I-168 伊168 [Edit]
| |||
Seiyuu | Nakajima Megumi (中島愛) | Availability | Construction (Normal) Drop Event Reward |
Artist | Shobon (ショボン) | Implementation | 2013/08/01 |
I-168 No.126 伊168 (Imuya イムヤ)
Kaidai VI Class Submarine | |||||
Statistics | |||||
HP | 10 (12) | Firepower | 2 (7) | ||
Armor | 3 (17) | Torpedo | 24 (59) | ||
Evasion | 15 (39) | AA | 0 | ||
Aircraft | 0 | ASW | 0 | ||
Speed | Slow | LOS | 9 (29) | ||
Range | Short | Luck | 10 (49) | ||
Resource Consumption | |||||
Fuel | 10 | Ammo | 20 | ||
Build Time | Slots | ||||
00:22:00 (Normal) | 1 | ||||
Stock Equipment | Space | ||||
- Unequipped - | 0 | ||||
- Locked - | - | ||||
- Locked - | - | ||||
- Locked - | - | ||||
I-168 Kai No.126 伊168改 (Imuya イムヤ)
Kaidai VI Class Submarine | |||||
Statistics | |||||
HP | 15 (17) | Firepower | 3 (11) | ||
Armor | 5 (18) | Torpedo | 30 (69) | ||
Evasion | 16 (49) | AA | 0 | ||
Aircraft | 0 | ASW | 0 | ||
Speed | Slow | LOS | 10 (29) | ||
Range | Short | Luck | 10 (49) | ||
Resource Consumption | |||||
Fuel | 10 | Ammo | 20 | ||
Remodel Level | Slots | ||||
Level 50 | 2 | ||||
Stock Equipment | Space | ||||
- Unequipped - | 0 | ||||
- Unequipped - | 0 | ||||
- Locked - | - | ||||
- Locked - | - | ||||
[Edit]I-168 Equipment Bonuses | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Equipment | Extra Requirement | Note | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai) | -1 | -7 |
Event | Japanese | English | Note | |
Introduction | 伊168よ。何よ、言いにくいの? じゃあイムヤでいいわ。よろしくね。 | I'm I-168. What? It's hard to say? OK, just call me Imuya. Nice to meet you! | ||
Library | 生まれも育ちも呉の潜水艦なの。 あのミッドウェーの大海戦のあと、飛龍が最後の力で深手を負わせたヨークタウンに留めを刺したのよ! 空母たちの仇は取ったわ! あの大変な島への輸送任務でも頑張ったの。 |
I am a submarine born and raised in Kure. After that battle of Midway, I managed to land the final blow to Yorktown who defeated Hiryuu! Our carriers were avenged! I also worked hard running transport missions to that terrible island. |
USS Yorktown was disabled after the battle of Midway and was being slowly towed back by destroyers. I-168 managed to get in firing range and fired four torpedoes, two of them hit Yorktown which was sunk the next morning. I-168 also participated in transport missions to Guadalcanal in 1943. | |
Secretary 1 | 司令官、慣れてくれた? イ・ム・ヤ、だよ? | Commander, are you used to my name? It's I-Mu-Ya, you know? | ||
Secretary 2 | 私、今は浮き輪に乗ってるけど、ホントは潜るとすごいのよ! | I may be riding on a float right now, but I'm actually an amazing diver! | ||
Secretary 3 | あっ、後ろから見てたの? スマホとかで遊んでたんじゃないからね。 | Ah, were you looking at me from behind? It's not like I'm playing with a smart phone or anything! | ||
Idle | 司令官、イムヤのこと嫌いになったの? | Commander, did you come to hate Imuya? | ||
Secretary Married | 司令官、疲れたら休もうね | Commander, let's take a break if you are tired. | ||
Wedding | 司令官、私100mぐらい潜れるんだよ。今度一緒に潜ってみない?私、一生懸命案内するから。この戦いが終わったら…約束よ?」 | Commander, I can dive to about 100m. Won't you come dive with me this time? I, will guide you with all my strength. When this fight is over... it's a promise, okay? | ||
Looking At Scores | 司令官宛の報告があるみたいよ。 | There seems to be a report addressed to the commander. | ||
Joining A Fleet | さぁ出撃よ、伊号潜水艦の力、見ててよね! | It's time to deploy, I'll show you the power of adai-class submarine! | ||
Equipment 1 | やだ、私どんどん強くなっちゃうわね! | No way, I keep getting stronger! | ||
Equipment 2 | 司令官が望むなら、これもいいかな……? | If it's the commander's desire, then this is alright too...? | ||
Equipment 3 | ワオ! 大漁大漁! | Wow! Big catch, big catch! | ||
⇧ shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development | ||||
Supply | はい、補給いただきました! | Yes, I recieved my supplies! | ||
Docking Minor | んー。助かるわぁ。 | Nnn. That helps. | ||
Docking Major | こんな傷たいしたことないんだから!……あ、あんまり痛くはしないでね… | This wound is nothing serious! ...D...don't make it too sore... | ||
Docking Complete | 艦の修理終わったわ。 | The repair is finished. | ||
Construction | 新型艦が出来たわ! どんな艦だろう? | A new ship has been created! I wonder what kind of ship it is? | ||
Returning From Sortie | 作戦終了、艦隊が帰還したわ。 | Operation complete! The fleet has returned. | ||
Starting A Sortie | 敵の船底に、大穴開けてあげるから! | I'm gonna put some big holes in the enemies' hulls! | ||
Battle Start | さ、いらっしゃい! | Well, bring it on! | ||
Attack | 魚雷1番から4番まで装填、さぁ、戦果を上げてらっしゃい! | Load torpedoes from 1 to 4. Let's go get a win! | I-168 had 6 torpedo tubes. 4 of them were in bow and 2 of them were in stern. | |
⇧ shared with day/night special attacks, support expedition team arrival | ||||
Night Battle | 夜は私たちの世界よ、仕留めるわ! | The night is our world! I'll finish you! | At night, it's hard to find periscope or trajectory of torpedoes, so submarines are advantageous. | |
Night Attack | 密かに近づいて、確実に沈めるの。 | I'll approach stealthily, sinking you for certain. | ||
MVP | やったぁ! 海のスナイパー、イムヤにお任せ! 正規空母だって仕留めちゃうから! | I did it! You can rely on Imuya, the sniper of the sea! I'll even finish off aircraft carriers! | In the battle of Midway, I-168 sunk an American aircraft carrier, the Yorktown. | |
Minor Damage 1 | うそ! 気づかれた!? | No way! I was noticed!? | ||
Minor Damage 2 | やばっ! 急速潜行! 急いで! | Oh no! Crash dive! Hurry! | ||
Major Damage | あぁん! 水着が破けちゃうじゃない。 | Ahhnn! My swimsuit got torn! | ||
Sunk | ああ、もっと太陽を浴びていたかったな…。海の底はもう…飽きたよ… | Ahh, I wanted to bathe in the sun more... I've had enough of... the seabed... |
Hourly Notifications[]
Time | Japanese | English | Note |
00:00 | マルマルマルマル。夜12時よ。 | 0000. It's midnight. | |
01:00 | マルヒトマルマル。深夜よ。明日の仕事とか学校とか、大丈夫? | 0100. Night-time. Will you be okay at school or work tomorrow? | |
02:00 | マルフタマルマル。ホント夜型ね。 | 0200. You're really a night person. | |
03:00 | マルサンマルマル。大丈夫? ホント明日予定とか無いの? | 0300. Is it okay? You really don't have anything planned for tommorrow? | |
04:00 | マルヨンマルマル。イムヤ、もうしーらない。 | 0400. Imuya doesn't care anymore. | |
05:00 | マルゴーマルマルよ。え、イムヤの声聞きたかったの? | 0500. Eh, did you want to hear Imuya's voice? | |
06:00 | マルロクマルマル。司令官、思いっきり朝だよ。 | 0600. Commander, it's morning before you knew it! | |
07:00 | マルナナマルマル。さ、働くわよ。 | 0700. Come on, time for work! | |
08:00 | マルハチマルマル。私って、結構朝強いんだから! | 0800. I'm pretty strong in the morning, you know! | |
09:00 | マルキュウマルマル。さぁ、お仕事お仕事ぉ! | 0900. Let's get to work let's get to work! | |
10:00 | ヒトマルマルマルです。お昼までは全力で行きましょう! | 1000. Let's go with all our strength until lunch! | |
11:00 | ヒトヒトマルマル。頑張ればきっと美味しいランチが待ってるわ! | 1100. If we work hard I'm sure there will be delicious lunch waiting for us! | |
12:00 | ヒトフタマルマル。美味しいランチ、ゲットです! | 1200. Tasty lunch, get! | |
13:00 | ヒトサンマルマル。司令官と一緒のお昼、嬉しいな! | 1300. Lunch with the commander, I'm really happy! | |
14:00 | ヒトヨンマルマル。さあ、午後も頑張って出撃よ! | 1400. Well then, let's give it our best and sortie even in the afternoon! | |
15:00 | ヒトゴマルマル。三時のあなた……あなたの惨事……きゃぁ、なんか怖い! | 1500. The 3 o'clock you... the disaster of yours... it's somehow scary! | 三時 /sanji/ 惨事 /sanji/ lit. 3 o'clock you; your disaster. Looks like a play on words. |
16:00 | ヒトロクマルマルよ。もう夕方ね。 | 1600. It's already evening. | |
17:00 | ヒトナナマルマル。司令官頑張って! | 1700. Commander, do your best! | |
18:00 | ヒトハチマルマル。御飯作るよ!ご飯! | 1800. Let's make dinner! Dinner! | |
19:00 | ヒトキュウマルマル。あたしカレーしか作れないけどいーい?じゃあ一緒に作ろっか!一時間後、一緒に食べようね! | 1900. I can only make curry, is that okay? Alrighty, let's make it together! We can eat together in an hour! | Curry was, and is, the default menu for Fridays on Japanese naval vessels. |
20:00 | フタマルマルマル。ちゃんとカレーできた?それじゃ一緒に、いただきます! | 2000. Did you make the curry properly? Well then, let's eat together! | |
21:00 | フタヒトマルマル。なんか晩御飯食べると、お腹いっぱいで眠くなる……。 | 2100. Somehow after eating dinner and getting full, I get sleepy... | |
22:00 | フタフタマルマル。お風呂入ってくる! | 2200. I'm going to the bath! | |
23:00 | フタサンマルマル。司令官、今日も一日お疲れ様でした! | 2300. Commander, thanks for another day's hard work! |
Seasonal Quotes[]
Event | Japanese | English | Note |
Valentines Day 2016 |
司令官、このイムヤの艦橋型スマホサイズチョコ、あげる!一応、イムヤの手作りだよ!結構大変だったんだから | Commander, here's this bridge-shaped, smartphone-sized chocolate! Just to let you know, Imuya made it! Imuya did her best in making it! | |
Valentines Day 2016 |
司令官、イムヤのチョコ、ちゃんと食べてくれた?・・・え、飾ってある?それなんか違うー!早く食べてよぉ、もう | Commander, did you eat, Imuya's chocolate? ...eh, you pinned it up for decoration? That's not what it was meant for! Come on, eat it! | Secretary 2 |
Hinamatsuri 2016 |
さ!折角の雛祭り!私たち伊号で五人囃子をやりましょう?衣装はこのイムヤが作っておきました!可愛いでしょ? | Now, it's the awaited Hinamatsuri! We I-class subs should go as the five court musicians, right? Imuya here already made the outfits! Aren't they cute? | The 五人囃子 are placed on the third-tier platform, and represent the musicians of the court. There are adequately five I-class submarines. |
Hinamatsuri 2016 |
司令官!やっと春が来ますね。うー、今年の冬は長かった。暖かくなったら、司令官も海の中、一緒にどうですか。 | Commander! Spring has finally come. Mmm, winter was long this year. When the season gets warmer, how about taking a dive into the ocean with us, Commander? | Secretary 2 |
White Day 2016 |
わおー!司令官、チョコのお返しありがとう!あんまり食べたら太っちゃうかな?イムヤ、お茶入れるね? | Wow! Commander, thanks for the return gift! If I eat too much, I might gain some weight though. Should Imuya prepare some tea? | |
Spring 2016 |
「司令官!やっと春が来ますね!ん~今年の冬は長かった~、暖かくなったら司令官も海の中、一緒にどうですか? | Commander! Spring has finally come. Mmm, winter was long this year. When the season gets warmer, how about taking a dive into the ocean with us, Commander? | From Seasonal/Hinamatsuri_2016 |
Third Anniversary 2016 |
(Rough Transcription) 司令官!三周年です、三周年!すごいね!イムヤも少しびっくり。これからも、伊号のこと、宜しくね! | (Rough Translation) Commander! It's the third anniversary, the third anniversary! So cool! Imuya is a bit surprised too. Please take care of me from now on too! | |
Rainy Season 2016 |
最近、雨が多いですね。梅雨だから仕方ないけど。あ、イク!てるてる坊主作ってるんだ!見せて見せて!…… こ、個性的だね。 | It's been raining a lot recently, hasn't it? It's the rainy season so it can't be helped. Ah, Iku! So you are making a teru-teru bouzu! Show me, show me! ...It's, um, quite unique. | |
For new seasonal lines that may be missing here, check Seasonal |
- The submarines share the same costume, consisting of a white and blue serafuku top with pink scarf over a classic blue school swimsuit.
- I-168 herself has long red or pink hair, in a ponytail with a hair ribbon on a strand on her right side.
- I-168 is confident and hardworking, but lacks other notable personality traits.
- Was called I-68 at the beginning of the war ; Japanese re-numbering program which names her I-168 took place shortly before Midway.
- Sunk by USS Scamp at north of Rabaul 27 July 1943.
- Refers to herself as Imuya. The "i" or "ichi" is a way to read 1 in Japanese. Followed by "mu" or "mutsu" for 6 and "ya" for a way to read 8.
- Known for being the first submarine of the Pacific war to sink a capital ship, the already damaged USS Yorktown.
See Also
Template:Kaidai VI Class