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Time-limited Eve of Battle voice lines added during Valentines 2018.


Class Ship girls (31)
Destroyers (14) Asagumo, Fujinami, Hayashimo, Kiyoshimo, Michishio, Naganami, Nowaki, Okinami, Shigure, Shimakaze, Shiranui, Uranami, Yamagumo, Yukikaze
Light Cruisers (6) Abukuma, Kinu, Noshiro, Ooyodo, Tama, Yahagi
Heavy Cruisers (3) Kumano, Mogami, Suzuya
Battleships (7) Haruna, Hyuuga, Ise, Kongou, Musashi, Nagato, Yamato
Standard Carriers (1) Zuikaku
Artist (6)
Fujikawa Asagumo, Hayashimo, Fujinami, Kiyoshimo, Naganami, Okinami, Ooyodo, Yamagumo
Konishi Abukuma, Haruna, Kinu, Kongou, Kumano, Michishio, Noshiro, Nowaki, Shiranui, Suzuya, Yahagi, Zuikaku
Kujou Ichiso Shigure
Shibafu Hyuuga, Ise, Mogami, Uranami
Shizuma Yoshinori Musashi, Nagato, Shimakaze, Yamato, Yukikaze


From Eve Of Battle 2017

From Fall 2017 Event


Light Cruisers

Heavy Cruisers

From Eve Of Battle 2017


Aviation Cruiser / Light Carriers

Standard Carriers / Armored Carrier


Class Ship girls (44)
Destroyers (16) Akebono, Fujinami, Hamakaze, Hatsuharu, Hatsushimo, Hatsuzuki, Michishio, Murasame, Shigure, Shiranui, Tanikaze, Urakaze, Uzuki, Wakaba, Yayoi, Yuudachi
Light Cruisers (6) Abukuma, Agano, Noshiro, Sakawa, Tama, Yahagi
Heavy Cruisers (7) Ashigara, Atago, Choukai, Maya, Mogami, Nachi, Takao
Battleships (8) Fusou, Haruna, Hiei, Kirishima, Kongou, Musashi, Yamashiro, Yamato
Light Carriers (1) Zuihou
Standard Carriers (2) Shoukaku, Zuikaku
Submarines (2) I-19, I-8
Auxiliaries (2) Commandant Teste, Hayasui
Seiyuu (17)
Fujita Saki Fusou, Shiranui, Yamashiro
Hayasaka Kozue Akebono
Hidaka Rina Uzuki, Yayoi
Kobayashi Motoko Hatsuharu, Hatsushimo, Wakaba
Komatsu Mana Hamakaze, Tanikaze, Urakaze, Zuihou
Misato I-19, I-8, Musashi
Miyagawa Wakana Michishio
Nakajima Megumi Hatsuzuki
Nomizu Iori Abukuma, Hayasui, Shoukaku, Zuikaku
Sakura Ayane Tama
Suzaki Aya Mogami
Taketatsu Ayana Yamato
Taneda Risa Ashigara, Nachi
Tanibe Yumi Commandant Teste, Murasame, Shigure, Yuudachi
Touyama Nao Atago, Choukai, Haruna, Hiei, Kirishima, Kongou, Maya, Takao
Yamada Yuki Agano, Noshiro, Sakawa, Yahagi
Unknown Fujinami


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Fall 2016
Hatsuzuki いや、あの戦いはあんまり覚えていないんだ。ただ、やれる事を全力でやった、そんな気持ちはある。この胸の奥に。 Well, I don't remember much about the last moments of that battle. I'm just left with this feeling of... doing whatever it takes, deep in my heart. She engaged a vastly superior USN surface force by herself, enabling the escape of other IJN vessels.
From Eve Of Battle
Akebono うん、泣いても笑っても決戦ってわけか!あたしも本気で行くから、クソ提督、行くよ! Hmph, so the final battle is inevitable, huh? I've gotta get serious, too! Let's go, you shitty Admiral!
Hatsuharu なんじゃ、その・・・わらわも貴様を信頼している・・・ぞ。うん・・・まあ、そういうことじゃ! Well, I mean, I trust you.... Yeah, well, that's all! For once it appears she isn't using her archaic speech.
Yuudachi 皆、戦いの準備をしてるっぽい?夜戦の準備っぽい? You're all getting ready for battle, poi? Night battle preparations, poi? The real-life Yuudachi sank during the Guadalcanal Campaign, which occurred one year before the battle of Leyte Gulf.
Yayoi 卯月、あの・・・この季節は、気を付けて。あの・・・怒ってなんか・・・ないけど・・・気を、付けてね Uzuki. Ummm, be careful during this season. Ummm, I'm not angry. Yeah, be careful, alright?
Uzuki 弥生?何を心配そうな顔をしてるぴょん!なんか怒ってるぴょん?大丈夫ぴょん!卯月は不沈艦ぴょん!沈まないぴょん! Yayoi? Why are you frowning, pyon? Are you angry about something, pyon? It's fine, pyon! I'm unsinkable, pyon. I won't sink, pyon! Uzuki stealing Yukikaze's lines.
Murasame 時雨ちゃん どうしたの? なるほど。でも、きっと平気。 私達の、佐世保の時雨なら、村雨は信じてます。 Shigure-chan, what's wrong? I see. But surely it's alright, If it's our "Shigure from Sasebo", Murasame believes. Secretary 3
From Fall 2017 Event
Michishio 今はやってあげるわ、しかも全力で!第二十四駆逐隊、出撃します! All right let's do it, and with full force! Twenty-fourth Destroyer Division, sortieing!. Joining A Fleet
Fujinami 何、司令?呼んだ?藤波、何気に今、ものすごく真剣にいろいろ準備してて忙しいんだけど? What, Admiral? You called? I am for some reason extremely busy seriously preparing a lot of things, you know?
ああ、もう!今回は藤波、マジで忙しいんだから!もち! Oh, please! This time, I am really busy! For sure! Secretary 2
New lines
Shiranui Secretary 2
Hatsuharu 我が二十一駆は艦隊主力とは別に、輸送作戦を担当かや。苦しゅうないぞ、輸送も大切の作戦じゃ。心得た! We of DesDiv 21 are not the main force of the fleet, but are charged with transport operations. I don't mind - transports serve an important operational role. I'm well aware! Secretary 3
Wakaba 捷一号作戦、決戦だな。何?我が二十一駆は輸送作戦を?分かった。任せておけ。 Operation Sho-1 is the final battle. What? DesDiv 21 is doing transport operations? Understood. Leave it to me. Secretary 3
Hatsushimo いよいよレイテ決戦。二十一駆は輸送作戦に遂行、その後、艦隊決戦に合流ですか?初霜、了解です! The final battle at Leyte has come. DesDiv 21 needs to complete a transport operation, then regroup for the decisive fleet battle? Roger that! Secretary 3
Shigure ありがとう、受け取ってくれて。そうだね、僕たち、次こそ決戦だ。主力艦隊も突入するね。 Thank you for taking this. That's right, our next battle will be the decisive one. And the main fleet will be leading the charge. Secretary 2
Urakaze 浜風、艦隊の塩梅は、どがいなね? How's the condition of the fleet, Hamakaze? Secretary 2
Hamakaze 私は問題ありません。浦風?顔色が少し悪いようです。 Everything is in order. Urakaze? You're looking unwell. Secretary 2
Tanikaze ちょいと艦隊が騒がしいね。こいつは、あれだな? The fleet is a bit noisy now. Means it's time for that, right? Secretary 2

Light Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Eve Of Battle
Abukuma よ~し!決戦の時です。一水戦旗艦の経験と自負は、伊達じゃないんです!旗艦、先頭!皆、ついてきて! Alriiiight! It's time for the final battle. My experience and pride as flagship of DesRon1 isn't just for show! Flagship starting battle! Follow me, everyone!
New lines
Tama Secretary 2
Agano 艦隊がいろいろ慌ただしい。能代、どしたの?えぇ、捷一号作戦?能代いくの? The fleet looks very busy. What's going on, Noshiro? Eh, Operation Sho-1? You're going, Noshiro? Secretary 2
Noshiro 第一遊撃部隊、第一部隊、ふぅ、第二水雷戦隊、出撃準備、始めてください。 1st Striking Force, 1st Section, sigh, 2nd Torpedo Squadron, please begin preparations for sortie. Secretary 2
Yahagi 捷一号作戦・・・ここで私達が敵の進行、防ぐ。十戦隊、作戦準備。・・・ふぅ、能代ねえ・・・ Operation Sho-1... We'll halt the enemy advance here. DesRon 10, prepare for operations... *sigh* Noshiro-nee... Secretary 2
Sakawa なんかみんな慌ただし。お仕事かな? Everyone looks so busy. Is there a job to do? Secretary 2

Heavy Cruisers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Eve Of Battle
Nachi よ~し!いよいよこの那智型・・・違う、妙高型の真の力を見せる時が来たな。やるぞ! Alright! It's finally time for me to show you the Nachi-class'- no, wait, the Myoukou-class' true power. Let's do this! Could be confusing the class names since although Myoukou was the first to be laid down, Nachi was the first one commissioned to the IJN.
Ashigara この飢えた狼と言われた足柄、大事な戦いの予感を感じるわ!全力出撃、用意! As someone known as the "Hungry Wolf", I feel that this will be an important battle! Let's sortie with all our might! KATSUUUUUUUUUUU
Mogami 決戦か。 また 突入だね? 良いよ。 突破しよう! Decisive battle huh. It's a pursuit again, is not it? Alright, lets break through!
New lines
Takao 艦隊が泊地に集結中ね。いよいよ、作戦発動。 The fleet is gathering in port. It's almost time to start the operation. Secretary 3
Atago そろそろね、高雄。 It's almost time, Takao.
Maya なぁ、鳥海、わあってる。この日のために改修したんだ。無駄死にはしない。そのために、今ここにいる。 C'mon, Choukai, I know. We got our remodels for this day. We won't die in vain. This is why we're here. Secretary 2
Choukai いよいよ捷一号作戦。四戦隊全力出撃ね。摩耶、準備はいい? It's almost time for Operation Sho-1. CruDiv 4, sortie at full force. Are you ready, Maya?
藤波さん、どうしたの? What's wrong, Fujinami-san? Secretary 2


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
New lines
Fusou Secretary 2
Yamashiro Secretary 2
Kongou 提督、私達三戦隊も、準備を始めるネ。 BatDiv 3 has begun preparations too, Admiral. Secretary 2
Hiei 霧島、お姉さまと榛名が・・・あぁ、行くんだね、決戦に。 Kirishima, onee-sama and Haruna are... Ah, they're heading out, for the final battle. Secretary 2
Haruna 守りたい。榛名は、そう...思っています。 "I want to protect", that's... what I feel. Secretary 2
Kirishima 泊地の艦隊に緊張感が・・・作戦前の雰囲気ですね。 The fleet in port looks so tense... This is the feeling before an operation. Secretary 2
Musashi そろそろか。よし、いうことするか。なぁ、相棒? It's almost time. Alright, time to do what we said. Right, partner?
何だ、清霜よ?そんな顔するな。あはは、ばかなやつだ。だが、ありがとうな。 What is it, Kiyoshimo? Don't make that face. Ahaha, don't be silly. But, thank you. Secretary 3
Yamato Secretary 3

Light Carriers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
New lines
Zuihou いよいよ捷一号作戦。瑞鳳も行ってきます。 Operation Sho-1 is almost here. I'll be going too.

Standard Carriers

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
New lines
Shoukaku 瑞鶴、心配しないで。私がいる、そしてみんなも。 Don't worry, Zuikaku. I'm here, and so is everyone else. Secretary 3
Zuikaku 大丈夫、今度は艦載機が有る。熟練部隊も。そして・・・ I'm fine, I have planes this time. Skilled squadrons too. And also... Secretary 2
そう、翔鶴姉がいるんだ。負けない!絶対に! That's right, Shoukaku-nee will be there. I won't lose! Count on it! Secretary 3


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
New lines
I-8 どうも艦隊が慌ただしです。これは、あれですね。 The fleet is so busy now. This must mean that's happening. Secretary 3
I-19 艦隊が、作戦準備に入ってるなの。緊張するの! The fleet is preparing for the operation. I'm so nervous! Secretary 3


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Eve Of Battle
Commandant Teste モガミさん?作戦前の水上機の整備ですか。Oui!ワタクシもお手伝いさせてください。いい機体、ですね! Are you doing pre-operation maintenance on the seaplanes, Mogami-san? Yes, please let me help too. They're good planes.
New lines
Hayasui いよいよ捷一号作戦ですね。いよいよ、この速吸も決戦幇助航空戦力として、頑張ります!艦隊随伴航空給油艦の本領、発揮したいと思います! Operation Sho-1 is almost here. That means it's almost time for me to do my best to support the final battle with air power. I'd like to demonstrate what a auxiliary fleet oiler with aviation support can really do! Secretary 3