KanColle Wiki

Time-limited game content for Christmas 2015.

Update details
  • CG for Naka, Shigure, Ryuujou, Mamiya, Irako and Northern Hime from Christmas 2013 and 2014 included.
  • Sazanami CG updated.
  • Voice lines for 29 kanmusu from Christmas 2013 and 2014 included.


Class Ship girls (14)
Destroyers (5) Hatsukaze, Kawakaze, Sazanami, Shigure, Tanikaze
Light Cruisers (2) Naka, Ooyodo
Battleships (1) Littorio
Light Carriers (1) Ryuujou
Auxiliaries (1) Kashima
NPC (3) Irako, Mamiya, Ooyodo NPC
Bosses (1) Northern Princess
Artist (9)
Akira Northern Princess
bob Naka
drew Sazanami
Fujikawa Irako, Mamiya, Ooyodo, Ooyodo NPC
JiJi Littorio
Konishi Hatsukaze
Kujou Ichiso Kawakaze, Shigure
Kuu Ro Kuro Ryuujou
Parsley Kashima, Tanikaze


Light Cruisers[]


Light Carriers[]




Twitter Avatars and Illustrations[]


Class Ship girls (121)
Destroyers (58) Akebono, Akizuki, Arashi, Asagumo, Asashimo, Asashio, Ayanami, Fubuki, Fumizuki, Hagikaze, Hamakaze, Hatsuharu, Hatsukaze, Hatsuyuki, Isonami, Kagerou, Kasumi, Kawakaze, Kazagumo, Kikuzuki, Kisaragi, Kuroshio, Libeccio, Maikaze, Michishio, Mikazuki, Miyuki, Mochizuki, Murakumo, Murasame, Mutsuki, Nagatsuki, Nenohi, Nowaki, Oboro, Ooshio, Samidare, Satsuki, Sazanami, Shigure, Shikinami, Shiranui, Shiratsuyu, Shirayuki, Suzukaze, Takanami, Tanikaze, Teruzuki, Tokitsukaze, Umikaze, Urakaze, Ushio, Uzuki, Wakaba, Yamagumo, Yayoi, Yukikaze, Yuudachi
Light Cruisers (11) Abukuma, Agano, Kinu, Kiso, Naka, Noshiro, Ooyodo, Sakawa, Yahagi, Yura, Yuubari
Heavy Cruisers (14) Ashigara, Atago, Chikuma, Choukai, Furutaka, Haguro, Kumano, Maya, Myoukou, Nachi, Prinz Eugen, Suzuya, Takao, Tone
Battleships (12) Bismarck, Fusou, Haruna, Hiei, Hyuuga, Kirishima, Kongou, Littorio, Musashi, Nagato, Roma, Yamashiro
Light Carriers (6) Chitose, Chiyoda, Hiyou, Ryuujou, Shouhou, Zuihou
Standard Carriers (9) Akagi, Amagi, Graf Zeppelin, Hiryuu, Kaga, Katsuragi, Shoukaku, Souryuu, Zuikaku
Submarines (3) I-19, I-8, U-511
Auxiliaries (6) Akashi, Akitsushima, Hayasui, Kashima, Katori, Mizuho
NPC (2) Irako, Mamiya
Seiyuu (27)
Bridcut Sarah Emi Hatsukaze, Kumano, Maikaze, Suzuya, Yuubari
Endou Aya Bismarck
Fujita Saki Akagi, Fusou, Kagerou, Kuroshio, Shiranui, Tokitsukaze, Yamashiro, Yukikaze
Hayami Saori Graf Zeppelin, Hagikaze
Hayasaka Kozue Akebono, Oboro, Sazanami, Ushio
Hidaka Rina Fumizuki, Kikuzuki, Kisaragi, Mikazuki, Mochizuki, Mutsuki, Nagatsuki, Ryuujou, Satsuki, Uzuki, Yayoi
Horie Yui Amagi, Asagumo, Irako, Mamiya, Yamagumo
Iguchi Yuka Chikuma, Kaga, Tone
Ishigami Shizuka Kawakaze, Mizuho, Umikaze
Kawasumi Ayako Ooyodo
Kayano Ai Arashi, Asashimo, Kashima, Katori, Katsuragi, U-511
Kitou Akari Kazagumo, Libeccio
Kobayashi Motoko Hatsuharu, Nenohi, Wakaba
Komatsu Mana Hamakaze, Tanikaze, Urakaze, Zuihou
Komatsu Mikako Akitsushima, Teruzuki
Kuno Misaki Littorio, Roma, Takanami
Misato I-19, I-8, Musashi
Miyagawa Wakana Asashio, Chitose, Chiyoda, Kasumi, Michishio, Ooshio
Nomizu Iori Abukuma, Hayasui, Kinu, Shoukaku, Zuikaku
Ootsubo Yuka Furutaka, Hiyou, Hyuuga
Ozawa Ari Akizuki, Nowaki, Prinz Eugen
Sakura Ayane Kiso, Nagato, Naka
Taneda Risa Akashi, Ashigara, Haguro, Myoukou, Nachi, Samidare, Shouhou, Suzukaze
Tanibe Yumi Murasame, Shigure, Shiratsuyu, Yura, Yuudachi
Touyama Nao Atago, Ayanami, Choukai, Haruna, Hiei, Kirishima, Kongou, Maya, Shikinami, Takao
Uesaka Sumire Fubuki, Hatsuyuki, Hiryuu, Isonami, Miyuki, Murakumo, Shirayuki, Souryuu
Yamada Yuki Agano, Noshiro, Sakawa, Yahagi


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Christmas 2014
Fubuki クリスマス? これが、クリスマス!? 司令官、素敵ですね! ツリーも綺麗です♪ Christmas...? So this is Christmas!? Commander, it's so beautiful! The trees are pretty too!
Hatsuyuki くりすますぅ~? なにそれ、美味しいの? はっ?! ケーキは初雪にもください! Ku-ri-su-ma-su...? What's that...? Is it delicious...? ... Ah! Please give Hatsuyuki a piece of cake too!
Miyuki いーねー、クリスマス! なんかいいよなぁ、この鶏肉も美味いぜ! で、プレゼントは? It's nice isn't it, Christmas! It's kinda nice, and this chicken is delicious too! So, where's the present?
Murakumo クリ…スマ、ス? 西洋のお祭りでしょ。私、そういうのは…? …! な、なにこれ? 美味しい! えぇっ?! Christ... mas...? That's a Western celebration, isn't it. I'm not interested with such... *om nom noms* Wh-what's this!? So delicious! ... Ehh...?!
Isonami 綺麗ぇ、クリスマスツリー。そうか…今年も、もうそんな時期なのですね So pretty... that Christmas tree... I see, so it's that time of the year again... *sighs*...
Oboro 朧、クリスマス好きです……いいと思います。 Oboro likes Christmas! I think it's a nice thing.
Akebono クリスマス…? 別にあたしには関係ないけど。 …まぁ、ケーキは、食べるけど…ね? Christmas? That has nothing to do with me, though. W-well, I'll take the cake at least. Hmph.
Sazanami クリスマス、( ・∀・)キタコレ! ケーキ(゚д゚)ウマー!! Christmas ktkr! Cake's delish!
Ushio クリスマス.. すてきですねぇ~ 提督、ありがとうございます! すてきです! Christmas... such a wonderful thing! Admiral, thank you very much! It's wonderful!
Hatsuharu く、くりす…ます?じゃと!? けったいな祭りじゃな! これが…チキン?ほうほう… Ku, Kurisu...masu... thou sayeth?! Quite the queer feast! T-this is... chicken? I see...
Nenohi ひゃあ! クリスマスだよ、クリスマス! ねのひ、クリスマス大好き! …で、クリスマスって、何の日? だっけかー? Wah! It's Christmas, Christmas! Nenohi loves Christmas! ... So, what day does Christmas fall on, again...?
Asagumo クリスマス…か。なるほど、これがぁ。悪くは…無いわね。これがケーキねっ はむっ♪ Christmas, huh...? I see, this is... not bad at all. So this is (Christmas) cake... *noms*
Hamakaze クリスマス…クリスマスです、提督。あっ、これ十七駆の皆からのプレゼント…です。 C-christmas. It's Christmas, Admiral. Ah, this is, uh, a present from everyone in DesDiv17.
Nowaki 「クリスマス」?これが…これがケーキ?はむっ! ん…甘くて、美味しい。 "Christmas"? This is...this is cake? *Om noms* It's sweet and delicious.
Akizuki メリー・クリスマスです、指令!秋月、七面鳥を焼いたんですよ。あっ!だめっ!何で?! Merry Christmas, Commander! I roasted a turkey...oh! I shouldn't have? Why?!
New lines
Mutsuki 如月ちゃん、クリスマスだよ!このケーキも甘くて美味しいにゃー!ほらほら~! Kisaragi-chan, it's Christmas! This cake is sweet and delicioush! Here, here~!
Kisaragi ウフフ~睦月ちゃん、クリスマスケーキ、美味しいわね。このターキーも食べて。 Ufufu~ Mutsuki-chan, Christmas cake is delicious, isn't it? Have a taste of this turkey as well.
Yayoi クリスマス… あ… 弥生、怒ってなんかないよ。ケーキ、いただきます。 Christmas... Ah, Yayoi isn't angry or anything. I will have some cake.
Uzuki うーちゃん、クリスマス!もぐもぐ… う~む!美味しいぴょん!もぐもぐ…もぐもぐ~ U-chan, it's Christmas! *nom* *nom* Hmm! It's tasty-pyon! *nom* *nom* ... *nom*
Satsuki 司令官!街はクリスマスだってさ。華やかだね。僕らはどうする?なんてね! Commander! I heard they're celebrating Christmas in the city. How gallant. What should we do? Just kidding!
Fumizuki メリークリスマス、司令官!帽子、可愛いでしょ?プレゼントちょうだい! Merry Christmas, Commander! The hat's cute right? Present, please!
Nagatsuki クリスマスか。何をはしゃいでいる。これ、受け取ってくれ。じゃ、訓練してくるぞ。 Christmas, huh? What are you so merry about? Here, accept this. Well then, it's time for training.
Kikuzuki クリスマスか。好きな者たちでやればいい。な、なんと!司令官、これ…くれるのか? Christmas, huh? It's fine (for you) to celebrate with the people you like. W-What! Commander, are you... giving this to me?
Mikazuki クリスマス、司令官も楽しんでいますか。これ、ささやかなものですが日頃の感謝をこめて三日月から…です。 Christmas, is the Commander enjoying himself too? Here, this is a small gift, but it's filled with gratitude from Mikazuki for what you had been doing... for us.
Mochizuki 司令官も飲んで食べて歌おうぜ?今日は楽しいクリスマスだよ! The Commander too should drink, eat and sing together, yeah? It's a Christmas of joy today!
Shirayuki クリスマスというだけでこんなにはしゃいでいいものかしら。でも、いいのよね、きっと。だって、ほら。 I wonder if it's fine to get this merry just because it's Christmas. Still, I guess it's alright, definitely. I mean, just look.
Ayanami メリークリスマス、司令官!はい!綾波と敷波からのプレゼントです!ケーキもどうぞ! Merry Christmas, Commander! Here, it's a present from Ayanami and Shikinami! Have some cake as well!
Shikinami クリスマスか。一応、綾波とさ…プレゼント、買ったのさ。もうもらった?あっ、そっ。 Christmas, huh. We... sort of bought you a present, Ayanami and I. You already received it? Oh, I see.
Wakaba クリスマスか。大丈夫!ターキーとケーキならすでに買ってある。大丈夫だ! Christmas, huh. It's fine! If it's turkey and cake we've already bought them. It's fine!
Shiratsuyu メリークリスマス!何だか楽しいよね!クリスマス、一年で一番好き! Merry Christmas! It's somehow fun! Christmas, its the best of the year!
Shigure 提督、メリークリスマス!今日は僕がプレゼントを渡すよ。はい。 Admiral, Merry Christmas! Today I'll give you a present, here.
提督、クリスマスシーズンだね。メリークリスマス。あ… 僕、少し早かったかな? Admiral, it's Christmas season right? Merry Christmas. Ah, was I a bit too early? Secretary 2
ShigureKai2 えっ、この格好かい?クリスマスはこうするものだって… 提督、もしかして嫌だった?ごめん… Eh? This outfit? You're supposed to dress like this during Christmas they said... Admiral, was it perhaps to your dislike? I'm sorry... Secretary 3
Murasame はいはい!メリークリスマスです、提督!ケーキもターキーもほら、ばっちり! Yes, yes. Merry Christmas, Admiral. Here, the cake and turkey looks just right.
提督、村雨のちょっといいクリスマスプレゼント、開けてみる?まだ、な・い・しょ! Admiral, you want to see a little bit what's inside in Murasame's present? Not yet, it's a secret. Secretary 2
Yuudachi メリークリスマスっぽい!これはもう、素敵なパーティするしかないっぽい! Merry Christmas-poi! This calls for, like, throwing a great party!
はむ、んにゃ…ケーキも甘くて、おいしいっぽーい。んむぅ…でも、あんまり食べ過ぎると、排水量が増えちゃうっぽい。ぽ~い…。 Mmm... the cake is so sweet and delicious poi! Umm...but if I eat too much, my displacement may exceed limitations poi. Po~i... Secretary 2
Samidare 提督、メリークリスマス!五月雨、ケーキをお持ちしまううーわ!う、うぇぇ…うわああ! Admiral, Merry Christmas! Samidare has brought the cake-*screams while losing balance and assumingly tripping*
Suzukaze うん?何だって?メリクリだ?かあー!何だ、その冬祭りは!アタイも混ぜろって! Hm? What? Merry Christmas? AHH! What! That winter festival! I'm getting in on it as well!
Umikaze 提督、今日はお祭りなのですね。モミの木の飾りも綺麗です。海風、幸せです。 Admiral, today it is a festival.The fir tree is also lovely decorated. Umikaze is happy.
Kawakaze 提督!クリスマスじゃんか、クリスマス!ケーキどこよ、ケーキ!イエイー! Admiral, it's Christmas you know! Christmas! Cake, Where's the cake? Yay~ Sorry Kawakaze, It appears your sister dropped it...
Asashio クリスマス…?司令官、これがクリスマスなのですね!朝潮、勉強になりました! Christmas...? Admiral, so this is Christmas! Asashio learned it a lot!
Ooshio 司令官!クリスマスも大潮と一緒に全力で参りましょう!クリスマス、アゲアゲです! Admiral! Together with Ooshio lets be merry with full power on Christmas! Celebrate in high spirit!
Michishio 「クリスマスケーキ持ってきた」って、私そんなに甘いものは…あっ、食べるけど…うん… "You have a Christmas cake." I'm not going to eat something so swe...Ah...I'll eat it...Yeah...
Kasumi クリスマス?!何浮かれてるの、馬鹿みたい!えっ、ケーキ?!要らないわよ、そんなっ… うーん… あっ、おいしい!うぁ、えっと… Christmas!? What's with everyone getting all merry about? They are all so stupid! Huh? Cake!? I don't need it. That...Mm..Ah...It's delicious! Umm..
Yamagumo クリスマスですね。司令さん、クリスマスプレゼント、何がいいですか? It's Christmas, isn't it? Commander, what would you like as a present? Literally ”What would be good as a present", implying it's for you.
Kagerou クリスマスよ。楽しまないと!皆食べてる?お、不知火も意外と楽しそうね。 It's Christmas, we need to enjoy ourselves! Is everyone eating? Oh, Shiranui looks surprisingly happy, doesn't she?
Shiranui はむ。まあまあ… まあまあですね… クリスマス。悪くはないかと思います。 Nom...Christmas is fine ... isn't it? I don't think its bad.
Kuroshio んんん!クリスマスケーキ美味しいわ!司令はん、あぁぁぁん。 Mmm! Christmas cake is delicous! Chief, say aaanh~
Hatsukaze メリークリスマス… 何よ、その顔!クリスマスよ!楽しいわね。 Merry Christmas... what's with that look on your face? It's Christmas! It should be fun, right?
Maikaze 提督、クリスマスだよ、クリスマス。踊ろうよ!ね?ワン・ツー、ワン・ツー!あはは Admiral, it's Christmas, Christmas! Let's dance, shall we? One-two, one-two! Ahaha!
Urakaze クリスマスじゃけーね。うちも色々作ってみたけいな。お味はどうじゃ? It's Christmas. I also made various food please see for yourself.How's the taste?
Tanikaze おお、クリスマスかい!いいね、クリスマス!えー…えっ、ターキーってやつ、食べてみたいわね! Ooh, it's Christmas? That's nice isn't it, Christmas! Eh... this "turkey" thing.... I wanna try eating it!
Yukikaze しれー!クリスマスです!ケーキもお料理も美味しいです!しれー、食べて食べて! Commander~! It's Christmas! The cake and food is delicious! Commander~! Eat, eat!
Tokitsukaze しれー、クリスマス!このケーキ、うっまーい!しれーも食べる?ほら、あーーん! Commander ~ It's Christmas! This cake is so gooood ~! You want some too? Here, ah...
Teruzuki これがクリスマス!提督、いいですね、クリスマス!秋月姉もどんどん食べなよ!ほら、これとか! So this is Christmas! Admiral, it's great isn't it, Christmas! Akizuki-nee too, eat up eat up! Look look, like this (dish) here!
Takanami メリークリスマスかも…です、司令官!これ、高波からのプレゼントかも…です! Merry Christmas, commander... I think. Here, i bought you a present... i think.
Asashimo くり…すます…?また面妖な祭りやってんな、この艦隊は。飯はうまいからいいか。 Christ...mas? This fleet and their weird festivals once again... At least the food is good.
大淀さん、行くのかい?じゃあアタイと霞、清霜も連れてってくれよ、当然だろ? You're heading out, Ooyodo-san? Then I'm taking Kasumi and Kiyoshimo along with us. Ain't that obvious. Secretary 2
They were on the same Volunteer Squad during Operation Rei-go on the Battle of Mindoro.
Kazagumo メリークリスマス、提督!楽しいね!今日は少しお酒飲んじゃおうかな?あ、駄目? Merry Christmas, Admiral! How delightful. Maybe today i'm down for a booze or two. Ah, I can't?
Arashi メリークリスマス、司令!四駆の皆からプレゼントがあるんだぜ!いいか皆?せーのー!ワー!あ…怒ってる。 Merry Christmas, commander. We, the Des4 have a present for you! Ready, girls? One, two... BOO! Ah... He's angry at us.
Hagikaze 司令、メリークリスマス!私、健康ケーキを作ってみたんです。お砂糖とバター控え目で… あ!いいですか?どうぞ!あーん。 Merry Christmas, commander. I made a low-fat cake by minimizing the use of butter and sugar. Oh, you would like to try? With pleasure. Say ahh~
Libeccio Buon Natale!提督さん、パネトーネ一緒に食べよ! Merry Christmas! Hey admiral, let's eat some Panettone! Panettone is an Italian sweet bread originated in Milan. It is commonly eaten during Christmas.

Light Cruisers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Christmas 2013
Kiso クリスマスだと……ま、悪くはないな。 Christmas...... Well, it's not bad.
Naka 那珂ちゃんとメリークリスマスだよ!きゃは☆ It's a Merry Christmas with Naka-chan~! Kya-ha♡
From Christmas 2014
Kiso クリスマスケーキ……ふっ、こんなに甘くていいのか!?甘すぎる!! Christmas cake...... Hmm, is it alright for it to be so sweet!? It's too sweet!!
Naka 七面鳥もクリスマスケーキもおいしいね! The turkey and the Christmas cake are both delicious!
Ooyodo 提督、クリスマスですね?メリークリスマス! Admiral, it's Christmas isn't it? Merry Christmas!
New lines
Yura 提督さん、メリークリスマス!由良と過ごすクリスマスもいいでしょ?ほら、あーん。 Merry Christmas, Admiral. Spending time with me during Christmas is nice, isn't it? Now, say Ahh~.
提督さん、こっちのお料理も美味しそう。はい、あ~ん、楽しいですね!ねっ! Admiral, this food tastes good too. Say ahh~. It is fun, isn't it? Secretary 2
Kinu えー、ここで一句。「クリスマス、提督と一緒に、暮らします」なんちゃって!あははは!えへへ!え…へ…へ… 面白く…ない?ない?! Uh, here's a haiku. "Spending time alone, together with Admiral, in the night of Yule"* Just kidding! Ahahaha! Ehehehe! Eh, heh, heh... It wasn't funny? It wasn't!? Literal translation: "Christmas, spending time, with the Admiral." Tried to haiku it while keeping the meaning as close as possible. Yule is technically 2 sounds but eh.
Abukuma メリークリスマス、です!今晩はパーティするって足柄さんたちからの招待状が… 提督、どうしましょう?あ、あの…私的には… Merry Christmas, yes! Ashigara and the others invited us to their party tonight. What should we do, admiral? Umm... If it's me...
Yuubari メリークリスマス、提督!提督、これ、私からのプレゼント!え?!提督も? Merry Christmas, Admiral! Admiral, here, it's a present from me. Huh? You have one for me as well?
Agano 提督さん!キラリンメリークリスマス!阿賀野へのプレゼントは?え?!後で?!本当?待ってるからね。 Admiral! Kirariiiin! Merry Christmas! Where's Agano's present? Huh? Later? Really? I'll be waiting!
きらり~ん!提督さぁーん、今日は特別な日じゃない?阿賀野、幸せ!うふふっ Kirariin! Admira~al! Today is a special day. Agano is very happy ! Hihihi~ Secretary 2
Noshiro クリスマス…ですか。能代、慣れない行事ではありますが…少し、楽しいですね。あっ!提督、この鶏肉料理、美味しいです! Christmas, huh... It's not something i familiar with, but i look forward to it. Ah, admiral! This poultry dish tastes delicious!
阿賀野姉ぇ、炬燵でゴロゴロしてたらダメだから!太っちゃうからっ!ほらっ、立って立って!演習でも行って来たら? Agano-nee don't just loiter underneath the kotatsu! You'll get fat! Stand up, stand up! How about going to practice and coming back? Secretary 2
Yahagi クリスマス… 悪くはないわね、こういうの。提督、私は好きよ。少し…酔いそう。 Christmas... It doesn't sound that bad. I liked it, Admiral. I think i'm a bit tipsy... How she says it, it sounds like she's telling the admiral she likes him.
少し寒くなってきたわね…。鍛錬には丁度いいわね。十戦隊集合、演習に出ます! It became a little cold. It's perfect for exercise. Tenth squadron setting off for exercising! Secretary 2
Sakawa 司令、メリークリスマスぴゅうー!ツリーが綺麗で、酒匂、この雰囲気好き!あの泡の飲み物は… あ、これはまだ駄目? Commander, Merry Christmas-pyuu! The tree there looks beautiful it makes me appreciate this atmosphere. What is that foamy looking drink? Ah... I can't drink it yet? Apparently Sakawa is underage.
酒匂ぜんぜん寒くない。舞鶴はもうちょっと寒かったかな。…ぴゃ! Sakawa is not cold at all. Maizuru is little bit colder than that. Pyaa! Secretary 2

Heavy Cruisers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Christmas 2014
Furutaka 提督、メリークリスマス!この季節は一緒に過ごせて、古鷹、うれしいです! Admiral, Merry Christmas! To be spending this season together with you, I feel so happy!
Prinz Eugen わぁ、クリスマスはやっぱり、シュトレンやレイプクヘンが楽しみ!美味しいよねぇ~ As I thought, Christmas is all about enjoying Stollen and Lebkuchen! They're tasty, aren't they~?
New lines
Myoukou 提督!メリークリスマス!私、ケーキを焼いてみました。よかったら召し上がって! Merry Christmas, Admiral. I just baked a cake. Have some if you please.
Nachi クリスマスか… 悪くはないな。今夜は朝まで飲むぞ!ああ、そうだ。悪くない! Christmas, eh... sounds decent. Tonight we'll be drinking till sunrise! That's right, doesn't sound that bad, isn't it?
Ashigara メリークリスマス!もちろん今夜のメインディッシュはカツよ!聖夜に勝つ!これよ! Merry Christmas! Tonight's main dish is Katsu, obviously. Victory in the holy night. That's right!
Haguro 司令官さん… メリークリスマス!あ、あの… プレゼント、もしよかったら… あの… Sir commander... Merry Christmas. Uh... Uhm... A present... If you like it... Uhm...
Takao メリークリスマス!提督、今日だけは司令官のお仕事を忘れて、パーティを楽しみましょ?うぇ?あー… 愛宕!邪魔しないで! Merry Christmas ! Admiral, only for today forget about you commander's work and let's enjoy a party together. Oh!? Ah, Atago! Please, do not bother us.
Atago 提督!ぱんぱかぱーん!からの~メリークリスマス!はい、愛宕からのプレゼント!あ!今、開けてね~。ほら、よく似合う!よかった! Merry Christmas from the Pan paka pa-n~! Here's a present from me! Ah, I'll open it. There. You looked great. Good for you!
Maya クーリスマスねー、ま、いっか! このシャンパンノって酒もま、ありだしな。な、提督! Christmas... is not that bad. This "champagne" alcohol tastes pretty good, isn't it admiral?
Choukai メリークリスマス!西洋のお祭りですけれど、素敵ですよね。はい、ケーキです。 Merry Christmas! Though it is a Western festival, it's quite a wonderful one, isn't it? Here, have some cake.
Tone 筑摩、西洋のお祭りじゃな。料理もケーキも見事なものじゃ。吾輩も楽しいぞ! Chikuma, this is a Western festival. The cake and cuisines are totally amazing. I'm having fun too!
Chikuma 提督、メリークリスマス。提督も楽しまれていますか。今夜は「聖なる夜」ですよ。うふふ。 Admiral, Merry Christmas. Are you enjoying yourself as well? Tonight is a "holy night". Ufufu.
Suzuya メリクリ、メリクリ~提督、メリクリだよ!はい、鈴谷にプレゼント、ちょうだい~!ふーん? X-mas, X-mas~ Admiral, it's X-mas! Yeah, so give Suzuya her present~! Hmm?
Kumano (食べる音)何ですの、この七面鳥のグリルとやらは… なかなか
  • chew, chew* What is this, I have to say this grilled turkey is actually... *chew* quite good.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Christmas 2013
Nagato これが、クリスマスか。ふうん……そうか。 Is this Christmas? Hmm... is that so?
From Christmas 2014
Nagato 提督、いつもお疲れ様だな。今日くらいは一緒に飲もう。 Admiral, you've been working hard. Let's drink together today.
Hyuuga ん……これがクリスマス、なのか。ふむ……赤と緑、そして白か。悪くないな。 Uh... so this is Christmas... is it... Hmm, red and green, and then white is it? Not bad.
Bismarck 今年もクリスマスの季節なのね?早いわね。さっ、プレゼント渡していいのよ! This year's Christmas season has already come? Wasn't that fast? Then, exchanging presents is acceptable!
New lines
Kongou Hey、テートク!Merrrrryyyy... CHRISTMASダヨ!さあ、私へのPresentsを速く出すのデース!さあ… さあ!あ、逃げたデース。待てーい! Hey, admiral! Merrrrryyyy... CHRISTMAS TO YOU!! Now, hurry up and give me a present! Come on... come on... Ah, he ran away! Come back here!
Hiei はい!司令!艦隊、クリスマスを迎える用意、完了です!クリスマスケーキも今年もこの比叡が気合、入れて、作りました!楽しみにしててくださいね。 Yes, Commander! The fleet is prepared to enter Christmas! For this year, I made the Christmas cake again, with all my spirits, held high! Please look forward to it. Impending Doom
Haruna メリークリスマス、提督!榛名、提督とまたクリスマスをご一緒できて幸せです。提督、シャンパンをお開けしますね。はい、どうぞ。榛名も…いただきます! Merry Christmas, Admiral! Haruna is happy, getting to celebrate Christmas with the Admiral again. Admiral, I'll open up the champagne, okay? There, here you go. Haruna... will have some as well!
Kirishima さあ、クリスマスパーティの季節よ。パーティの司会ではマイクが大事。もちろん、マイクチェックもしっかりお願いね。うん、そう、大切です。よろしく頼みますね。 Right, it's time for Christmas party. The most important thing to bring at the stage is a microphone. Of course, please do a check on the mic as well. Yes, it's important indeed. I'm counting on you.
Fusou 山城、このお料理美味しいわ。あなたも食べてみて。ね?普通の鶏肉とは違うのね。 Yamashiro, this dish is delicious. You should have some too. Right? It's very different from normal chicken.
Yamashiro 姉さま、このターキー美味しいですね。うん?空母が一隻なんか…関係ないですね。 Nee-sama, this turkey tastes incredible. Hm? That aircraft carrier is... It doesn't matter, does it? Poor Zuikaku.
Musashi はむ!うむ!うまい!うまいぞ、クリスマス!悪くないな!提督ももっと食え!
  • nom* *nom* It's good... taste's good! Christmas ain't so bad after all! You oughta eat more, Admiral!
Littorio Buone Feste!提督、メリークリスマス! Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday, Admiral. "Buone Feste" means "Happy Holidays" in Italian. "Merry Christmas" in Italian is "Buon Natale".
Italia Buone Feste!提督、メリークリスマス!はい。私からのプレゼントです。ちゅっ Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday, Admiral. Here's a present from me. *smooch*
Roma Buone Feste。提督、メリークリスマス。だけど… 姉さん、少しやりすぎ… もー。 Merry Christmas, and... a Happy Holiday, Admiral. Still... you're overdoing it a bit, sis. Geez...

Light Carriers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Christmas 2014
Hiyou ク、クリスマスかぁ。ドレス、まだ取っておいたかなぁ…着ても、いいかな? I-is it Christmas? I wonder if my dress is still here... may I wear it, now?
Zuihou クリスマスですね。私もクリスマスっぽい卵焼き焼いてみたな!どう? It's Christmas, isn't it? I tried to make Christmas-y tamagoyaki! How is it?
New lines
Ryuujou 司令官、メリクリや。クリスマス衣装、可愛いやろう。あー、そうやろう、そうやろう?アメちゃん、あげるで。 Murr' Christmas, Commander! It's muh Christmas getup, adorable, ain't it? Oh you got the same idea? Here's a candy for yer thought~
Chitose 提督、クリスマス、楽しいですね!こら、千代田。食べすぎは駄目よ。うふふ。 Admiral, Christmas is fun! Hey, Chiyoda. You cannot eat so much. Ufufu.
Chiyoda クリスマスか!おお、この鳥料理、お姉、好きそう!提督!千歳お姉見なかった? Christmas,huh. Oh~ Sis, I love this fowl-dish! Admiral, did you see Chitose-onee?
Shouhou メリークリスマスです、提督。あの、私、提督にプレゼントがあるんです。よかったら、どうか受け取ってください。 Merry Christmas, Admiral. Em... I have a gift for Admiral. If it's okay, please receive it.

Standard Carriers[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Christmas 2014
Souryuu わーい、クリスマス!いいよね。ツリィやチキン、この雰囲気が好き! Yay, it's Christmas! Isn't it great? Christmas trees, chicken...I love this atmosphere!
Hiryuu お、おーん、クリスマスね。ケーキ、七面鳥も、美味しいわー。あれっ?瑞鶴?何で怒ってんの?えっ Yeah, it's Christmas, isn't it? Aren't cake and turkey just delicious? Huh? Zuikaku? Why are you mad? Oh-
New lines
Akagi これは……!おいしっ!これも、クリスマス……!いいですね。あっ、加賀さんも、食べてます? This is... Delicious. These are Christmas indeed. Ah, would you like some, Kaga-san?
Kaga メリークリスマスか…いいけれど。提督、赤城さん見かけませんでした?…そう。 Merry Christmas...? Fair enough. Admiral, have you seen Akagi? I see...
Shoukaku 瑞鶴?どうしたの、何をそんなにイライラしているの?せっかくのクリスマス、これを食べて落ち着いて、ね?…え?ええ~っ!? What's the matter, Zuikaku? What's with the annoyed face? It's Christmas time, have some of this and relax, okay? Eh, Ehhh~!?
Zuikaku ん~、クリスマスか~…はっ!翔鶴姉ぇ!その料理は、食べない!私、ぜ~ったい食べないから。いらないってば~! Hmm~ It's Christmas~... Ah! Shoukaku-nee! I won't eat that dish! I absolutely will not touch it. I said I don't need it~! She is referring to the Christmas turkey.
Amagi メリークリスマスです、提督。函館や呉の夜景も今日は綺麗ですよ、きっと。 Merry Christmas, Admiral. Nighttime scenery at Hakodate and Kure should've be pretty in this season.
Katsuragi クリスマス、か…悪くないわね、この雰囲気。これが、シャンパン?そ、そう… Christmas, huh... This atmosphere, it's not bad. This is champagne? I- I see...
Graf Zeppelin Admiral、この艦隊もクリスマスは祝うのだな。このシュトーレンも悪くないぞ。この国の潜水艦が作ったのか?うん、やるな。 Admiral, so this fleet also celebrates Christmas. And this Stollen isn't half bad at all. It was baked by this country's submarine? Hmm... Not bad. She says about I-8.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
New lines
I-19 提督?このケーキ美味しいの!もっともっとほしいの!イク、クリスマスはとってもご機嫌なの! Admiral? This cake is delicious! Iku wants more! Christmas puts Iku in a good mood!
I-8 提督!クリスマスです。シュトーレン焼かないといけません。なので、ハッチャン、この期間の出撃は… え?駄目? Admiral! It's Christmas~ You can't celebrate Christmas without baking Stollen. So, right now, Hacchan need to sortie- eh? No good?
でも、クリスマスはやっぱりシュト… え?提督が焼いてくれる?本当に?Danke!ハッチャン、楽しみ! Nevertheless, during Christmas there's still Sto- eh? Admiral baked this for me? Really? Danke! Hacchan is excited! Secretary 2
U-511 ユーも今日は楽しい。Bismarck姉さんも楽しそう。でも、食べ過ぎかも。 Today Yuu is happy too. Big sister Bismarck look like she's having fun too. But...maybe Yuu ate a bit too much.
Ro-500 Frohe Weihnachten!提督、この七面鳥、美味しいって。 Merry Christmas! Admiral, this turkey is delicious.


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
New lines
Katori クリスマスですね、提督。少しロマンチック… イルミネーションを付けたくなります。 It's Christmas, Admiral. It's a little bit romantic... it makes me want to put up some illumination.
Kashima 提督さん、メリークリスマス!この季節は何だか、少し幸せな気持ちになりますね。今日だけは、少し飲んじゃおうかな!えへへ。 Admiral, Merry Christmas! Somehow, this season makes me feel a little happy. I wonder if I should try drinking for a bit today! Heheh~
提督さん、今日は特別な一日ですね。提督さんとご一緒できて、私嬉しいです!うふふっ Admiral, today is a special day. Being together with you, make me really happy. Heheh~ Secretary 2
Akashi メリークリスマス、提督!クレーンにイルミネーション飾っちゃいましょうか? Merry Christmas, Admiral! Should I put up lights on the cranes?
Akitsushima やった!クリスマスだ!秋津島も料理いっぱい作るかも!え?瑞鶴?何、どうしたの? All right! It's Christmas! I'll go make a lot of dishes, I think! Huh? Zuikaku? What's wrong?
Mizuho クリスマス、楽しいですね。瑞穂もライスコロッケ、作ってみました。お味、どうでしょう? Christmas is fun, isn't it. I've made rice croquettes as well. Does it suit your taste?
Hayasui 提督さん!メリークリスマス!速吸もケーキ作ったんですよ!はい、お口開けて。あーん Admiral, Merry Christmas! Hayasui made a cake as well, you know? Here, open your mouth. Aaanh~


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
From Christmas 2014
Mamiya クリスマスですね!ケーキはもちろん、美味しい七面鳥も準備しておきますね。 It's Christmas. We serve not only cakes, but also delicious turkey roast.
Irako ケーキもお飲み物もご用意しました。たって、クリスマスですもの、クリスマス! Here's a serving of cakes and drinks. After all, it's Christmas time!


24th December addition[]

Anchorage counter bar[]


Jukebox BGM

Audio Furniture Song English
「七面鳥のディナー」 「聖夜の母港」 Home Port on Christmas Eve