This is a list of time-limited seasonal content such as seasonal CG, voices, furniture, items, BGM and mini-events.
Seasonal Content Timeline[]
- Christmas: new CG, voices and furniture
- Valentines: new gift item, furniture and quest
- White Day: new shop item
- Christmas: new CG, voices and BGM
- Present Box was obtainable from Northern Princess during this season
- End of Year: new CG, voices, furniture and BGM
- New Year: new CG, voices and furniture
- Setsubun: new voices, furniture and BGM
- Valentines: new CG, voices and BGM
- Hinamatsuri new furniture and BGM
- Hishimochi was obtainable during this season
- White Day: new voices, furniture and BGM
- Second Anniversary: new voices and furniture
- Rainy Season: new CG, voices and furniture
- Early Summer: new CG, voices and furniture
- Mid-Summer: new CG, voices, furniture and BGM
- Fall: new CG, voices, furniture and BGM
- Mackerel was obtainable during Mackerel Pike Festival mini-event
- Halloween: new CG and voices
- Fall Event: new event-related voices
- Christmas: new CG, voices, furniture and BGM
- Decoration Material and Present Box are obtainable during mini-event
- End of Year: new CG, voices and furniture
- New Year: new CG, voices and quest chain
- Setsubun: new CG, voices and furniture
- Valentines: new CG and voices
- Hinamatsuri: new NPC CG, voices, furniture and BGM
- White Day: new CG, voices, furniture and BGM
- Spring: new voices and furniture
- Third Anniversary: new CG, voices and furniture
- Rainy Season: new CG, voices and furniture
- Early Summer: new CG, voices and furniture, quest
- Mid-Summer: new CG, voices, furniture and BGM
- Fall: new CG, voices and furniture
- Sanma: new CG, voices, furniture and BGM
- Mackerel was obtainable during Mackerel Pike Festival mini-event
- Christmas: new CG, voices
- End of Year: CG, new voices
- New Year: new CG, voices, quests and furniture
- Winter: new voices, quests and furniture
- Setsubun: new CG, voices, and quests
- Valentines: new CG and voices
- Hinamatsuri: new CG, voices, and furniture
- White Day: new voices and furniture
- Hinamatsuri seasonal CG is still present
- Spring: new voices and furniture
- Fourth Anniversary: new CG, voices and furniture
- Rainy Season: new CG, voices and furniture
- Early Summer: new CG, voices and furniture
- Mid-Summer: new CG and voices
- Fall: new CG, voices and furniture
- Sanma: new CG, voices, furniture and BGM
- Mackerel was obtainable during Mackerel Pike Festival mini-event
- Late Fall: new CG and voices
- Eve of Battle: new CG and voices
- Fall 2017 Event: new CG and voices
- Christmas: new CG, voices and furniture
- End of Year: new CG, voices and furniture
- New Year: new CG, voices, quests
- Setsubun: new CG, voices
- Valentines: new CG, voices
- Eve Of Battle: new CG, voices
- Winter 2018 Event: new CG, new voices
- White Day: new CG, voices
- Spring: new CG, voices
- Fifth Anniversary: new CG, voices, furniture
- Rainy Season: new CG, voices, furniture
- Summer: new CG, voices, furniture
- Sanma: new CG, voices, furniture
- Mackerel was obtainable during Mackerel Pike Festival mini-event
- Christmas: new CG, voices, furniture
- End of Year: new CG, voices
- New Year: new CG, voices, quests
- Setsubun: new CG, voices
- Valentines: new CG, voices
- New Year: new CG, voices, quests