KanColle Wiki

Time-limited game content for Summer 2016, overrides and complements Early Summer content


Class Ship girls (10)
Destroyers (2) Libeccio, Z3
Light Cruisers (1) Ooyodo
Heavy Cruisers (1) Mikuma
Battleships (2) Haruna, Yamato
Light Carriers (1) Ryuuhou
Auxiliaries (2) Mizuho, Taigei
NPC (1) Ooyodo NPC
Artist (8)
Akira Mizuho
Fujikawa Ooyodo, Ooyodo NPC
JiJi Libeccio
Konishi Haruna
Kujou Ichiso Taigei, Ryuuhou
Shibafu Mikuma
Shimada Humikane Z3
Shizuma Yoshinori Yamato


Light Cruisers[]

Heavy Cruisers[]


Light Carriers[]



Twitter Avatars[]


Class Ship girls (77)
Destroyers (42) Akatsuki, Akigumo, Amatsukaze, Arashi, Asashio, Ayanami, Fubuki, Fumizuki, Hagikaze, Hatsukaze, Hatsuzuki, Hibiki, Ikazuchi, Inazuma, Kagerou, Kawakaze, Kazagumo, Kikuzuki, Kisaragi, Kuroshio, Libeccio, Maikaze, Makigumo, Michishio, Mikazuki, Mochizuki, Mutsuki, Nagatsuki, Ooshio, Samidare, Satsuki, Shigure, Shikinami, Shimakaze, Shiranui, Suzukaze, Takanami, Teruzuki, Tokitsukaze, Umikaze, Yuudachi, Yuugumo
Light Cruisers (9) Abukuma, Jintsuu, Kinu, Kiso, Kuma, Tama, Tenryuu, Yura, Yuubari
Heavy Cruisers (11) Aoba, Atago, Haguro, Kako, Kumano, Maya, Mikuma, Mogami, Myoukou, Suzuya, Takao
Battleships (4) Kongou, Littorio, Roma, Yamato
Light Carriers (4) Houshou, Ryuuhou, Ryuujou, Zuihou
Standard Carriers (1) Graf Zeppelin
Submarines (3) I-58, I-8, Ro-500
Auxiliaries (3) Akitsushima, Hayasui, Mizuho
Seiyuu (24)
Bridcut Sarah Emi Hatsukaze, Kumano, Maikaze, Suzuya, Yuubari
Fujita Saki Kagerou, Kuroshio, Shiranui, Tokitsukaze
Hayami Saori Graf Zeppelin, Hagikaze
Hidaka Rina Fumizuki, Kikuzuki, Kisaragi, Mikazuki, Mochizuki, Mutsuki, Nagatsuki, Ryuujou, Satsuki
Iguchi Yuka Tenryuu
Ishigami Shizuka Kawakaze, Mizuho, Umikaze
Kayano Ai Arashi, Ro-500
Kitou Akari Kazagumo, Libeccio
Komatsu Mana Zuihou
Komatsu Mikako Akitsushima, Teruzuki
Kuno Misaki Littorio, Roma, Takanami
Misato I-8
Miyagawa Wakana Asashio, Michishio, Ooshio
Nakajima Megumi I-58, Hatsuzuki, Mikuma
Nomizu Iori Abukuma, Hayasui, Kinu
Ogura Yui Amatsukaze, Ryuuhou
Ootsubo Yuka Kako
Sakura Ayane Jintsuu, Kiso, Kuma, Shimakaze, Tama
Suzaki Aya Akatsuki, Aoba, Hibiki, Houshou, Ikazuchi, Inazuma, Mogami
Taketatsu Ayana Akigumo, Makigumo, Yamato, Yuugumo
Taneda Risa Haguro, Myoukou, Samidare, Suzukaze
Tanibe Yumi Shigure, Yura, Yuudachi
Touyama Nao Atago, Ayanami, Kongou, Maya, Shikinami, Takao
Uesaka Sumire Fubuki


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Mid-Summer 2015
Mutsuki およ?提督、一泳ぎに行くのかにゃ?睦月もお付き合いするの!水着、水着! Oh? You going for a dip in the water, Admiral? Mutsuki is coming too! Swimsuit, swimsuit!
Kisaragi ほら、海に行きましょ!あ、艤装や服とか脱いで。ね?如月の水着、どう? Hey, let's go to the beach! Ah, let's take off our equipments and clothes. Okay? How does my swimsuit look?
Fubuki 特型駆逐艦、集合!夏の演習を始めます!二隻一組になって。あ…はっ、そうだ!私と組もう!ね? Gather up, Special Type Destroyers! We'll begin our Summer Training! Pair up. Ah... Oh, right! You'll pair with me! Okay? Currently, there are 16 of 24 Special Type Destroyers implemented in KC (6 Fubuki class, 6 Ayanami Class and 4 Akatsuki Class). Discounting Fubuki, there would be an odd number of girls left.
Ayanami 夏は、やっぱり暑いですね。司令官、敷波が持ってきたスイカ、切りましょうか? Summer sure is hot. Commander, shall I open up the watermelon that Shikinami brought?
Shikinami 夏だよ、司令官。スイカ食べる?ああ、綾波にも持って行ってやろう!何か、いいよね。 It's summer, Commander. Wanna have some watermelon? Ah, I should bring some to Ayanami too! This is kinda nice.
Shigure やっぱり夏は暑いね。提督、大丈夫かい。そうか。提督は立派だね。見習うよ。 Summer sure is hot as expected. Admiral, are you fine? I see. The Admiral is exemplary, aren't you? I shall learn from you.
Yuudachi ちょっと暑すぎっぽい。艤装も服も脱いで、人泳ぎするしかないっぽい! It's, like, a little too hot. It's like we have no other choice, but to take our rigging and clothes off, and swim!
Samidare 夏ですね、夏!提督、一緒に海に行きましょ!って…あー、毎日行ってますね。 It's summer, summer! Admiral, let's go to the sea together! ...Ah-, we do go there everyday, didn't we.
Suzukaze 来た来た!この季節最高だぜ!やっぱあたいは夏が好きだな。いい感じだぜ! It's here, it's here! This season is the best! I like summer after all. It feels great!
Kagerou ほら!十八駆で海に行くわよ。ちゃんと服の下に水着着た?不知火、アンタもよ! Hey! We're going to sea with the 18th Des Div's members. Are you all making sure to wear your swimsuits under your clothes? Shiranui, this goes for you too!
Shiranui いや、海にはいつも行っています。夏だからといって水着でいく必要なぞ… No, the sea is somewhere we go all the time. There is no need to go in our swimsuits just because it's summer...
Kuroshio 司令はん?一緒に海にいかへん?いや、遠征とかやなくて、砂浜や! Chief? Why don't we go together to the sea? Nah, not to an expedition; to the sandy beach!
Hatsukaze いよいよ夏本番ね。何?泳ぎに行く?いいわよ。あっ、不知火とかも誘う?あっ、そうなんだ。 It's finally summer's time. What? Go for a swim? Fine. Ah, we're inviting Shiranui too? Ah, I see.
Tokitsukaze しれぇー!夏だよ!海に行こう!出撃じゃなくてさぁ!ほーら、早く早く早くー! Commander! It's summer! Let's go to the sea! Not on a sortie, you know! Come on, quickly, quickly, quickly-!
Maikaze 夏が来ました~。それ、ワン、ツー!あ、香取!また一緒に踊る? Summer has arrived~. Alright, one, two-! Ah, Katori! Shall we dance together again?
Takanami 夏ですね、司令官。氷小豆食べたいかもですね。間宮さん…あ、私出します! It's summer, Commander. I may want to eat some red beans on ice. Mamiya-san... Ah, I'll serve it!
Shimakaze なつー!連装砲ちゃんと泳ぎに行こう。泳ぎ比べも負けませんよ!だって速いもん! Summeeer! Let's go swimming with Rensouhou-chan. I won't lose even if we compete in swimming! After all, I'm fast!
New lines
Satsuki 司令官、皆とスイカ割り楽しいね! え、ボクに挑戦するの? ふふ、可愛いね♪ Commander, watermelon splitting with everyone is fun! Huh, you gonna challenge me? Hehe, ain't that cute of ya!
Fumizuki ふぇー、スイカ割りー? するするー、したーい♪ 私、得意なのー。いーい? えいっ♪ わぁっ!? Fuuee-, watermelon splitting? I'll do it, I'll do it, I want to do it♪! I'm pretty good at it~. Ready? Eeii♪! Waah!?
Nagatsuki よし! かなり元気が出てきたぞ。ああ、夏真っ盛りは得意だ、任せておいてくれ。 Ok! It's pretty good. Yeah, I'm good at the mid summer, leave it to me.
Kikuzuki ああ、スイカか。いいな。スイカ割りの太刀筋なら…この菊月、負けんぞ。 Ah, watermelons. Ok then. When it comes to the art of watermelon splitting..this Kikuzuki won't lose.
Mikazuki ふぅ、今年も夏をどうにか乗り越えられそう。司令官、感謝です。はい! Phew, looks like we managed to get through this year's summer. Thank you, Commander. Yes!
Mochizuki うぅ~、マジ暑し。もうダメだ、もうダメ。ラムネないし、アイスないし…もうダメだ! Uuuu~, it's seriously hot. Ugh, this sucks, really sucks. There's no Ramune, there's no ice...this just sucks!
Akatsuki もー、砂浜のお城作りは遊びじゃないわ! 立派な諸島防衛の築城演習なのよ。 Geez! Building a sandcastle is no game, you know! It's a way to practice on how to build a splendid coastal fortification.
Hibiki 暁、防波堤をもっと高く作らないと。あ……また作ればいいさ。手伝おう Akatsuki, you have to build the breakwater taller or else... Ah... it's fine, we can always build it again. Let me help you.
Ikazuchi 暁、そんな壁じゃ波にすぐやられちゃうわよ? そんなんじゃダメよ! あ、ほら。 Akatsuki, that kind of wall you built can be easily crushed by the waves, you know? That's no good at all! Ah, told ya.
Inazuma 雷ちゃん、暁ちゃんの砂のお城邪魔しちゃダメなのです。あ、喧嘩はダメなのですー! Ikazuchi-chan, you shouldn't disturb Akatsuki-chan's sandcastle. Ah, please don't fight with each other!
Asashio 司令官、夏です! 冷えたラムネでも酒保から持ってまいりましょうか? いつでもお命じ下さい!! Commander, it is summer! Shall I bring chilled Ramune from canteen? Please order at any time! !
Ooshio 司令官、アゲアゲの夏がやってまいりました! 第8駆逐隊もかき氷食べて、アゲアゲです! ガッツーンっ!? Commander, Summer of Age age has come! 8th destroyer division also eats shaved ice, then it is Age age!
Michishio 完全に夏ね。毎日暑いわ。え、水着になればいいって? はぁ?! 何いってんの? なんなの死にたいの?! ばかぁっ!! It is totally summer. It's hot everyday. Well, should I wear swimsuits? Huh? ! What are you saying? What kind of death do you want? ! Baka! !
Akigumo あ、いいねそのポーズ。その角度、動かないでー…お、そこも良いね♪ ちょっと待って、資料用に写真を…うっひょひょ~♪ 有りだね、夏っ!! Oh, that good pose. Don't leave that angle, don't move ... Oh, that is also good ♪ Wait a moment and have a picture for the material ... Uhhhhhhhhhh ~ ♪ That's good, summer! !
Yuugumo いやーね、秋雲さん。止めなさい、もう…あまりジロジロ見ないでね。頼みますよ? Well, Akigumo-san. Stop it, don't look so much. I'm begging you?
Makigumo 秋雲ー、なんでビーチにそんなもの持ち込んでるの? も~、こんなところでラフ起こすのやめてよ~! も~…あ、夕雲姉さんはだめ! Akigumo, what are you doing bringing such a thing to the beach? Ugh, Here is not a place to rough sketch! Ah, hey, Yuugumo-neesan, stop!
Amatsukaze もうすっかり夏ね。暑い…島風、あんたは何時も涼しそうね…いいけど。 It's fully summer time now huh. Hot...Shimakaze, you're always feeling cool, aren't you...that's fine.
Teruzuki 夏だ~!やった~!照月スイカ割りしたい!スイカ割り!目隠しして、てい!あ、この手応え。え!て、ていとく! It's summer! Yay! Teruzuki wants to do some watermelon splitting, watermelon splitting! First I'll cover my eyes and... strike! Wait, this sensation... Huh?! A-Admiral!
Hatsuzuki この季節、ボクは嫌いじゃないな。一部の艦は、少し物資が足りないのか、装甲に問題があるようだ。心配だな。 I don't really hate this season. Maybe it's because of material shortage, but it appears that some ships are lacking in armor. That's worrisome. Hatsuzuki doesn't know that this "lack in armor" (clothes) are simply girls wearing swimsuits and enjoying the summer at the beach. Possibly due to having lived in times of poverty, she doesn't know about swimsuits.
Libeccio これが日本の夏ねー。暑いねやっぱり。でも、このラムネって好き♪ カキゴーリも好き♪ あ、リベ、氷いちごね! いちご! So this is Japan's summer huh~. As expected, it's pretty hot. But, I still love this Ramune thing! I love this Kakigori too! Ah, Libe will have a strawberry ice! Strawberry!
Arashi 萩、なになに? え、水着で、浜辺へ? いいよ、俺はそういうのは…司令も、行くんだ? Hagi, what's up? Eh, you're going to the beach in your swimsuits? No, I'm fine! I'm not really good with- ...Commander's going too?
Hagikaze 嵐、浜辺に行かない、司令と。夏だし、水着でどう…かな? ぇえ、興味なし~!? Arashi, how about going to the beach, together with the Commander? Since it's summer, why don't we bring our swimsuits... eeh, you say you aren't interested!?
Umikaze 提督、夏ですね。日差しが本当に強いですね。あ、大丈夫です。一応肌にはオイル塗っています。てへへ♪ Admiral, it is summer. The sun is really shining down hard. Ah, I am fine. I have put on some oil just in case. eheheh♪
Kawakaze 夏本番だー! くぅ~、あっついねー!! いやいや、これは水着じゃないとやってらんないでしょ? お、提督も脱いでいいよ。 It's Summer time!! Kuuu~, it's so hot!! No, no, if you're not wearing a swimsuit you're missing out! Oh, Admiral should strip too!

Light Cruisers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Mid-Summer 2015
Tenryuu よっしゃぁ~!夏だぜ!全員水着で浜辺に集合だぁ。ボールを使った特訓をするぜ。ネットの高さは駆逐に合わせてやれ。 Yeah! It's summer! Everyone's meeting up at the beach in our swimsuits. We're gonna do some special training using a ball. Make sure the net ain't too high for the destroyers. Beach volleyball, I guess. Actually says something closer to 'set the net height for destroyers'.
Kuma 夏だぁ。泳ぎに行くクマー。球磨の川泳ぎのテクニックを見るクマ。シャケ(鮭)も捕るクマー。あっ、冗談だクマよ。 It's summer! I'm going swimming, kuma~. Watch Kuma's river swimming technique kuma. I'll catch salmon too, kuma~. Ah... that was a joke, kuma. Kuma = Kuma makes a joke about how bears hunt for fish in rivers.
Tama 夏にゃー。ちょっと暑いにゃ。暑くてひっくり返って寝たくなるにゃ。にゃぁ~。 It's summer nya. It's a little hot nya. It's so hot it makes me wanna roll over onto my back and sleep nya. Nyaa~
Kiso 夏か。この季節悪くはない。お前も海に行くか?なぁ? The summer huh? Well, this season isn't bad at all, hey, you too are going to the sea?
Yura 提督さん、夏ですね、ね?あ…夕立ちゃん、水着かわいい。由良も来年こそ。 Admiral, it's summer right, right? Ah... Yuudachi-chan, your swimsuit is cute. Yura too, next year for sure...
Jintsuu 提督、浴衣ですか?あ、はい。持ってはいますが…。一緒に、花火に?あっ…、喜んで…。 Admiral, a yukata, was it? Yes, I did bring it along but... watching the fireworks together? Ah... with pleasure...
Kinu 夏はやっぱりお祭りだよね。鎮守府夏祭り。早く仕事終わらせて、準備しよ! Summer is definitely all about festivals, right? A naval base summer festival. Let's get this work done quick and start preparing!
Abukuma この焼けつくような太陽、夏ですねぇ。お肌が荒れてちょっと困ります。あのぉ、提督、聞いてます? This scorching sun, it's certainly summer. I'm a bit bothered that my skin's getting rough. Um, Admiral, are you listening?
Yuubari うぅぅ、夏は暑いですね。提督、せっかくだからここは、夏っぽい兵装で行きたいかな。 Hah, summer's hot, isn't it. Admiral, since it's like this, I think I'd like to wear some summer-ish equipment.

Heavy Cruisers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Mid-Summer 2015
Kako やった!夏が来た!よし、たっぷり昼寝だ!うぇ、駄目? Great! Summer has come! Good, I'll have plenty of naps! ehh... Not good?
Myoukou ずいぶんと暑くなりましたね。夏、ですものね。ああ高雄!いつも元気ね。え?水着ですか? It has gotten quite hot. It must be summer. Ah, Takao! You're cheerful as always. Eh? Swimsuit, you say?
Haguro 夏ですね。…え? 泳がないのか、って? だって、水着とかないし…あ、あの…え、えええっ!? It's summer, isn't it? ...Huh? "Are you not going to swim?" Well, I don't have a swimsuit after all... U-um... Wha-whaaa!?
Maya よし!夏だ、夏!気持ちがいいね。な、提督、服なんぞ脱いで泳ぎに行こうぜ! Alright! It's summer, summer! It feels great, yeah? Admiral, let's take off our clothes and go for a swim!
Suzuya 夏じゃん、夏!熊野、おニューの水着で泳ぎに行こうよ!えっ?へへ。提督も行く? It's summer ain't it, summer! Kumano, let's go for a swim in our new swimsuits! Hm? Hehe... Are you coming too, Admiral?
Kumano 夏!ですわ!今年もリゾートに行きたいですわ。お?トラック島?それはリゾートですの? It's! Summer! I want to go to a resort this year too. Oh? Truk Island? Is that a resort?
New lines
Mogami 三隈、どうしたんだよ? なんで機嫌悪いのさ? あ、そうだ!ラムネ飲みに行かない? おごるよ。 Mikuma, what 's wrong? Why are you in a bad mood? Oh, that's right! Would you like to go drinking Ramune? I will treat you.
Aoba おぉー!夏真っ盛り!艦娘の水着モードも満っ開ですねぇー!いいですねぇー華やかです!え、ガサ?何?あ、青葉も?いや、いいよぉ~。 Oooh! Summer's at its peak! The ship girls have gone all out with their swimsuits as well! They all look great, very showy! Eh, Gasa? What's up? I- I should wear one too? No need, I'm fine!
Takao 愛宕、何その格好?! 夏だからってちゃんとしないと。ほら、提督だってちゃんと司令官らしく…らしく……あー、あの、提督? Atago, what is that? ! Even though it is summer, you should do a proper appearance. You know, Admiral seems to be a commander properly ... ... ... Ah, that, Admiral?
Atago やっぱり夏は暑いわね~。これだけ暑いと、執務中は薄着でも良いわよね? う、うぁ~ん! 楽ぅ~♪ After all it is hot in the summer~. If it is so hot it can be thin clothing during office work? Well, yeah! Comfortable~ ♪
Mikuma もがみんは、今年の夏は水着、どうするのかしら? おニューのお揃い、着たいなー♪ I wonder what Mogamin is going to do for her swimsuit this year? I want to have new matching swimsuits. From Early Summer 2016
結局、お揃の水着、買えなかった…え、提督、ビーチバレーですか? くまりんこは…私は、いいです…… After all, I couldn't buy matching swimsuit with her... Eh, Admiral, Beach volleyball? Kumarinko... I'm no thank you... Secretary 2


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Mid-Summer 2015
Kongou Summer Season! 到来デース!比叡、私のswimming wearは? え?Nothing? Summer! It has arrived, deeesu! Hiei, where's my swimsuit? Eh? Nothing?
Littorio 提督、夏ですね。ご一緒に海に行きましょう。あ、そうじゃなくて、泳ぎにです。新しい水着も用意したの。うふふ。 Admiral, It's summer time, Let's go together to the beach. Ah.. Not that, to swim I mean. I've also prepared a new swimsuit. Fu fu fu~...
Roma 姉さん提督と泳ぎに行くの? 仕方ない、私も付き合おうか。一応水着も買ってあるし。 Nee-san? Are you going to swim with the Admiral? It can't be helped, I'll accompany you as well. I've bought a swimsuit too after all.
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Yamato 提督、そんなに見ないでください!赤と白で少し派手だったかしら・・・そっ、そうですか?なら、よかったです。提督、ご一緒に。 Admiral, don't stare that much! Red and white is a little flashy isn't it... I-is that so? Then, that's good. Admiral, together then.

Light Carriers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Mid-Summer 2015
Ryuujou めっちゃ夏や。ジリジリしとるん。うちの甲板で目玉焼きが焼けそうやで。 This' a harsh summer. I'm scorching here. It feels like I could fry sunny side up eggs on my deck.
New lines
Houshou そうですねー、浜辺の艦娘と提督のために、浜茶屋を開きましょうか。間宮さん、伊良湖さん。 I see... Mamiya-san, Irako-san, shall we start a beach tea-house for Admiral and other shipgirls nearby?
Zuihou 夏ですね。提督、一緒にかき氷はどーお? 私…いちごミルク! 提督は? 何味がお好き? It's summer, huh. Admiral, how about having some shaved ice together? Mine... will be strawberry milk flavor! And you? What flavor would you like?
Ryuuhou て・い・と・く。あの、私・・・水着、着てみました。どうでしょうか?あ、あの、あまり見つめないで下さい・・・はわゎゎ・・・ Ad-mi-ra-l, um, I... put on the swimsuit. How do I look? U..um, please don't stare at me too much...hawa.... Taigei / Ryuuhou

Standard Carriers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Graf Zeppelin この国の夏か…あの「スーイカワリー」という武道には私も興味がある。いつか経験したい。 So that's how summer feels like in this country... I'm interested in that martial art you call "Suikawari." I'd like to try it sometime. Melon splitting game.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Mid-Summer 2015
Ro-500 夏が来たって!泳ぐって!どぼん!どぼーん!シオイが言ってったって! I heard summer has arrived! She said we're going swimming! Splish! Splaaash! Shioi's the one who told me so!
New lines
I-58 海の中からこんにちわ! 夏でち!! ゴーヤたちの夏休みはいつでち? 提督! …なぜ居ない?! Hello from beneath the sea! It's summer-dechi! When's our summer vacation gonna be-dechi? Admiral! ...Where did he go?!
I-8 夏です。Acht acht! 8月はやっぱり泳ぎに行かないと。あ、はっちゃん毎日泳いでいましたね。夏は提督も泳ぎます? It is summer. Acht acht! After all we have to go swimming in August. Oh, Hatchan was swimming every day. Will Admiral swim in the summer?


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Mid-Summer 2015
Akitsushima うわーい!夏が来たかも!提督、ほらほら、早く水着に着替えて、泳ぎに行きましょう!特別に、大艇ちゃんにつかまってもいいよ~♪ Yay! Summer has arrived kamo! Admiral, come on, come on, hurry up and change into your swimsuit, let's go swimming! I'll even let you hold on to Taitei-chan, just this once!
New lines
Mizuho 猛暑日が続きますね。提督、お体は大丈夫ですか? そうですか。お元気そう…ですね。 It has been extremely hot for days now. How is your health, Admiral? I see. You're looking... really good.
Hayasui 今年も夏が来てしまいました。毎年この季節になると、少しお腹が痛くなるんです。うひひ…なんででしょうね……? So this year summer has arrived. Every year on this season, my stomach get a little sore. Uhihi...I wonder why~?

