぇ。…そうだ、今度カレーに入れてみるのはどうでしょう!?…よぉ~し、試してみよっ♪ Kongou oneesama, it's saury fishing! Saury! Saury that is in season is has a lot of fat and is delicious. ...Ah, right, maybe I should try putting some in curry! ... Alright, let's try it♪
Haruna 漁場での勝手は!榛名が!許しません!…はいっ提督。榛名、サンマ漁支援に出撃します!お任せください! Haruna will not forgive any wrongdoings on the fishing grounds! Yes, Admiral, Haruna will sortie to support the saury fishing! Leave it to me!
Kirishima …お姉さま、如何なサンマ漁支援とはいえ、その装備は…。…探照灯だけをそんなに積んでも…。


...Onee-sama, even if it's to support the saury fishing that equipment setup is... Only carrying searchlights is...

... You're right, we should ask the escort torpedo squadron to increase the number of lookouts and fish detectors.

Fusou 山城、一緒に頑張りましょうね。 Yamashiro, Let's do our best together
Yamashiro 姉様、さすがです! Nee-sama, you're the best!
Yamato 秋刀魚?秋刀魚漁支援ですか?了解しました。この戦艦大和、北方海域に向かいましょう! Saury? Saury fishing support? I understand. I, Battleship Yamato, will head towards the Northern seas!
Musashi 秋刀魚漁支援だと?この武蔵が、か?ハハ、よかろう!存分にこの力を貸すぞ! Saury fishing support? Me Musashi? Ha ha, Alright! I'll lend you my strength! The resource consumption would be crazy...
Warspite 秋刀魚?Fishの?戦艦が漁業のsupportをするなんて、日本の艦隊はいいところ、あるわね!私も手伝うわ! Saury? The fish? Battleships supporting with fishing, Japan's fleet has some good things! I'll help as well!
Iowa Sanma? What? なんでsanma?… Fishing… support? Grand fleetって、大変なのね。 Saury? What? Why saury?... Fishing... support? The Combined Fleet have it rough.

Light Carriers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Houshou 確かに、旬の秋刀魚は大変美味しい物です。塩焼きもお刺身もいいですね。準備しますね。 Certainly, in-season saury is quite a treat. Whether grilled or sliced into sashimi, both are good choices. I shall prepare them.
Ryuujou ほっほ~う、秋刀魚漁の支援やな?上空直掩は、ウチにまかしとき!秋刀魚かぁ…アイツも好きそうだなぁ…せや!今度焼いて持ってったろ!うん! Ho ho, I have to support the saury fishing right? Leave the aerial support to me! Sauries huh... I'm sure that person would like them... Alright! Next time I'll cook and bring some! Yes!
Ryuuhou 艦隊全力で秋刀魚漁支援ですか?龍鳳、了解しました!磯風さん、浜風さんも、準備万端ですね? Supporting the saury fishing with the fleet's full force? Affirmative! Isokaze-san, Hamakaze-san, are your preparations done?

Standard Carriers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Souryuu 秋刀魚って、あの秋刀魚?ほぇ~、いいけど、確かに塩焼き、おいしいよね! Saury? Is it that saury? ho~, That's OK but you're right grilled salted saury is delicious!
Hiryuu くんくん、秋刀魚の塩焼きのいい匂い!そっか、鎮守府秋刀魚祭りの季節!いいねぇ! (sniff) (sniff).. The grilled salted saury smells good! That's right it's the season of the Naval Base Saury Festival! That's great!
Taihou み、皆さんどうしたんですか?その編成、装備は一体?え?北方秋刀魚漁支援ですか?そ、そうですか…そう… E-everyone what is going on? what's with that fleet composition and equipment? Northern Sea Saury Fishing Support? I-I see.. I see...
Unryuu やだ、秋刀魚って、こんなにおいしいのね。旬の食べ物って、本当に素敵ね。そうだ、今度、時雨にも食べさせよ。うふふ Oh my, saury is really delicious. Food that is in season is really wonderful. Oh, I know, next time I'll let Shigure eat some. ufufu.
Graf Zeppelin 何? サンマ? ……どういうことだ。貴官の言う作戦任務が、全く理解できない。漁場保護……と、支援……だと? なるほど。……あ、いや、待て待て待て。 What? Saury? .... What is all this about? I don't understand any of this operation. Protecting our fishing grounds... and supporting..... them? I see.... No wait, wait, wait.
Aquila Sanma?  知らないお魚ですね…。 日本のお祭りですか? ふむ ふむ… 漁師さん達の支援なのですね! りょう・かい・です♪ Sanma? Never heard of that fish... Is it a Japanese festival? Hm Hm... we are supporting the fishermen right? I . Got. It♪ Copying Akagi's Reppu line.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
I-168 秋刀魚漁の支援ね!私達潜水艦はあんまりどうかと思うけど……うん!やってみようか!気持ちで応援!とか出来るし! Supporting the saury fishing, is it?! I don't think we submarines can do much, but... Sure! Let's give it a try! I can give them moral support, at the very least!
I-58 秋刀魚祭りでち!秋刀魚は光に集まる習性があるから、漁にはぴかーっと光るもの、持って行くといいでち! It's the saury festival-dechi! Sauries have a tendency to be attracted by light so you should bring something that shines brightly when going fishing-dechi!
Maruyu 何やら艦隊が忙しそう。灯りをいっぱいつけて、北方の海域に出ていく。木曾さん、あれって……ふむふむ、あ、なるほど、そうだったんですね。
I-26 くん、くん、くん…この匂いは、もしかして秋刀魚?秋刀魚焼いてるの?食べたい、食べたい、食べたーい!
  • Sniff sniff sniff* Could this smell be saury? You're grilling saury? I want, want, want to eat it!


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Akitsu Maru これがサンマ漁支援任務でありますか。自分も参加してみたくはありますが…。提督殿、装備によっては可能でありましょうか? So this is the Sanma fishing support mission. Admiral, I would request to be enlisted for this operation. But will these equipment suffice, sir?
Kashima 秋刀魚…ですか……わかりました、私、漁場警備も頑張ります!え?取るんですか!? Saury.. I see... I understand, I'll do my best to patrol our fishing grounds! Eh? I have to catch them!?
Taigei 艦隊で秋刀魚漁支援ですか?了解しました!あ、磯風さんも準備万端ですね~よし! Supporting the saury fishing with the rest of the fleet? Affirmative! Ah, Isokaze-san is fully prepared as well, aren't you. Alright then!



2016 Fall Mini-Event
No. - Japanese Romanization English
1 「鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改」 Chinjufu Sanma Matsuri Kai Mackerel Pike Festival Kai
2 「艦娘音頭」 Kanmusu Ondo Kanmusu Ondo