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Event Japanese English Note
Introduction Hello! 航空母艦、Saratogaです。提督、サラとお呼びくださいね。よろしくお願い致します。 Hello! I am Saratoga, an aircraft carrier. Admiral, please call me Sara. Pleased to meet you.
Kai Hello! 航空母艦、Saratogaです。サラも改修で、艤装と艦載機、強化しました!これからもご一緒に、頑張りましょう! Hello! I am Saratoga, an aircraft carrier. I was also refitted, and outfitting and aircraft were strengthened! Let's keep doing our best together!
Library Hello! アメリカ生まれの大型正規空母、Saratogaです。歴史深い由緒ある名前を頂いています。あの大きな戦いでは、最初から最後まで頑張ったんです。戦いの終わった後、長門さん達と一緒にある実験に参加しました。これからサラも皆さんと同じ艦隊で頑張らせてくださいね! Hello! I'm an American-made large aircraft carrier, Saratoga. I was named after a specific event in history. During the great war, I fought my way to the very end. And after the war, I was involved in a certain experiment with Nagato and the others. From here on, I wish to do my best with everyone in this fleet! Saratoga was named after the Battles of Saratoga, part of the American Revolutionary War. That "certain experiment" was Operation Crossroads, in which Saratoga along with Nagato took part of.
Secretary 1 How are you? How are you?
Secretary 2 はい、サラはここに。 Yes, I am here.
Secretary 3 提督、せっかく整備したWildcatが。後にしてくださいね。お願いです。 Admiral, I just fixed this Wildcat. Can we do this later, please?
Kai 提督、せっかく整備したDauntlessが。後にしてくださいね。お願いです。 Admiral, I just fixed this Dauntless. Can we do this later, please?
Idle うん!これで艦載機も問題なし!たくさん詰めるから、整備は大変。あら、長門!Hi!へっ、これから演習なの?ごめんなさい、サラは今日は執務室勤務なんです。また誘ってね! Yep, the planes are in top conditions! Getting them loaded and fixed sure is hard work. Oh. Hi, Nagato. You're going for practice? I'm sorry but I'm on duty. Call me out later.
Secretary Married 提督?お疲れですか?サラが、お茶と何か元気が出るものをご用意しましょう。へっ、パン?パン屋はサラはあまり…どちらかと言えば、ケーキのほうが得意なんです!ご用意しましょう!待ってくださいね。 Admiral, are you tired? I'll make you a tea or anything that will get you going again. Eh, bread? I'm not good at making them... On the other hand, I'm good at making cakes. I'll bake one for you. Do wait for it. She mentions パン屋 (panya) in Japanese which means bakery. She does not have a fond memory of bakeries probably because the nuclear test that sunk her was called Test Baker.
Wedding 提督、how are you doing?へっ、これをサラに…ですか?はぁ、開けてみても良いのでしょうか?Oh my god, beautiful...! Admiral, how are you doing? Eh, is this for me? Ah, is okay if I open it? Oh my God, it's beautiful!
Looking At Scores 情報ですね?サラが整理してお持ちします。 Intelligence? I'll get it sorted and ready.
Joining A Fleet 航空母艦Saratoga、抜錨します。続いて! Aircraft Carrier Saratoga, weigh anchor. Follow me!
Equipment 1 Beautiful!いい子たちですね! Beautiful! They're all good girls!
Equipment 2 いい艦載機!この子もいいですね! What a great plane. And also a great crew, aren't they!
Equipment 3 Oh my god! Oh my god!
 ⇧ shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development
Supply Thanks a lot! ありがとうございます。 Thanks a lot! Thank you very much!
Docking Minor Sorry、少しだけ休みます、提督。 Sorry. I shall take a break, admiral.
Docking Major I’m sorry、後方でお休みを頂きます。ごめんなさい、提督。 I'm sorry. I shall pull back and rest. I'm truly sorry, admiral.
Construction 新造艦、就役です! A new ship has been completed!
Returning From Sortie 作戦完了です、提督。 Operation complete, Admiral.
Starting A Sortie サラ、出撃します!皆さん、行きましょう! Sara, Heading out! Let's go everyone!
Kai CV-3 サラ、出撃します!皆さん、行きましょう! CV-3 Sara, Heading out! Let's go everyone!
Battle Start 行きます!航空隊、発艦初め! Let's do this. Air team, ready to strike!
Air Battle サラの子たち、お願いします! It's all yours, my fellow kids!
Attack Attack! Attack!
 ⇧ shared with day/night special attacks, support expedition team arrival
Night Battle 艦隊全身、追撃戦に移行します!サラに続いて! Fleet at full speed. Commencing pursuit! On me!
MVP Oh my god!サラの戦闘がそんなに!?何か、申し訳ない気もします。 Oh my god! I excel that much in battle? I... kind of feel bad for it.
Kai Oh my god! サラの戦果がそんなに!?提督のお蔭ですね。帰ったら乾杯しましょう! Oh my god! I excel that much in result? It's all thanks to you, Admiral. Let's make a toast when we return!
Minor Damage 1 あぁ! Aahh!
Minor Damage 2 へ、飛行甲板に!?ダメージコントロール! Huh, the flight deck? Damage Control!
Major Damage 嫌だ、もう!飛行甲板とお尻が… Oh no... My flight deck and my rear...
Sunk Oh my god、サラ…ここで沈むというのですか?提督、お別れです... Goodbye... Oh my god... This is where I'm sinking? Admiral, It's time we part ways... Goodbye...

Hourly Notifications (Kai)

Time Japanese English Note
00:00 提督、先ほど日付が更新されました。本日はこのサラが提督の執務を補佐いたしますね。 Admiral, the date has changed. Today I, Sara will help with the Admiral's duties.
01:00 1 o'clock。 提督、今夜は頑張りましょうね。 1 o'clock. Admiral, tonight lets do our best.
02:00 2 o'clock。 はい、サラは平気です。提督、お疲れですか? 2 o'clock. Yes, I'm doing fine. Admiral, are you tired?
03:00 3 o'clock。 サラがcoffeeをご用意しましょう。少しお待ち下さいね。 3 o'clock. I'll make you some coffee. Please wait a bit.
04:00 4 o'clock。 提督、もうすぐ夜が明けますね。ハァ…よし!頑張ろう! 4 o'clock. Admiral, it's soon going to be dawn. Phew... Alright! I'll do my best!
05:00 5 o'clock。 朝焼けSo beautiful! 5 o'clock. The sunrise is so beautiful!
06:00 Good Morning! 6 o'clock。提督、おはようございます。今朝も爽やかですね! Good Morning! 6 o'clock. Admiral, good morning. It's another crisp morning!
07:00 7 o'clock。サラ、モーニングをご用意しました。卵はスクランブルでよかったですよね?Coffeeはこちらに。 7 o'clock. I've made breakfast for you. Scrambled eggs will do, right? The coffee is over there.
08:00 8 o'clock。朝の後片付けをしたら、艦載機の整備をしますね。みんな、いい子たちなんです。 8 o'clock. After I finish clearing up, I need to service my planes. All of them are good girls.
09:00 9 o'clock。あ、Yorkie...?あ、ごめんなさい!勘違いです。Sorry!あ、サラったら、ごめんなさい。 9 o'clock. Huh, Yorkie...? Ah, I'm sorry! I mistook you for someone. Sorry! Oh silly Sara, I'm sorry. She probably mistook someone with USS Yorktown (CV-5) which was designed after lessons learned from operations with the Lexington-class. Yorktown was sunk by I-168 during the Battle of Midway.
10:00 10 o'clock。 加賀さん、おはようございます!...え、対抗演習ですか?喜んで!サラが真剣勝負でお相手します! 10 o'clock. Miss Kaga, good morning! ...Huh, a war game? I'll gladly accept! I'll face you with everything I've got!
11:00 11 o'clock。 加賀さん、さすがですね。Japan Task Forceも侮れません。サラももっと頑張ろ! 11 o'clock As expected from you, Miss Kaga. Japan's Task Force is formidable. I need to do better!
12:00 It is Noon。 提督、lunchはどうされますか?サラ、簡単なサンドウィッチだったらパッパッとご用意しちゃいます。OK?少し待っていて。 It is Noon. Admiral, what will you have for lunch? If it's just sandwiches, I can make it with ease . OK? Wait for a while.
13:00 1 o'clock。 はい、お待たせです。ターキーサラダサンドウィッチ、どうぞ召し上がれ! 1 o'clock. Here you go. One turkey salad sandwich, please enjoy!
14:00 2 o'clock。 提督、サラのターキーサラダサンド、どうでしたか?お口に合いましたか?あぁ...Really? よかった! 2 o'clock. Admiral, how's my turkey salad sandwich? Did you like it? Ahh... Really? Thank god!
15:00 3 o'clock。 ハァ...少し疲れたかな。は、いいえ、サラ全然平気です! 3 o'clock. Phew... I'm a little tired. Huh? No, I am totally fine!
16:00 4 o'c... あら、Hey! 赤城さんHow are you?...そう、よかった!サラも同じよ。うふふ 4 o'c... Ah, hey! Miss Akagi How are you?... Oh really, that's great! Same goes for me. Hehehe...
17:00 5 o'clock。 提督、この海は夕焼けも綺麗。So beautiful! 5 o'clock. Admiral, the sunset in the sea here is breathtaking. So beautiful!
18:00 6 o'clock。 Dinnerはどうされますか?え、提督が?ううん、大丈夫。サラに夜も任せておいてください!頑張ります! 6 o'clock. What will you have for dinner? Eh, You want to make it yourself? No no, it's alright. Leave the dinner to me as well! I'll do my best!
19:00 7 o'clock。 はい、お待ち同様!ニュージャージー仕込みのビーフステーキ、どうぞ召し上がれ!はい、ご一緒にビールも! 7 o'clock. Kept you waiting! It's New Jersey-style beef steak, please enjoy! Here is a beer to go with it!
20:00 8 o'clock。 提督、お腹いっぱいになりました?そう?よかった!デザートもあるんです。ほら、コーンシロップたっぷりのサラ特製アイス、召し上がれ!さぁ、遠慮されずに、ね? 8 o'clock. Admiral, are you full? Really? Good to know. There is dessert as well. Here is Sara's special corn syrup filled ice cream. Please dig in! Don't be shy!
21:00 9 o'clock。 あら、Iowa!珍しいのね、一人?お仕事終わったら、少しだけやりますか?うん、OKです。待っててね! 9 o'clock. Oh, Iowa! It's rare to see you alone. Once I finish working do you want to do it for a bit? Sure, OK. Wait for me!
22:00 10 o'clock。 提督、なんでしょうか?...え、提督もご一緒に?もちろん、喜んで!そうだ、加賀さんたちもお呼びしましょう。え、それはまた別で? 10 o'clock. Admiral, what is it? Eh, you want to join us as well? Sure, with pleasure! That's right, how about we invite Miss Kaga as well. eh, another time?
23:00 11 o'clock。 提督、今日も一日お疲れ様でした!さぁ、それではIowaと合流して、Let's go for a drink! 11 o'clock. Admiral, thank you for your hard work today! Alright, let's meet up with Iowa and let's go for a drink!



  • Unlike the majority of other carriers ingame that use bows, Saratoga uses a firearm integrated into her flight deck to launch planes. The weapon used is based off the Thompson submachine gun, one of the most iconic firearms of the 1920's, and most often referred to by monikers like the "Tommy Gun" and "Chicago Typewriter". Saratoga also carries two different magazines for the weapon, the standard straight 20-round magazine, and the "L" type drum magazines which can be seen carried on the inside of her skirt.



  • Fall 2016 Event E-5 Clear Reward.
  • Saratoga has the ability to engage in combat during Night Battles using her guns in her standard form.
  • While she starts out with an attack range of Medium, her Kai remodel downgrades her to Short range.


  • USS Saratoga (CV-3) was the second of the Lexington-class ships, which were originally designed as battlecruisers until the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 necessitated their conversion into aircraft carriers. Nicknamed "Sister Sara" or "Sara Maru" by her crews, she served with distinction during the Second World War, being present in many major engagements including the Guadalcanal campaign, the New Georgia campaign, and the Battle of Iwo Jima, along with seeing combat in the Indian Ocean.
  • Converted into a training ship in 1945 following battle damage from Iwo Jima, and used as a repatriation vessel at the end of the war. She would later be used as one of the ships present in the Operation Crossroads nuclear tests of 1946 in Bikini Atoll, where she sank after the Test Baker nuclear detonation.
  • The letter E on Saratoga's funnel is a Battle Effectiveness Award granted to US Navy ships that demonstrate an exceptional state of combat readiness, and in Saratoga's case was awarded for Excellence in Engineering during exercises in 1938.
  • Sunk the light carrier Ryuujou with her aircraft during the Battle of the Eastern Solomons on 24 August, 1942.
  • Saratoga was one of only three pre war carriers of the United States Navy that survived World War Two, the other two being USS Enterprise and USS Ranger.
  • The downgrade in Saratoga's attack range on remodel stems from the differences in firepower brought about by her refit; when originally built, Saratoga was equipped with four 8"/55 caliber gun turrets similar to those used by heavy cruisers of the time, due to the perceived importance of aircraft carriers having organic anti-ship weapons in the event of surface action. As the importance of anti-aircraft defenses rose along with the decreasing likelihood of carriers engaging in direct ship-to-ship combat, Saratoga was refitted in 1942 to have her 8-inch guns replaced with smaller dual-purpose 5"/38 caliber guns with anti-aircraft capability. These changes are visually present on Saratoga's rigging ingame, along with corresponding changes to her stats.
  • Saratoga's standard pose of pushing her skirt down as it's blown upward by wind is most likely inspired by a famous and iconic pose by superstar Marilyn Monroe, taken from the movie "The Seven Year Itch".
  • The coloration of her initial costume is based the USN Measure 1 camoflague scheme that she wore pre-1942, with her vertical surfaces in Light Gray while her wooden flight deck was left unpainted. Her kai-costume reflects the Measure 21 scheme that she wore from late-1942, with the flight deck darkened with Deck Blue.

