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KanColle Wiki
I-401 伊401
Seiyuu Ise Mariya (伊瀬茉莉也) Availability Construction (LSC)
Event Reward
Artist Shibafu (しばふ) Implementation 2013/12/24



No.155 伊401 (Shioi しおい)

Sentoku (I-400) Class Aircraft Carrying Submarine

I-401 Card
Icon HP HP 20 (22) Icon Gun Firepower 2 (9)
Icon Armor Armor 5 (24) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 36 (72)
Icon Evasion Evasion 13 (35) Icon AA AA 0
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 3 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Slow Icon LOS LOS 15 (45)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 20 (59)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 20 AmmoKai Ammo 15
Build Time Slots
03:20:00 (LSC) 1
Stock Equipment Space
Xx c - Unequipped - 3
- Locked - -
- Locked - -
- Locked - -
Extra Statistics
Modernization Bonus
Torpedo+1 AA+1 Armor+1
Scrap Value
Fuel 1 Ammo 2 Steel 3 Bauxite 2


I-401 Kai

No.155 伊401改 (Shioi しおい)

Sentoku (I-400) Class Aircraft Carrying Submarine

I-401 Kai Card
Icon HP HP 24 (26) Icon Gun Firepower 6 (19)
Icon Armor Armor 7 (24) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 40 (80)
Icon Evasion Evasion 12 (44) Icon AA AA 0
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 6 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Slow Icon LOS LOS 15 (45)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 20 (59)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 25 AmmoKai Ammo 30
Remodel Level Slots
Level 35 2
Stock Equipment Space
Seaplane Bomber Prototype SeiranPrototype Seiran 062 Card 3
Xx c - Unequipped - 3
- Locked - -
- Locked - -
Extra Statistics
Remodel Cost
Ammo 100 Steel 300
Modernization Bonus
Torpedo+2 AA+1 Armor+1
Scrap Value
Fuel 1 Ammo 2 Steel 4 Bauxite 3
[Edit]I-401 Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Armor Evasion Note
Torpedo-based WeaponType D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai)Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai) 364 Card -1 -7
Torpedo-based WeaponLate Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes)Late Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes) 383 Card +2
Submarine Radar Late Model Submarine Radar & Passive RadiolocatorLate Model Submarine Radar & Passive Radiolocator 384 Card +3
+ Late Model Bow TorpedoLate Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes) 213 CardSkilled Sonar Personnel + Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes) 214 CardLate Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes) 383 Card +3 +2


Event Japanese English Note
Introduction 提督、ごきげんよう。潜特型二番艦伊401です。しおいって呼んでね。 Good day, Admiral. I'm I-401, the second ship in the special submarine series. Just call me Shioi.
Kai 提督、ごきげんよう。潜特型二番艦伊401、改良型です。 A good day to you, Admiral. It's the upgraded I-401, of the special submarine class.
Library 伊400型潜水艦二番艦、伊401です。
I'm I-401, the second ship in the I-400 submarine series.
I'm a submarine carrier capable of making a round trip around the world, and carries 3 units of the special attack plane "Seiran".
Yes, it's a secret strategic weapon... it's a secret, okay?
The Sen-Toku (I-400) Class was unknown to many in the IJN as well as to Allied forces. It remained a secret until the US was handed the subs after the war ended.
Secretary 1 なんですか? What is it?
Secretary 2 潜ります?潜っちゃいます? Can I dive yet? Can I dive yet?
Kai 潜ります?潜らせちゃいます? What is it? A dive? How about a dive?
Secretary 3 飛行機格納筒はあんまり触っちゃダメですよ Please don't touch my hangar tubes that much.
Kai だーかーらー 晴嵐はデリケートなんだから、あんまり触んないでって I told you that the Seiran is a delicate plane... so stop touching it so much.
Idle えーっとー、運河とか、ね、運河とか行ってみたいねー、ね? Umm... the canal, can we go to the canal? I-401 was designed to attack the Panama Canal to delay Allied supplies and reinforcements from the Atlantic by several months. However by the time of the operation Japan was severely disadvantaged and the operation was cancelled.
Secretary Married ん? どうしたの? 疲れた? 提督、無理しないでね。 Hmm? What's up? Are you tired? Admiral, you shouldn't work so hard.
Wedding 提督…私、活躍できた? ほんと? 嘘じゃなくって? ぅん、良かったぁ~。なら、提督に、一つだけお願いしていい? うん、一つだけ…ね? Admiral... did.. I do well? Really? You're not lying? Well, that's great! Then, can I ask for a favour from the admiral? Yeah, just one... okay?
Looking At Scores えーっと、提督と艦隊の情報ですね Umm, here is the admiral and the fleet's information.
Kai ん~?提督、調子良い?どう? Hmm? Admiral, going good? How is it?
Joining A Fleet 伊401出撃します! I-401, heading out!
Kai 旗艦、伊401出撃します! Flagship, I-401, heading out!
Equipment 1 あっ、いいね、いいと思います! Ah, this is great, this is really great!
Kai あぁ~、そうきたかぁ~、有りです! Aah, so that's how it works... This'll do!
Equipment 2 やったー!その強化、いいと思います! Hurray! I think this is a great modernization!
Kai うんうん!いいね!いいと思います! Yeah, yeah! This is great, this is really great!
Equipment 3 潜っちゃうよ! I'm diving!
 ⇧ shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development
Supply あー! ありがと! 大切大切! Ah, thank you! I'll use them wisely!
Docking Minor お風呂にどぼーん! してきます! I'll go take a quick splash!
Kai お風呂直行!どぼーん! Straight to the baths! Splash!
Docking Major 長いお風呂もいいですよねぇ、うん! A nice long bath is fine too! Yeah!
Kai お風呂はいいですよね~!うんうん! The bath sure is nice... yep, it sure is!
Docking Complete 修理が終わったみたいよ。 It seems that repairing has finished.
Kai やーっと修理が終わったみたいよ。 It seems the repairs have fiiinally finished.
Construction 新しい娘が来たみたい、どんなだろう? Seems like a new girl has arrived. Wonder what she's like?
Kai 新しい子なんだって。妹かな~? Seems like there's a new girl. Wonder if it's a younger sister?
Returning From Sortie 作戦完了。艦隊、帰投しました! Operation complete. The fleet has returned!
Kai 作戦おーしまいっ!艦隊、戻りました! And that's the operation! The fleet has returned!
Starting A Sortie 潜水空母伊400型出番です! It's showtime for the I-400 series!
Kai 潜水空母伊400型、さぁ急速潜行です SSV I-400 class, commencing crash dive!
Battle Start さぁー…伊400型の戦い、始めるよ! Now... the battle for the I-400's begin here!
Kai よぉ~し!伊401の華麗な戦い、始めちゃうよ! Okay! Time to start I-401's gallant battle!
Attack いっけぇーっ! Goooooo!
Kai やっちゃうからね! Go get em!
 ⇧ shared with day/night special attacks, support expedition team arrival
Night Battle さぁ、夜もひと踏ん張り、やっちゃうからね! Alright, let's go through another night!
Kai ふふーん♪ 伊400型の追撃はしつこいんだから! Fufu~n♪ You can't escape from the pursuit of I-400 class!
Night Attack 晴嵐と、酸素魚雷。イケてるでしょ! Seiran and oxygen torpedoes. These should work!
Kai 晴嵐さんたちは友達だもーん The Seirans are my friends, after all.
 ⇧ shared with air battle
MVP あっ、私が活躍しちゃった? やったね♪ やっぱり伊400型はイケるじゃない Ah, I did it? Hurray! The I-400's are good, after all. The I-400s never saw any real action during WWII.
Minor Damage 1 あぁーっ! やだやだ! Hey! I don't want this!
Minor Damage 2 やだやだやだ! 痛いじゃない! No, please, no! This hurts!
Major Damage んぐふっ、やられた…。でも、まだまだやれるよ! なめないで! Guh, I got hit for a good one. I can still keep going, so don't underestimate me!
Sunk うっうぅ…今回は随分暴れられたかな…沈む船が本当に沈むのね…バイバイ… I wonder if I ran wild enough this time round. A ship really sinks when they're sunk, huh. Bye bye.

Hourly Notifications[]

Time Japanese English Note
00:00 マルマルマルマル。提督、お疲れ様ですよー。 0000. Thank you for your hard work, admiral.
01:00 マルヒトマルマル。しおい、ちょっとねむいなー。あ、まだ起きてるよ 0100. I'm a bit sleepy... oh, I'm still awake.
02:00 マルフタマルマル。提督、そろそろ寝ないの? ほんとー? がんばるなー。 0200. Admiral, should you sleep now? Really? You're such a hard worker.
03:00 マルサンマルマル。提督、しおい、少しだけ横になる、ね? むにゃ… 0300. Admiral, I'm going to lie down a bit, okay? Zzz...
04:00 マルヨンマルマル。ん、んー、そろそろ朝かー。しょうがない、頑張るか! 0400. Mm, mmm... it's almost morning, huh... Oh well, let's keep going!
05:00 マルゴーマルマル。朝ですね。よーし! 頑張るぞー、おー! 0500. It's the morning! Ok-ay! Time to do my best, yeah!
06:00 マルロクマルマル。提督、朝ですよ、朝! 朝の一潜り、しちゃう? 0600. Admiral, it's morning! The morning! Want to do a morning dive?
07:00 マルナナマルマル。朝ごはん食ーべよっ! しおい、何がいいかなぁ?もずくとか? 0700. Let's have breakfast! What should I have? Mozuku, perhaps? Mozuku is a type of edible seaweed.
08:00 マルハチマルマル。提督、朝ごはんおいしかった? よかった! 0800. Admiral, was breakfast good? Good to hear!
09:00 マルキューマルマル。さぁ、そろそろ本格的に出撃しちゃう?!ねぇ?! 0900. It's almost time for a real operation now! What say?
10:00 ヒトマルマルマル。そうねぇ。対潜装備の駆逐艦とか軽巡とかは、ちょっと嫌ね 1000. Yeah. I don't really like destroyers and light cruisers equipped with anti-submarine equipment.
11:00 ヒトヒトマルマル。提督、そろそろお昼よね。何にする、お昼、ねぇ。 1100. Admiral, it'll be noon soon. What would you like? For lunch, that is.
12:00 ヒトフタマルマル。やったー!お昼だー! 半舷上陸していい、かな? 1200. Woohoo! It's lunchtime! I wonder if I can send half the crew onshore...
13:00 ヒトサンマルマル。お昼おいしかったねぇ、提督。やっぱお昼はカレーだよね。 1300. The lunch was great, admiral. Nothing beats curry at lunch.
14:00 ヒトヨンマルマル。潜水艦だけで艦隊組んで、ちょっと潜ってこようよ。 1400. I'm going for a short dive with a submarine-only fleet.
15:00 ヒトゴーマルマル。提督、戦績が更新されますね。確認します? 1500. Admiral, the ranking have been updated. Do you wish to check?
16:00 ヒトロクマルマル。んー、流石にちょっと疲れたかなぁ。提督、少し休む? 1600. Hmm... I am feeling a bit tired. Admiral, want to take a short rest?
17:00 ヒトナナマルマル。もうすぐ夜だねぇ。はー、疲れたぁ、晩御飯なんだろう、ねぇ? 1700. It'll be evening soon. Phew, I sure am beat. What would you like for dinner?
18:00 ヒトハチマルマル。提督、日が暮れちゃったよ? そろそろ今日はおしまい? 1800. Admiral, the sun has set already? Shall we call it a day?
19:00 ヒトキューマルマル。提督ー、ここからの夜景もいいよね。割と好き。 1900. Admiral, the night view here is great too. I really like it.
20:00 フタマルマルマル。さっ、晩御飯食べよう。今日は何かなぁ、ワクワクするね! 2000. Let's have dinner now. I can't wait to find out what we're having!
21:00 フタヒトマルマル。はー、今日も疲れたねぇ。晴嵐整備して、そろそろ寝ちゃおうかな。 2100. Phew, this sure was a tiring day. Guess I'll sleep after maintaining my Seiran.
22:00 フタフタマルマル。とっぷり夜だよぉ。晴嵐も片付けたし、もう休まない? 2200. The night is getting deep. I've finished maintaining the Seiran, so why don't you take a rest?
23:00 フタサンマルマル。提督、そろそろ寝ようよ? 睡眠時間も大切だよ? 2300. Admiral, shouldn't you sleep now? Sleep is important, you know?

Seasonal Quotes[]

Event Japanese English Note
Christmas 2013
Christmas 2014
Christmas 2014
End of Year 2014
New Year 2015
Setsubun 2015
Valentines Day 2015
Valentines Day 2015
White Day 2015
Second Anniversary 2015
Second Anniversary 2015
Rainy Season 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Halloween 2015
Fall Event 2015
Fall Event 2015
Christmas 2015
Christmas 2015
Christmas 2015
End of Year 2015
New Year 2016
提督、私の活躍できる作戦、ちゃんと考えてよね。ホントだよ、お願いなんだからね、ね~! Admiral, could you please think of an operation where I can actually play an active role. Seriously, I'm begging you!
New Year 2016
Setsubun 2016
Valentines Day 2016
Valentines Day 2016
Hinamatsuri 2016
Hinamatsuri 2016
White Day 2016
Spring 2016
Third Anniversary 2016
Third Anniversary 2016
Rainy Season 2016
Rainy Season 2016
Early Summer 2016
Mid-Summer 2016
Fall 2016
Fall 2016
Sanma 2016
Christmas 2016
New Year 2017
New Year 2017
Setsubun 2017
Valentines Day 2017
Valentines Day 2017
Hinamatsuri 2017
Hinamatsuri 2017
White Day 2017
Spring 2017
Fourth Anniversary 2017
Rainy Season 2017
Rainy Season 2017
Early Summer 2017
Mid-Summer 2017
Fall 2017
Sanma 2017
Late Fall 2017
Eve Of Battle
Fall 2017 Event
Christmas 2017
End Of Year 2017
New Year 2018
Setsubun 2018
Valentines Day 2018
Eve Of Battle 2018
Winter 2018 Event
White Day 2018 Event
Spring 2018 Event
Fifth Anniversary 2018
Rainy Season 2018
Summer 2018
Sanma 2018
Christmas 2018
End Of Year 2018
New Year 2019
Setsubun 2019
For new seasonal lines that may be missing here, check Seasonal


  • Can be constructed in LSC from the update on 26 September 2014.
  • Calls herself Shioi. While the "shi" and "i" in her name stands for 4 and 1 in Japanese respectively, the "o" in her name is just pronounced as the letter instead of an abbreviation of the number 0.
  • Her design was shown in the endcard of Arpeggio anime episode 1 that aired 8 October 2013, two months before she was added to the game.
  • The I-400 class (Sen Toku-class) submarines were the largest submarines in the world until construction of the Nuclear Ballistic Missile Submarines in the 1960s.
  • Expended as a target ship, off Pearl Harbor, 31 May 1946. Wreck found in March, 2005.
    • She was used as a target ship by the US Navy to prevent her from falling into the hands of the Soviet Union before the Cold War.
    • Wreck discovered on March 17, 2005.
  • Commissioned 8 January 1945.
  • The brainchild of Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, the Sen Toku-class submarines were built to attack major US coastal cities by deploying specialized seaplane bombers, and were designed with the ability to operate for extended periods of time without refueling, allowing them to sail anywhere in the world to reach both the US Western and Eastern seaboards.

See Also

Template:Sentoku (I-400) Class

|I-401|I-401|Sentoku (I-400)|
Ship · By Class · By Seiyuu · By Artist · Gallery · Start Stats · Max Stats · Drop List · Construction · Marriage · Enemy Vessel
Coastal Defense Ship Shimushu ShimushuShimushu · KunashiriKunashiri · HachijouHachijou · IshigakiIshigaki
Etorofu EtorofuEtorofu · MatsuwaMatsuwa · SadoSado · TsushimaTsushima · HiratoHirato · FukaeFukae
Mikura MikuraMikura · YashiroYashiro
Hiburi HiburiHiburi · DaitouDaitou
Type D Kaiboukan No.4Kaiboukan No
Destroyer Kamikaze KamikazeKamikaze · AsakazeAsakaze · HarukazeHarukaze · MatsukazeMatsukaze · HatakazeHatakaze
Mutsuki MutsukiMutsuki · KisaragiKisaragi · YayoiYayoi · UzukiUzuki · SatsukiSatsuki · MinazukiMinazuki · FumizukiFumizuki · NagatsukiNagatsuki · KikuzukiKikuzuki · MikazukiMikazuki · MochizukiMochizuki
Special Type Fubuki FubukiFubuki · ShirayukiShirayuki · HatsuyukiHatsuyuki · MiyukiMiyuki · MurakumoMurakumo · IsonamiIsonami · UsugumoUsugumo · UranamiUranami
Ayanami AyanamiAyanami · ShikinamiShikinami · AmagiriAmagiri · SagiriSagiri · OboroOboro · AkebonoAkebono · SazanamiSazanami · UshioUshio
Akatsuki AkatsukiAkatsuki · Hibiki/VerniyHibiki
 · IkazuchiIkazuchi · InazumaInazuma
Hatsuharu HatsuharuHatsuharu · NenohiNenohi · WakabaWakaba · HatsushimoHatsushimo · AriakeAriake
Shiratsuyu ShiratsuyuShiratsuyu · ShigureShigure · MurasameMurasame · YuudachiYuudachi · HarusameHarusame · SamidareSamidare · UmikazeUmikaze · YamakazeYamakaze · KawakazeKawakaze · SuzukazeSuzukaze
Asashio AsashioAsashio · OoshioOoshio · MichishioMichishio · ArashioArashio · AsagumoAsagumo · YamagumoYamagumo · MinegumoMinegumo · ArareArare · KasumiKasumi
Type A Kagerou KagerouKagerou · ShiranuiShiranui · KuroshioKuroshio · OyashioOyashio · HatsukazeHatsukaze · Yukikaze/Dan YangYukikaze
Dan Yang
 · AmatsukazeAmatsukaze · TokitsukazeTokitsukaze · UrakazeUrakaze · IsokazeIsokaze · HamakazeHamakaze · TanikazeTanikaze · NowakiNowaki · ArashiArashi · HagikazeHagikaze · MaikazeMaikaze · AkigumoAkigumo
Yuugumo YuugumoYuugumo · MakigumoMakigumo · KazagumoKazagumo · NaganamiNaganami · TakanamiTakanami · FujinamiFujinami · HayanamiHayanami · HamanamiHamanami · OkinamiOkinami · KishinamiKishinami · AsashimoAsashimo · HayashimoHayashimo · AkishimoAkishimo · KiyoshimoKiyoshimo
Type B Akizuki AkizukiAkizuki · TeruzukiTeruzuki · SuzutsukiSuzutsuki · HatsuzukiHatsuzuki
Type C Shimakaze ShimakazeShimakaze
Type D Matsu MatsuMatsu · TakeTake
Type 1934 Z1Z1 · Z3Z3
Maestrale MaestraleMaestrale · GrecaleGrecale · LibeccioLibeccio · SciroccoScirocco
Fletcher FletcherFletcher · JohnstonJohnston
John C. Butler Samuel B. RobertsSamuel B
J JervisJervis · JanusJanus
Tashkent TashkentTashkent
Light Cruiser Tenryuu TenryuuTenryuu · TatsutaTatsuta
Kuma KumaKuma · TamaTama · KitakamiKitakami · OoiOoi · KisoKiso
Nagara NagaraNagara · IsuzuIsuzu · NatoriNatori · YuraYura · KinuKinu · AbukumaAbukuma
Sendai SendaiSendai · JintsuuJintsuu · NakaNaka
Yuubari YuubariYuubari
Agano AganoAgano · NoshiroNoshiro · YahagiYahagi · SakawaSakawa
Ooyodo OoyodoOoyodo
Duca degli Abruzzi Duca degli AbruzziDuca degli Abruzzi · Giuseppe GaribaldiGiuseppe Garibaldi
St. Louis HelenaHelena
Atlanta AtlantaAtlanta
Town SheffieldSheffield
Gotland GotlandGotland
De Ruyter De RuyterDe Ruyter
Perth PerthPerth
Torpedo Cruiser Kuma KitakamiKitakami Kai · OoiOoi Kai · KisoKiso Kai Ni
Training Cruiser Katori KatoriKatori · KashimaKashima
Heavy Cruiser Furutaka FurutakaFurutaka · KakoKako
Aoba AobaAoba · KinugasaKinugasa
Myoukou MyoukouMyoukou · NachiNachi · AshigaraAshigara · HaguroHaguro
Takao TakaoTakao · AtagoAtago · MayaMaya · ChoukaiChoukai
Mogami MogamiMogami · MikumaMikuma · SuzuyaSuzuya · KumanoKumano
Tone ToneTone · ChikumaChikuma
Admiral Hipper Prinz EugenPrinz Eugen
Zara ZaraZara · PolaPola
Northampton HoustonHouston
Aviation Cruiser Mogami MogamiMogami Kai · MikumaMikuma Kai · SuzuyaSuzuya Kai · KumanoKumano Kai
Tone ToneTone Kai Ni · ChikumaChikuma Kai Ni
Battleship Fast Battleship Kongou KongouKongou · HieiHiei · HarunaHaruna · KirishimaKirishima
Bismarck BismarckBismarck
Vittorio Veneto Littorio/ItaliaLittorio
 · RomaRoma
North Carolina WashingtonWashington
South Dakota South DakotaSouth Dakota
Iowa IowaIowa
Richelieu RichelieuRichelieu
Gangut Gangut/Oktyabrskaya RevolyutsiyaGangut
Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya
Battleship Fusou FusouFusou · YamashiroYamashiro
Ise IseIse · HyuugaHyuuga
Nagato NagatoNagato · MutsuMutsu
Yamato YamatoYamato · MusashiMusashi
Colorado ColoradoColorado
Queen Elizabeth WarspiteWarspite
Nelson NelsonNelson
Aviation Battleship Fusou FusouFusou Kai · YamashiroYamashiro Kai
Ise IseIse Kai · HyuugaHyuuga Kai
Carrier Light Carrier Houshou HoushouHoushou
Ryuujou RyuujouRyuujou
Ryuuhou RyuuhouRyuuhou
Shouhou ShouhouShouhou · ZuihouZuihou
Hiyou HiyouHiyou · JunyouJunyou
Chitose ChitoseChitose Carrier · ChiyodaChiyoda Carrier
Kasuga Maru Kasuga MaruKasuga Maru
Taiyou TaiyouTaiyou · ShinyouShinyou
Mogami SuzuyaSuzuya Carrier Kai Ni · KumanoKumano Carrier Kai Ni
Casablanca Gambier BayGambier Bay
Standard Carrier Akagi AkagiAkagi
Kaga KagaKaga
Souryuu SouryuuSouryuu
Hiryuu HiryuuHiryuu
Shoukaku ShoukakuShoukaku · ZuikakuZuikaku
Unryuu UnryuuUnryuu · AmagiAmagi · KatsuragiKatsuragi
Graf Zeppelin Graf ZeppelinGraf Zeppelin
Aquila AquilaAquila
Lexington SaratogaSaratoga
Essex IntrepidIntrepid
Yorktown HornetHornet
Ark Royal Ark RoyalArk Royal
Armored Carrier Shoukaku ShoukakuShoukaku Kai Ni A · ZuikakuZuikaku Kai Ni A
Taihou TaihouTaihou
Lexington SaratogaSaratoga Mk.II Mod
Submarine Junsen 3 I-8I-8
Junsen Type B I-19I-19 · I-26I-26
Junsen Type C I-47I-47
Kaidai VI I-168I-168
Junsen Type B Kai Ni I-58I-58
Junsen Type A Kai Ni I-13I-13 · I-14I-14
Sentoku I-400I-400 · I-401I-401
Type IXC U-boat U-511U-511
Ro-series Ro-500Ro-500
Guglielmo Marconi Luigi Torelli/UIT-25/I-504Luigi Torelli
Type 3 S.T.V. MaruyuMaruyu
Seaplane Tender Kamoi KamoiKamoi Kai
Chitose ChitoseChitose · ChiyodaChiyoda
Mizuho MizuhoMizuho
Nisshin NisshinNisshin
Akitsushima AkitsushimaAkitsushima
Commandant Teste Commandant TesteCommandant Teste
Auxiliary Ship Submarine Tender Jingei JingeiJingei
Taigei TaigeiTaigei
Fleet Oiler Kamoi KamoiKamoi
Kamoi Kai Bo
Revised Kazahaya HayasuiHayasui
Amphibious Assault Ship IJA R1 Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru
Hei Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru
Repair Ship Akashi AkashiAkashi
Fleet of Fog Playable Iona · Takao · Haruna
Enemy Nagara Class · Takao · Maya · Kirishima · Haruna · Kongou