Prinz Eugen [Edit]
| |||
Seiyuu | Ozawa Ari (小澤亜李) | Availability | Event Reward |
Artist | Shimada Humikane (島田フミカネ) | Implementation | 2014/11/14 |
Prinz Eugen No.176 Prinz Eugen
Admiral Hipper Class Heavy Cruiser | |||||
Statistics | |||||
HP | 50 (52) | Firepower | 38 (56) | ||
Armor | 38 (64) | Torpedo | 32 (64) | ||
Evasion | 34 (68) | AA | 16 (44) | ||
Aircraft | 9 | ASW | 0 | ||
Speed | Fast | LOS | 15 (40) | ||
Range | Medium | Luck | 30 (79) | ||
Resource Consumption | |||||
Fuel | 50 | Ammo | 70 | ||
Build Time | Slots | ||||
Unbuildable | 3 | ||||
Stock Equipment | Space | ||||
SKC34 20.3cm Twin Gun Mount | 3 | ||||
Ar196 Kai | 3 | ||||
- Unequipped - | 3 | ||||
- Locked - | - | ||||
Prinz Eugen Kai No.177 Prinz Eugen改
Admiral Hipper Class Heavy Cruiser | |||||
Statistics | |||||
HP | 63 (65) | Firepower | 48 (75) | ||
Armor | 48 (82) | Torpedo | 40 (84) | ||
Evasion | 40 (74) | AA | 18 (60) | ||
Aircraft | 12 | ASW | 0 | ||
Speed | Fast | LOS | 16 (50) | ||
Range | Medium | Luck | 40 (89) | ||
Resource Consumption | |||||
Fuel | 55 | Ammo | 75 | ||
Remodel Level | Slots | ||||
Level 45 | 4 | ||||
Stock Equipment | Space | ||||
SKC34 20.3cm Twin Gun Mount | 3 | ||||
2cm Flakvierling 38 | 3 | ||||
FuMO25 Radar | 3 | ||||
- Unequipped - | 3 | ||||
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction | Guten Morgen! 私は、重巡プリンツ・オイゲン。よろしくね! | Good morning! I'm the heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen. Nice to meet you! | ||
Library | わ! びっくりした! 私、ドイツ生まれの重巡、プリンツ・オイゲン。 アドミラル・ヒッパー級3番艦です。 ビスマルク姉さまとライン演習作戦に参加しました。 幸運艦…そう? この海でも戦い抜きます! |
Oh! You surprised me! I, German-born heavy cruiser, Prinz Eugen! Admiral Hipper class, third ship. With big sister Bismarck, I took part in Operation Rheinübung. |
Operation Rheinübung | |
Secretary 1 | おあ!びっくりしたあ!…ぁはい!出ます! | Oh! You surprised me! ..Ah, yes! Setting off! | ||
Kai | おあ!…ぁ了解です!プリンツ・オイゲン、出撃ー! | Oh!... Alright! Prinz Eugen, Sortieing! | ||
Secretary 2 | Einen schönen Tag! | Have a nice day! | ||
Secretary 3 | 提督ぅ!ライン演習ですかあ!…あぁなんだ違うのかあ…ううん!でも頑張る!任せて! | Admiraal! Is it the Rhine Exercise? ...Ah.. So I was mistaken.. It's okay! I'll still work hard! Leave it to me! | That is, Operation Rheinübung. | |
Idle | ビスマルク姉さま・・・大丈夫かなぁ・・・?ちょっと気になる・・・。様子見てこよう・・・かなぁ。 | Bismarck Nee-sama... I wonder if she's okay...? I'm kind of curious... Maybe I should go see what she's doing? | ||
Secretary Married | ふぁぁ、Admiralさん、疲れたら少し休まないとダメだよぉ。きっと!だからねっ! | Fuwaa, Admiral-san, if you're tired, you need to take a break. Definitely! Got it!? | ||
Wedding | Admiralさん、ご用事ってなんですか? わ、こ、これをわたしに? え、え~と、ビスマルク姉様がぁ…あ、あぅ… あ、あの…Danke! 大切にします!! | Admiral-san, you said you needed something? Wah, t-this is for me? Uh, umm~, Bismarck Nee-sama is... a-ah... u-um, ...Thank you! I'll treasure it!! | ||
Looking At Scores | 艦隊の情報ね、ん、ちょっと待ってー、ほぉ、ほぉほぉ、なるほどねぇー | Information about the fleet, right~? Wait a minute~ Ho~, ho~oho~ I seee~ | ||
Joining A Fleet | 重巡プリンツ・オイゲン、出撃します! | Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen, setting off! | ||
Equipment 1 | Danke, Danke! | Thank you, Thank you! | ||
Equipment 2 | Danke gut! | Fine. Thank you. | ||
Equipment 3 | Viel Glück. | Good luck! | ||
⇧ shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development | ||||
Supply | Danke、感謝ね! | Tha~nk you, I appreciate it! | ||
Docking Minor | はぁ…やられちゃった。すぐ直すから | Haa... I got hit. I'll get fixed soon | ||
Docking Major | Gute Nacht | Good Night | ||
Docking Complete | 入渠中の艦艇の修理が完了したって! | Ship in dock is fully repaired! | ||
Construction | 新艦艇が就役したみたい。楽しみね! | It looks like new ships have been commissioned. Looking forward to it! | ||
Returning From Sortie | 作戦完了! お疲れさまでしたー。 | Operation complete! Thank you for the hard work~ | ||
Starting A Sortie | ビスマルク姉さま、ご一緒に出撃しましょう! | Bismarck Nee-sama, let's head out together! | ||
Battle Start | よく狙って……Feuer! | Aim... Fire! | ||
Kai | 砲撃、開始! Feuer! | Shelling, commence!... Fire! | ||
Attack | FEUER! FEUER! | Fire! Fire! | ||
⇧ shared with day/night special attacks, support expedition team arrival | ||||
Night Battle | プリンツ・オイゲン、追撃戦に移ります! | Prinz Eugen, commencing pursuit battle! | ||
Night Attack | 主砲…よく狙って…砲撃、開始! | Main guns... carefully aim... firing, commence! | ||
MVP | ふぇっ、私がラッキーガールですって?全然そんなことないよー!浅瀬とか、苦手だし… | Ehh, I'm a lucky girl? Nothing of that sort! I'm bad at stuff like the shallows, after all... | Perhaps due to Operation Crossroads. | |
Minor Damage 1 | うわぁっやられた!でも、まだ…! | Uwaa I got hit! But, I'm not done yet..! | ||
Minor Damage 2 | うう……しっかりしなきゃ、私 | Uu...I need to snap out of it... | ||
Kai | 私がこんなので沈むわけない…!反撃よ! | I can't sink from this..! Counter attack! | ||
Major Damage | こんなの、ビスマルク姉さまに笑われちゃう…! | I'll get laughed at by Bismarck Nee-sama like this..! | ||
Sunk | 私…今度は先に沈むのね…、酒匂…長門…また…ね | This time I'll go on ahead... Sakawa... Nagato... See you... | A reference to Operation Crossroads, where Nagato, Sakawa, & herself were among the targets for nuclear tests. |
Hourly Notifications (Kai)[]
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 | ぅわあっ!?ちょうど0時!今日は、このプリンツ・オイゲンが時刻を知らせる役目ね。よしっ、分かった!任せといて! | Uwaa!? It's exactly 0 o'clock! Today, it's this Prinz Eugen's duty to tell you the time. Alright, I got it! Leave it to me! | |
01:00 | 午前1時になりましたー!こんな感じで良い、かな?ぁあ、そう!よかったぁ! | It's 1am! Is something like this good? Ah, I see! Thank goodness! | |
02:00 | 午前2時です。この国ではウシ、ミツ、ドキ…って言うの?あぁ、なんだか面白い響きの言葉ね。 | It's 2am. In this country, you say... Ushi, Mitsu, Doki? Aah, they are funny sounding words. | |
03:00 | わぁっ、びっくりしたぁ。あ、この髪形…気になる?っああ!午前3時になりました! | Waa, you startled me! Ah, do you like... this hairstyle? Aah! It's 3am! | |
04:00 | んんぅ~…っ、午前4時で~す…んん…流石にちょっと眠いかもぉ…っけど、平気。 | Nnn~... It's 4am~... nn... As expected, I'm a bit tired... But, I'm fine. | |
05:00 | 5時になりましたー!Guten Morgen、気持ちが良い朝!がんばっていきましょー! | It's 5 o'clock! Guten Morgen, it's a nice morning! Let's do our best! | |
06:00 | 6時です。朝食かぁ…っへ?私!?分かった、任せといてっ!えーっと…んー、何作ろうかなぁ。ビスマルク姉さまの分も必要かなぁ?ねっ | 6 o'clock. Breakfast, huh... eh? Me!? Got it, leave it to me! Umm... hmm, what should I make? I wonder if I should make Bismarck Nee-sama's portion too? Right? | |
07:00 | はいっ、今朝の朝食はパンとチーズとソーセージ。あとサラダと…もちろん、熱いコーヒーもどうぞ!普通だけど美味しいでしょ?あぁ、今7時ちょうどです。 | Ok, today's breakfast is bread, cheese, and sausage. Also salad... and of course, have some hot coffee! It's pretty average, but still good, right? Ah, it's exactly 7 o'clock now. | A typical German breakfast. |
08:00 | 8時になりました。さぁ、Admiralさん、今日の作戦をこなしていきましょう!演習から行く?それとも、遠征? | It's now 8 o'clock. Now, Admiral-san, let's do today's missions! Will you start with exercises? Or maybe, expeditions? | |
09:00 | 午前9時です。んっ?あ、長門だぁ!おーい、なーがとー!…ん?どこで会ったかって?それはもちろん!…っと…あれ?えっと…どこだっけ…? | It's 9am. Hm? Ah, it's Nagato! Ooy, Na-gato! Where have we met? That is, of course! ...uh... huh? Umm... where was it...? | Probably from Operation Crossroads |
10:00 | 10時です。戦艦?もち!ビスマルク姉さまと一緒なら、ぜんっぜん余裕で撃沈しちゃう!まっかせてー! | It's 10 o'clock. Battleship? 'Course! If I'm with Bismarck Nee-sama, we'll sink them in no time! Leave it to me! | During Operation Rheinübung, they worked together to sink battlecruiser HMS Hood. |
11:00 | 午前11時になりましたー。そろそろお昼ですねー。今日は、外でお昼もいいですね。 | It's now 11am~. It's almost noon, huh~. It might be nice to eat outside today. | |
12:00 | っあぁ、もうお昼!正午です!お昼は、外でチーズとパンでいいかな?気持ちいいからビールもいっちゃう?あはっ、ダメかぁ… | Ah, it's already noon! It's midday! For lunch, is cheese and bread outside ok? Since it's nice, shall we have a beer too? Aha, no good, huh... | |
13:00 | 13時になりました。午後の作戦開始ですね、頑張っていきましょう! | It's now 13 o'clock. Time to start the afternoon missions. Let's do our best! | |
14:00 | 14時です。え?なになに、酒匂?あぁ知ってます、あの可愛い軽巡ね。 | 14 o'clock. Eh? What, Sakawa? Ah, I know her, she's that cute light cruiser. | Sakawa was part of Operation Crossroads |
15:00 | 15時です。あぁ、これですか?はい、ツェルベルス作戦時の艤装です。どうでしょう、似合います~? | 15 o'clock. Aah, this? It's my fittings from Operation Cerberus. How is it, does it suit me~? | Operation Cerberus |
16:00 | 16時になりました。わぁ、びっくりした、ビスマルク姉さま!ご一緒に出撃致しましょう!はい、是非! | It's now 16 o'clock. Waa, you startled me, Bismarck Nee-sama! Shall we sortie together? Yes, by all means. | Operation Rheinübung |
17:00 | 17時。夕方となりました。そろそろ、本日も日が暮れますね。…はぁ、綺麗な空…。あぁ、もちろんビスマルク姉さまが一番綺麗です。 | 17 o'clock. It's evening now. It's about time for the day to be getting darker. Haa, such a beautiful sky... Ah, of course Bismarck Nee-sama is the most beautiful! | |
18:00 | 18時です。夕食の準備をしますね。今日は、kaltes Essenで良いですか?え、嫌だ?温かいのがいいの? | It's 18 o'clock. I'll start preparing dinner. Is kaltes essen ok for today? Eh, it's not? Something warm would be better? | "kaltes Essen" literally cold food is in germany typically a plate with bread, cheese and sausage slices |
19:00 | 19時です。では、夕食はEisbeinのポトフにしてみました。スープにも味が染みだしていていいでしょ?最後は、ご飯を入れて雑炊風にしても美味しいんです! | It's 19 o'clock. Well then, dinner is Eisbein pot-au-feu. It's fine if the flavor soaks into the soup, right? And finally, if you add in rice to make it a porridge, it's delicious! | |
20:00 | 20時になりました。日本の重巡も、充実しているんですねぇ。ふむふむ、う~んなるほど…ふむ、ふむ… | It's now 20 o'clock. Japanese cruisers are pretty well-rounded, huh? Mmhmm. Aah, I see... Mmhmm. | |
21:00 | 21時。え、得意技…ですか?そーですねぇ、艦砲で押し寄せる戦車の群れを、結構叩きました。これも割と得意です!はいっ! | 21 o'clock. Eh, a... signature move? Let's see, I spent a lot of time shelling hordes of advancing enemy tanks! I'm pretty good at that! Yes! | She provided support fire in the Baltics against the advancing Red Army. |
22:00 | すっかり夜ですねぇ、22時です。Admiralさん、今日も一日、作戦お疲れ様でした! | 22 o'clock, it's completely nighttime now. Admiral-san, good work on today's operations too. | |
23:00 | 23時です。ん~そろそろ私も休ませて貰いますね…Gute Nacht…っえ、だめぇ…? | It's 23 o'clock. Hm~ it's about time I took a break too... Gute Nacht... Eh, I can't~? |
Seasonal Quotes[]
Event | Japanese | English | Note |
Christmas 2014 |
わぁ、クリスマスはやっぱり、シュトレンやレイプクヘンが楽しみ!美味しいよねぇ~ | As I thought, Christmas is all about enjoying Stollen and Lebkuchen! They're tasty, aren't they~? | Same as Christmas 2015 |
New Year 2015 |
これがニホンの新年、『オショウ・ガ・ツー』なのか…! カドマ・ツーも、独特で素敵かも…! | This is a Japanese new year. There are "2 Priests"...! Kadoma-2, too, is unique and wonderful...! | お正月 (Oshougatsu, New Years) mixed up with 和尚が2 (Oshou ga 2, 2 priests), 門松 (Kadomatsu, New Years decoration) mixed up with 門真2 (Kadoma 2, 2nd Kadoma [city]) Same as New Year 2016 |
Second Anniversary 2015 |
今日は素敵な日ですね。アドミラールさん、いつもありがとう、えへへへ。 | Today is a wonderful day! Good work as usual, Admiral-san! Ehehe | |
Setsubun 2016 |
これが日本の文化、セッツ・ブーン!この豆を、長門に投げればいいの?……えいっ!ああっ!? | So this is Japan's culture, Setsubun! I throw this bean at Nagato, right? Hyah! Oh?! | She mixed up Nagata Shrine (長田) with Nagato (長門) From Setsubun 2015 |
Third Anniversary 2016 |
今日は素敵な日ですね。アドミラールさん、いつもありがとう、えへへへ。 | Today is a wonderful day! Good work as usual, Admiral! Ehehe. | From Seasonal/Second_Anniversary |
For new seasonal lines that may be missing here, check Seasonal |
- Cute and very cheerful. Her lines contain a lot of German words.
- In fiction, Prinz Eugen is depicted as Bismarck's little sister.
- Humikane Shimada's commentary from Twitter on November 13th, 2014 reveal the follow design details:
- She looks like Bismarck because the British mistook her for Bismarck. Hence, the turrets, bridge, & so forth are all more or less modeled after Bismarck.
- Her basic form's patterns are a reference to the DKM standard Baltic camouflage.
- Her remodel patterns are a reference to the camouflage after the Channel Dash, or Operation Cerberus.
- There's a Prinz Eugen patch beneath her shoulder pad's iron cross.
- When displayed in the PvP team roster, only 'Prinz' will show up. This may be due to the space between the two words ('Prinz' & 'Eugen') being recognized as a name split.
- Reward from Fall 2014 Event E-3.
- Fall 2015 Event E-4 M node Drop.
- Winter 2016 Event E-3 S, T node Drop.
- Fall 2016 Event E-4 Drop
- Summer 2017 E-7 Drop
- Her name translates to 'Prince Eugene', referring to Prince Eugene of Savoy, one of the most important Field Marshals in the history of the Austrian military. He served the Habsburg Monarchy during the late 17th & early 18th century.
- Eugene is derived from the Greek word ευγενης (eugenēs), or 'noble', with the literal meaning of "well-born".
- Sortied with Bismarck during Bismarck's first & only operation, Operation Rheinübung.
- One of the Kriegsmarine ships who survived World War II.
- She was acquired for service in the US Navy for a short time & listed as an unclassified miscellaneous vessel (USS Prince Eugen) with the hull number IX-300 to prevent the Soviet Union from acquiring her.
- One of the many participants in Operation Crossroads.
- After both nuclear tests, she was towed to Kwajalein Atoll on July 25, 1946 & eventually partially capsized in shallow waters due to an unrepaired leak on December 22nd, 1946.
- Part of her wreck is still visible above water.
- Diveable.
- Prinz Eugen's artist describes her as compact version of Bismarck, as mentioned in his twitter status.
- A larger version of her coat of arms, as seen on her left arm sleeve, can be seen here.
- Her damaged CG may be reference to damage she sustained in Norway after being torpedoed by the British submarine HMS Trident.
- The torpedo struck the ship in the stern, causing serious damage and rendering the ship unmaneuverable.
- On her own power she managed to reach Trondheim and from there to was towed to Lofjord, where, over the next few months, emergency repairs were effected.
- Her entire stern was cut away and plated over and two jury-rigged rudders, operated manually via capstans, were installed.
Comment by Illustrator[]
@humikane Prinz Eugen's Design
あ、そういえば独艦では帽子のタイプ(制帽、略帽、水兵帽など)とソックスの長さで、艤装無しでも大体の艦級が判別できるようにしています 自分の中だけでの決まり事ですが 海外のサイトですがオイゲンの紋章のってますね 下の方では、軽巡ライプツィヒとの衝突事故、操作室がカバーされた後期の魚雷発射管、潜水艦トライデントの雷撃で損傷した艦尾を切断し、応急処置をした際の画像などが
豆知識:オイゲンの主砲は前から順に「Graz グラーツ」「Braunau ブラウナウ」「Innsbruck インスブルック」 「Wien ウィーン」とオーストリアの都市名がついてます。進水式の式典時には、実際に砲塔に都市名が書かれていたみたいですね
画面では解像度の関係で見づらいのですが、右肩の主砲(B砲塔)を支えるフレーム上部に、Braunau の刻印をいれてあります(ほかのは絵の角度で見えませんが)
☑ Blur NSFW CG ☒ Blur NSFW CG
☑ Blur other damaged CG ☒ Blur other damaged CG
See Also
Template:Admiral Hipper Class
For players whom has any of the following:
and/or Any other unlisted ships from this table
Currently, it is possible to construct Bismarck and/or Z3 WITHOUT the completion of the Z1 quest chain, but with Z1 obtained from drop (e.g. from 4-5)[1][2].
However, it is still most likely NOT possible to craft Z1, Z3 or Bismarck with either of the following ship(s) listed above without first getting Z1.