- This table will not use color legend to mark stat of different ships as each of them have different functions and there's little point to compare them against each other.
- Akitsu Maru
- Her base form cannot carry aircraft.
- Her base form has a Daihatsu-class Landing Craft as her default equipment.
- Her Kai has an uncraftable Type 3 Spotter/Liaison (ASW) & Ka-type Observation Autogyro.
- Akashi
- She has an uncraftable Ship Repair Facility as her default equipment in base & Kai forms.
- She has battleship-tier remodel cost, repair cost, and repair time.
- Taigei
- She has the lowest ammo consumption among aircraft-carrying kanmusu.
- Hayasui
- Her base form cannot carry aircraft except for seaplanes.
- Her base form and Kai form has an uncraftable Underway Replenishment item.
Roles of support ships
- Amphibious Warfare
- Amphibious assault ships can only carry certain guns and ship-based aircraft.
- Akitsu Maru is currently the only amphibious assault ship
- LHA is one amphibious warfare type and the agreed stand-in as there is no equivalent.
- Historically, Akitsu Maru was a landing craft carrier; in hopes of becoming an escort aircraft carrier, her remodel widened the flight deck increasing the ship's aircraft carrying capacity.
- This role is reflected in Akitsu Maru being required for some installation type bosses.
- LHA is one amphibious warfare type and the agreed stand-in as there is no equivalent.
- Repair
- Repair ships (AR) can repair other ships in the same fleet.
- Akashi is currently the only Repair Ship.
- For details, see Anchorage Repair (泊地修理) .
- Replenishment
- Submarine tenders can supply and support submarines.
- Taigei is currently the only submarine tender (AS).
- She does not yet have any special abilities, but she is required for Expedition 39 and Expedition D2 (Level 55+) and enables superior pathing in 6-1.
- Fleet Oilers/Replenishment Oiler can conduct underway replenishment on the high seas.
- Hayasui and Kamoi are currently the Fleet Oiler (AO) present. While Hayasui can carry torpedo bombers, Kamoi Ka Bo can carry Large Seaplanes as well as lower fuel needed to replenish herself.
- Training
- Training ships are designed to assist sailors in ocean-going life and in ship operations.
- Katori and Kashima are currently the only Training Cruisers (CT).
- (CT) is the agreed stand-in as there is no equivalent.
- Historically, training cruisers were part of the kantei category, gunkan subdivision. They were not part of the tokumutei (special service, i.e., auxiliaries).
- After about a year of training, she was equipped and operated as a regular light cruiser.
- They do not count as light cruisers for most fleet composition requirements.
- They are equipped like light cruisers.
- They provide an experience bonus in PvP.
- They are required as the flagship for Expedition 32.
- (CT) is the agreed stand-in as there is no equivalent.