KanColle Wiki

Time until maintenance ends:[]

  • January 19 2016 11:00:00 +0900 Maintenance start time
  • January 19 2016 17:00:00 +0900 Expected completion time
  • January 19 2016 17:00:00 +0900 Actual completion time



  • Convertible remodel between Kai Ni (balanced type) and Kai Ni B (AA-Focus type)
  • Kai Ni at 75, Kai Ni B at 88
  • No Blueprint required. Does not require development materials to convert.
  • She can equip Daihatsu Landing Craft in both Kai Ni and Kai Ni B forms
  • She can equip Fleet Command Facility in her Kai Ni form but not in her Kai Ni B form.
  • She can equip large radars (like Type 32 Surface Radar or FuMO25 Radar) and triggers a special AACI type in her Kai Ni B form.
  • New seasonal furniture, and new furniture that require lots of coins
  • Removal of New Year Furniture from furniture shop[1] [2]
  • The two hot spring furniture get a minor update
  • Counter bar functionality returns to normal
Special furniture purchasing option
  • Starting from this update, some furniture that require lots of furniture coins to purchase allow the optional use of a Furniture Fairy to lower the amount of furniture coins used. Refer to this page for more information.
  • Increased maximum expandable slot size by 10 kanmusu and 40 equipment to maximum 280 kanmusu and 1220 equipment.
  • UI Update
Unboxing furniture coin boxes options dialog
  • You can now choose to open all, half, or 10 of the furniture boxes. Refer to this page for more information.
  • Isuzu Kai Ni's AACI capability improved
  • Increased effect for the original Isuzu AACI (AACI Type 14 now has an effect of +4 instead of +3), and she can also use Kasumi's AACI setup to activate AACI (With HA gun + machine gun, it can activate AACI type 15 to give an effect of +3).

Kasumi kai 2[]

Kasumi Kai Ni at Level 75 Kasumi Kai Ni B at Level 88
DD Kasumi Kai Ni 464 Full DD Kasumi Kai Ni B 470 Full
DD Kasumi Kai Ni 464 Full Damaged DD Kasumi Kai Ni B 470 Full Damaged

Seasonal stuff[]

See main page: Seasonal/Setsubun_2016
KiyoshimoKiyoshimo MizuhoMizuho
Kiyoshimo Setsubun Full Mizuho Setsubun Full
Kiyoshimo Setsubun Full Damaged AV Mizuho 451 Full Damaged
  • New! Mutsuki's desk
  • New! Mutsuki's window
  • Setsubun bean throwing set
  • Grown-up's setsubun set
  • New! CV stained glass
  • New! BBV stained glass

Kasumi kai 2 quests[]

See main page: Quests
ID Requirements FuelAmmunitionSteelBauxite Rewards Note
B58 旗艦「霞」北方海域を哨戒せよ!
Send Kasumi to Patrol the Northern Sea
Sortie a fleet with Kasumi Kai NiKasumi Kai Ni Kai Ni as flagship, 3 DD and up to 2 additional ships to World 3-1 and score a victory at the boss node. Fuel300Ammunition0Steel300Bauxite0 Type 13 Air Radar Kai 106 Card1Combat Provisions1 Requires: any daily quest(?)
Unlocks: B59
B59 旗艦「霞」出撃!敵艦隊を撃滅せよ!
Sortie Kasumi and Defeat the Enemy Fleet
Sortie a fleet with Kasumi Kai NiKasumi Kai Ni Kai Ni as flagship, 2 DD and up to 3 additional ships to World 2-5 and score an S rank victory at the boss node. Fuel500Ammunition500Steel0Bauxite0 "Improvement Materials"325mm Triple Autocannon Mount (Concentrated Deployment) 131 Card1 Requires: B58 and more(?)

Related tweets[]

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Related tweets


  1. ‘Operation Rei-go’, carried out under the command of renowned Admiral Kimura, was practically the last victory by a IJN surface fleet. A certain Asashio-class Destroyer carried out the role of a flagship of the counter-attack surface fleet containing light and heavy cruisers. We are planning to make the certain Asashio-class destroyer that participated in Operation Rei-go and Northern Operations, and set sail for the last time with Yamato, the first ship girl to receive a remodel for this winter and next year.


Pre-Update tweets[]

Click [Expand] to read pre-update tweets and translations.

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Pre-Update tweets


Currently, the dev team is preparing the second remodel for a certain Asashio-class destroyer that fought through many difficult battes and finally escorted the battleship Yamato till its end during Operation Ten-go. Her remodel will require very high level of experience, but will not need a blueprint. Her ‘convertible’ second remodel is planned for this month. Please look forward to it!

現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では、激戦を駆け抜け、坊の岬沖では大和を護って戦い抜いたある朝潮型駆逐艦の改二改装を実装準備中です。彼女の改装には、きわめて高い練度が必要となりますが、改装設計図などは不要です。今月中にコンバート改二改装として実装予定です。少しだけお楽しみに! 今日は新年最初の水曜日!明日は早くも七草粥の日ですね。お正月に奮戦した胃や体にもゆっくり休んでもらいましょう。本日も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!


Currently, the dev team is preparing the second remodel for a certain Asashio-class destroyer that, despite being a destroyer, served as a flagship of the fleet during the Operation Rei-go, a winter campaign that became the last strategic victory achieved by the IJN surface fleet. The remodel will be implemented during the next overall maintenance and update on Jan. 19th.



The next overall maintenance and update will be next week, on Jan. 19th. For this update, we are planning to implement a second remodel for a certain Asashio-class destroyer as well as changes related to the furniture shop. The New Year seasonal CGs will expire with the next maintenance as well.



1110. Good morning, admirals!
It's Saturday! Today marks the start of the second half of January! We're in the middle of preparations for upcoming server maintenance & update next week (19th January). Let's all do our best this weekend!



The next KanColle server maintenance is slated for next weekt on the 19th January. During said update we're going to implemented the second remodelling of the Asashio-class destroyer that served as the flagship of Operation Rei-Go and fought alongside Yamato at Bou-no-Misaki in her final moments. ※Her remodelling won't require a blueprint.



We're currently preparing for the server maintenance & update on the 19th January. During said maintenance we're going to increase the maximum of possible slot expansions. And early next month the Winter Event will start!



Server maintenance will start tomorrow (19th January) at 11:00. Estimated time of completion is 17:00. The update will include an expansion of the ship slot maximum and the second remodelling of a certain Asashio-class destroyer among other things. Look forward to it!

明日【1/19(火) 11:00】より「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群は、メンテナンスを実施させて頂きます。作業完了は同日【17:00】予定です。同メンテナンスに伴うアップデートでは、【母港最大拡張枠の拡大】や【ある朝潮型駆逐艦の改二改装の実装】等を予定しています。お楽しみに!


0830. Good morning, admirals!
It's Tuesday! Today we're going to perform a server maintenance & update. It's been pretty cold since this morning, but let's do this!



The server maintenance & update starts today at 11:00. All ship girls' New Year outfits, the New Year quests etc. will be removed in this update. Estimated time of completion is 17:00. Thank you for your cooperation!

本日【1/19(火) 11:00】より、「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートを実施致します。艦娘新春晴れ着modeや新春限定任務は、同メンテナンス突入を以て終了致します。作業完了は【17:00】を予定しています。ご協力、どうぞよろしくお願い致します!


The KanColle server maintenance & update will start shortly at 11:00. Estimated time of completion is 17:00. To all the admirals out there who are still playing, please close the game before maintenance starts. ※Decoration Materials will disappear.


Maintenance tweets[]

Click [Expand] to read Maintenance tweets and translations.

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Maintenance tweets


▼Maintenance status: maintenance and updating has started.
Work on all "KanColle" servers' maintenance & update has begun. Estimated time of completion is today at 17:00. We will try to keep you up-to-date on our progress.



メンテナンス状況:中間報告です。 現在「艦これ」稼働全ゲームサーバ群は、メンテナンス&アップデート作業を実施中です。作業進捗は、これまでのところ予定通り進捗しています。同作業完了予定は【17:00】見込みです。本アップデートでは、ある朝潮型駆逐艦の改二改装を実装中です。


メンテナンス状況:【17:00】完了見込みです。 現在「艦これ」稼働全サーバ群は、メンテナンス&アップデート作業実施中です。同作業は予定通り【17:00】に完了見込みです。この後16:30頃より本日実施のメンテナンスに伴う、アップデート情報をお知らせしてまいります。

Patch notes[]

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Patch notes


01▼ Second remodelling of Kasumi
Destroyer Kasumi's further remodelling requires an extremely high level.
※ Her remodelling does not require a blueprint.



02▼ Kasumi Kai-2 B conversion
Kasumi Kai-2 with an even higher level can be converted into the fleet air defence support "Kasumi Kai-2 B" with strong anti-air capabilities.
※ Her conversion requires neither blueprint nor devmats.
※ She can be converted back into her balanced form "Kasumi Kai-2"



03▼ New Quests
The following two quests have been added.
●Flagship Kasumi, scout the northern sea!
●Flagship Kasumi, head out! Destroy the enemy fleet!
※There are certain prerequistes for unlocking these quests.



04▼ "Fleet Air Defence Support Ship" Anti-Air Cut-In
Kasumi Kai-2 B can use a "High-angle Gun", an "Air Radar" and an "Anti-Air Gun" to trigger Anti-Air Cut-Ins, though they aren't as strong as those by specialised air defence ships. Furthermore, while it's as strong as the aforementioned one, she can also trigger Anti-Air Cut-Ins with just "High-angle Gun" & "Anti-Air Gun".



05▼ Furniture store inventory update 1/2
The furniture store's inventory has been updated and filled January-themed furniture new and old, as listed below. ●January desk (new!)
●January window (new!)
●Setsubun bean throwing set
●Grown-up's setsubun set, etc.

05▼【家具屋さん】お品書きの更新 1/2
●睦月の窓 new!
●睦月の机 new!
●大人の節分セット 他


06▼ Furniture store inventory update 2/2
●CV stained glass
●BBV stained glass
※ For admirals who're loaded with furniture coins!

06▼【家具屋さん】お品書きの更新 2/2


07▼ Dynamic Furniture Coin Discount system
You don't have any furniture coins, but still want furniture that's mainly marketed at millionaires who're basically swimming in them? You don't want to live like a hobo anymore? Then this is just perfect for you! The new "Dynamic Furniture Coin Discount" system! Here is how it works. Pick a piece of furniture that you've always wanted but couldn't possibly afford, then approach our personnel with one of your Furniture Fairies. You'll immediately receive a huge discount, making your dream come true! Now go and decorate your room with style! First-class style! Impress your employees! Annoy them! We don't care, just give us your money!
※ You can't keep the Furniture Fairy, she's the discount coupon after all.
※ TTK Furniture Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, "Catbomb Parties") shall not be liable (whether under contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) for damages to your reputation once everyone finds what a fraud you are for relying on such cheap methods in order to acquire our first-class furniture that was originally intended only for the affluent part of our society, crushed dreams, divorces and/or break-ups, financial losses, and being forced to sleep on the couch.
※ No refunds!



08▼ Furniture coin box unpacking UI revamp
When opening a furniture box to get coins you now have the option to open all, half or 10 boxes, depending on your needs.



09▼ Minute update of Bathtub furniture
The following pieces of furniture have received a small update to accommodate them to the current season.
●Hot spring wooden bath
●Hot spring rock bath



10▼ Increased slot expansion maximum
The ship expansion maximum has been increased from 270 to 280 slots.
Accordingly the equipment slot maximum has been increased by 40 to 1220 slots.
Those who're managing a large fleet might want to make use of this.



11▼ Isuzu Kai-2 Anti-Air Cut-In buff
Light Cruiser Isuzu Kai-2's Anti-Air Cut-In has been buffed. Furthermore, she can now also use the same AACI setups as Kasumi Kai-2 B.

11▼「五十鈴改二」の対空カットイン弾幕上方修正 軽巡洋艦「五十鈴改二」の対空弾幕射撃が上方修正され、彼女の従来の対空カットイン弾幕の火力が増強されました。また、前述の艦隊防空直衛仕様艦としての対空弾幕も可能になりました。


12▼ Setsubun CG for Mizuho & Kiyoshimo
Seaplane tender "Mizuho" and battleship destroyer "Kiyoshimo" have received small changes to their CGs for Setsubun.



13▼ Large-scale implementation of Setsubun voice lines
This year a total of over 90 ship girls, both new and old, have received Setsubun voice lines.


Post-maintenance tweets[]

Twitter logo blue @KanColle_STAFF Post-maintenance tweets


Admirals, thank you for waiting!
The KanColle server maintenance & update has been finished!



Today's maintenance & update is finally over! To those who're having trouble accessing the game or tried to do so before maintenance concluded, please clear your cache and try again. Thank you for waiting!



We're finally done with today's server maintenance & update. Traffic can be fairly high shortly after maintenance. To those who're having trouble accessing the game or tried to do so before maintenance concluded, please clear your cache and try again. Thank you for waiting!



Thanks for your cooperation during yesterday's maintenance. The update included Kasumi Kai-2, a new expansion slot maximum of 280 ships & 1220 pieces of equipment, Setsubun voice lines, update of the furniture store and related user interfaces among other things.


Twitter Avatars[]

Teaser-2016-01-05-A Teaser-2016-01-15-A Teaser-2016-01-19-A Teaser-2016-01-19-B Teaser-2016-01-20-A