KanColle Wiki
Wikia July 31st Update Banner
Time until maintenance starts: Time until maintenance ends:

Maintenance start date and time: July 31st 2017 11:00
Expected maintenance end date and time: July 31st 2017 19:30
Actual maintenance end date and time: July 31st 2017 19:30


End of Zuiun Festival[]

As a celebration for the event, all admirals will receive a Furniture Fairy.

Fumizuki Kai Ni[]

Stat Upgrades[]

  • Maximum level cap increased from 155 to 165.
  • Naka Kai NiNaka Kai Ni:
    • Maximum ASW stat increased, from 84 to 85.
    • Maximum AA stat increased, from 73 to 75.

Voice Lines[]

Mid-Summer Seasonal Content[]

Limited-time CGs[]

Bug Fixes[]

New Quests[]

ID Requirements FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxite Rewards Note
A79 精鋭「第二二駆逐隊」を再編成せよ!
Reorganize the Elite 22th Destroyer Squadron!
Have Fumizuki Kai NiFumizuki Kai Ni, Satsuki Kai NiSatsuki Kai Ni, Minazuki KaiMinazuki Kai and Nagatsuki KaiNagatsuki Kai in your first fleet 220 / 0 / 220 / 0 Instant repair 2 X 2,
Combat Ration 145 Full X 2
Requires: ??
Unlocks: B104
B104 精鋭「第二二駆逐隊」出撃せよ!
Sortie the Elite 22th Destroyer Squadron!
Sortie a torpedo squadron consists of Fumizuki Kai NiFumizuki Kai Ni, Satsuki Kai NiSatsuki Kai Ni, Minazuki KaiMinazuki Kai and Nagatsuki KaiNagatsuki Kai to world 3-2 and obtain an S-rank victory at the boss node. 0 / 700 / 0 / 100 choice between
Daihatsu Landing Craft 068 CardDaihatsu Landing Craft 068 Card Daihatsu Landing Craft
New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material IconNew Model Gun Mount Improvement Material
Reinforcement expansion 064 useitemReinforcement Expansion
Requires: A78,??

New Furniture[]




Developer tweets[]

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Pre Update


Currently KanColle Development Team is preparing for the next KanColle Server Maintenance & Updates. The next update will take place in the end of July, July 31st, Monday. This will be the last update before the Event in the next month. Admirals, thank you for your cooperation.



The next KanColle server maintenance & updates is scheduled to take place in the end of the month July 31st (Monday). This Maintenance & Update which will take place in the end of July will include Ship Girls' new Yukata Seasonal CGs, along with the implementation of the new Summer Seasonal Furniture. The Large Spring Exercises Quest will also come to an end through this update.



The next KanColle Maintenance & Server Updates will take place on July 31st Monday. In this Maintenance & Update, a Kai-Ni remodel is planned for a Certain Mutsuki-class Destroyer who was part of the frontlines in Satsuki's Group, and in the end had sunk along with Katori, and Naka due to an enemy attack against our Anchorage.



The next KanColle Maintenance & Server Update is scheduled for July 31st Monday. Also the Summer 2017 Event which will be a Large-Scale Operation taking place in the Western Front is scheduled to take place on August 10th Thursday! This Operation will include a New Battleship, Aircraft Carrier, Destroyer, and all different kinds of new ship girls!





メンテナンス状況:予定通り【19:30】完了見込みです。 現在「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群はメンテナンス&アップデート作業実施中です。作業は最終シークエンスに入りました。この後本日のメンテナンスに伴うアップデート情報をお知らせしてまいります。


メンテナンス状況:稼働全サーバ群、メンテナンスに突入しました。 「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群は、メンテナンス&アップデート作業に入りました。本日のメンテ全業完了は、【19:30】を予定しています。進捗状況を随時お知らせできるよう努めます。本日も頑張ってまいりましょう!


メンテナンス状況:メンテナンス作業実施中です。 現在「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群はメンテナンス&アップデート作業実施中です。これまでのところ作業は順調に進捗しており、中盤のシークエンスに移行しつつあります。現在の作業完了見込みは、本日【19:30】を予定しています。

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Patch notes


01 Thank you for all the cooperation and participation on the Zuiun Festival! As celebration for this event, we are giving out a Furniture Fairy to all players.

本日実施の「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群メンテナンスに伴う、アップデート情報をお知らせしていきます。 01▼鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り無事完了! 参加及び応援して頂いた提督の皆さん、本当にありがとうございました! 鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り無事完了を祝して、「特注家具職人」をお贈りします。


02 Fusou and Yamashiro will be receiving Zuiun Mode Limited-time CGs. The 1/1 Scale Zuiun Figure will be staying all August at the Fuji-Q Highland for the remainder of the Summer Break!

02▼「扶桑」「山城」に【瑞雲mode】期間限定実装 鎮守府「瑞雲」祭りファイナル、大トリを務めた戦艦/航空戦艦「扶桑」「山城」に【瑞雲mode】期間限定実装します。1/1原寸大「瑞雲」レプリカは、富士の裾野の富士急ハイランド泊地で夏休み八月一杯の一般公開延長決定です!


03 Naka Kai Ni's Hourly Notifications and Kai-Ni exclusive Voicelines implementation: Sendai-class Light Cruiser #3 ship Naka Kai Ni will be receiving Hourly Notification and Kai Ni exclusive voicelines. Naka-chan Center Revival! For all Admirals supporting Naka-chan, thank you for having waiting all this time!

03▼「那珂改二」に【時報ボイス】及び【改二専用ボイス】実装 改装川内型軽巡洋艦三番艦「那珂改二」に【時報ボイス】及び【改二専用ボイス】を実装します。那珂ちゃん、センター復活! 全国の那珂ちゃんをサポートする提督の皆さん、大変お待たせ致しました!


04 Naka Kai Ni's slight stats modification: Although late, remodeled Sendai-class Light Cruiser 3rd Ship Naka Kai Ni will be receiving the following changes: • Her maximum Anti-Air stats have been raised • Her maximum number and growth of Anti-Submarine stats have been raised.

04▼「那珂改二」の一部上方微修正 改装川内型軽巡洋艦三番艦「那珂改二」にの能力を、僅かで恐縮ですが一部上方微修正します。 ・【対空】max値を上方微修正 ・【対潜】能力の成長及びmax値を上方微修正


05 Destroyers Fujinami and Asashimo's limited-time Yukata Seasonal CGs. Yuugumo-class Destroyers Fujinami and Asashimo will be receiving brand new Yukata seasonal limited-time CGs. They are all fully prepared to enjoy the Summer Festival. ※ Fujinami’s Summer Seasonal Voiceline will be slightly different, although mostly same. Please look forward to it!

05▼駆逐艦「藤波」「朝霜」に【浴衣mode】期間限定実装 夕雲型駆逐艦「藤波」及び「朝霜」に今夏新作【浴衣mode】が期間限定実装されます。祭りを楽しむ主力オブ主力、どうぞよろしくお願い致します。※「藤波」は夏ボイスが若干変化します。ほとんど変わりませんがお楽しみに!


06 Destroyers Ayanami & Shikinami limited-time Yukata Seasonal CGs: Ayanami-class Destroyers Ayanami & Shikinami will be receiving brand new seasonal limited-time Yukata CGs. Thank you for your patronage on the Summer special Destroyers!

06▼駆逐艦「綾波」「敷波」に【浴衣mode】期間限定実装 綾波型駆逐艦「綾波」及び僚艦「敷波」に今夏新作【浴衣mode】が期間限定実装されます。夏の特型駆逐艦も、引き続きどうぞよろしくお願い致します!


07 Heavy Cruiser Furutaka’s Yukata limited-time Seasonal CG: Furutaka-class Heavy Cruiser Furututaka will be receiving Yukata limited-time seasonal CG. It will be great to know the good side of a Heavy Cruiser for the summer. The remainder of the Yukata CGs will be fully implemented in a separate update soon!

07▼重巡洋艦「古鷹」に【浴衣mode】期間限定実装 古鷹型重巡洋艦「古鷹」に今夏新作【浴衣mode】が期間限定実装されます。夏の重巡のいいところ、もっと知って頂けたら嬉しいです。残りの今年の新作浴衣modeも、別のアプデで鋭意順次実装予定です!


08 Destroyer Naganami “Fried Rice” limited-time Seasonal CG implementation. The Destroyer Naganami will be receiving the limited-time seasonal CG for “Fried Rice”. Preparing a special delicious Onigiri for the battle against the hot summer, for this world too please enjoy together with Naganami!

08▼駆逐艦「長波」に【炒飯mode】期間限定実装 駆逐艦「長波」の【炒飯mode】が期間限定実装されます。夏の戦いに向けて美味しい特別なおにぎり、こちらの世界でも「長波」らと一緒に、ぜひどうぞ!


09 The Type 0 Model Fighter 63 Fighter-Bomber’s bug where its improvements were not working as intended has been now fixed. For Admirals who were utilizing the Dive Bomber, we apologize for the inconvenience you have experienced.

09▼一部「爆戦」装備改修の修正更新 一部の戦闘爆撃機「零式艦戦63型(爆戦)」の装備改修補正が、仕様通りに発揮されない不具合を修正/更新します。他戦闘爆撃機と同様の挙動に復旧します。同「爆戦」部隊を運用中の機動部隊提督の皆さん、ご心配をおかけしました。


10 Furniture Store [Summer is Here!] Update 1 of 2 The following New & Old Furniture for the Summer season has been added • Fleet shaved ice flag • Commercial shaved ice maker • Anchorage beach teahouse • Beach teahouse window • Beach teahouse flooring • Beach teahouse provisional board wall • Fumizuki’s Wallpaper (NEW!)

10▼【家具屋さん】お品書き「夏が来た!」更新 1/2 「家具屋さん」のお品書きが更新され、下記の新家具含む新旧の季節家具などが実装されます。 ・艦隊氷旗 ・業務用かき氷器 ・鎮守府浜茶屋 ・浜茶屋の窓 ・浜茶屋の床 ・浜茶屋の仮設壁板 ・文月の壁紙 new!


11 Furniture Store [Summer is Here!] Update 2 of 2 • Fumizuki’s Window (NEW!) • Naval district wind chime • Naval District Summertime Window (The furniture from last year’s Summer 2016 Event Reward) • Hyuuga’s Wall Hanging Scroll (NEW!) • Ise’s Wall Hanging Scroll (NEW!)

11▼【家具屋さん】お品書き「夏が来た!」更新 2/2 ・文月の窓 new! ・鎮守府風鈴 ・鎮守府夏時間の窓 (※昨年夏イベント2016:海域突破褒章家具) ・「日向」の掛け軸 new! (※鎮守府「瑞雲」祭り記念高級家具) ・「伊勢」の掛け軸 new! (※同上)

  1. 艦これ


12 Mogami & Mikuma Swimsuit Limited-time Seasonal CG both implemented in one set Heavy Cruiser/Aviation Cruiser Mogami and her sister Mikuma has received new Swimsuit limited-time Seasonal CGs, where they look like they have obtained them from a famous Department Store… Please look forward to this summer’s Aviation Cruisers and the Mitsukoshi Collaboration that starts 2 days later this summer!

12▼「最上」「三隈」に遂にお揃いの【水着】mode期間限定実装! 重巡洋艦/航空巡洋艦「最上」及び僚艦「三隈」が老舗の百貨店で揃えたらしい…お揃い【水着】mode、期間限定実装です!今夏の航空巡洋艦、明後日開幕の今夏の百貨店さんコラボも、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!


13 Destroyer Umikaze’s limited-time Seasonal Swimsuit CG Remodeled Shiratsuyu-class Destroyer Umikaze will be receiving limited-time seasonal Swimsuit CG! For Admirals who love Umikaze, thank you for all the wait! Umikaze will be available to meet as a Drop in the Main Operation in the next Summer 2017 Event. She will also be receiving Summer seasonal voicelines!

13▼駆逐艦「海風」に【水着】mode期間限定実装 改白露型駆逐艦「海風」に今季新作の【水着】mode、期間限定実装です! 海風提督の皆さん、大変お待たせ致しました!「海風」は今季の夏イベで、前段作戦海域でも邂逅できる予定です。また、彼女には【夏】ボイスも実装です!


14 Summer Seasonal Main Summer Voiceline Implementation Certain Ship Girls’ Summer Seasonal Voicelines will change to Main Summer seasonal voicelines. Thank you for your patronage for the Ship Girls in the Summer Season!

14▼【夏】ボイスに夏まっさかりボイス更新実装 何隻かの艦娘の夏ボイスが、夏まっさかりボイスに更新実装されます。 夏の季節を駆け抜ける艦娘たちを、引き続きよろしくお願い致します!


15 New Quests Implementation The following 2 new quests have been added: • Reorganize the Elite 22nd Destroyer Division! • Sortie the Elite 22nd Destroyer Division! ※The Quests all require certain pre-requisites to unlock ※The PvP Quest “Large Scale Spring Training” is no longer available.

15▼【新任務】の実装 下記二種類の【新任務】が実装されます。 ●精鋭「第二二駆逐隊」を再編成せよ! ●精鋭「第二二駆逐隊」出撃せよ! ※各任務の受諾には、トリガーとなる受諾条件の達成が必要です。 ※演習任務「春季大演習」は終了です。


16 Destroyer Fumizuki Kai-2 Remodel Implementation Mutsuki-class Destroyer Fumizuki’s additional remodel is now possible and is able to remodel into her Kai-2 remodel. ※She does not require Blueprint. ※Some of her voicelines have been changed to Kai-2 exclusive voicelines.

16▼駆逐艦「文月」【改二改装】の実装 睦月型駆逐艦「文月」のさらなる改装が可能となり、【文月改二】への「改二改装」が実装されます。 ※同改装には改装設計図は【不要】です。 ※母港ボイスなどの一部が改二専用ボイスに更新実装されます。


17 Start of the Summer Event Preparation and Ship Girls’ Maximum Level Raise From this Maintenance, the preparation for the release of the Back-End system for the Summer 2017 Event will begin. Also, the Ship Girls’ maximum level has been raised from Lv. 155 to Lv. 165. ※For the Level raise, you do not require any special item or anything.

17▼夏イベの準備開始&「艦娘」練度上限の開放実装 本メンテナンスより、来月開幕予定の今季夏イベのバックエンドシステムの準備を開始します。また、【「艦娘」練度上限】を現在の【Lv.155】から【Lv.165】に開放します。※同開放には、新たに特別なアイテム等は不要です。

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Post-maintenance tweets


本日実施の「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群メンテナンス&アップデート、作業完了致しました! メンテナンス直後は接続が集中します。少しだけ時間をおいて、余裕を持ってご接続頂けますと幸いです。 提督の皆さん、お待たせ致しました!

Twitter avatars[]

Teaser-2017-07-17-A Teaser-2017-07-22-A Teaser-2017-07-24-A Teaser-2017-07-26-A
Teaser-2017-07-30-A Teaser-2017-07-31-A Teaser-2017-07-31-B