This page serves as a landing page for KanColle Players who want to discuss anything about the game.
- Don't be a jerk
- Please do not bite the newcomers
- Respect other people.
- Comments or Posts deemed inappropriate by the community will be removed
- Corresponding suspensions may be done depending on the offense
- If the topic has a wikia article, directly post your comment there
- If it is something that's new and informative about the game, put it on the Recent Updates page instead
- If its about a ship, post your comment on the ship girl's page
- If it's about multiple ships or all ships in general, you may post your comment here
- If it's a question about the game, please try asking on the Wikia Forum: Q&A or the Tutorial: FAQ page
- If you're having cat errors, or whatever other errors, post it on Tutorial: Troubleshooting
- Check Tutorial: Proxy Connection if you get error area message. Connection methods are occasionally revised.
- Also check Recent Updates page's comment section to see is there any particular server getting excessive load(s).
- For other topics, please be mindful of what article to post it to
- Artworks and other media should have source and/or credits
- You may put a link in either the comment body or on the caption
- If it is your own artwork, please showcase it on General_Discussion/Art
- Off-topic Discussions are allowed but keep it minimum
- Consider posting it over at Board:Off_Topic
- One thread per topic is allowed for a given time
Formatting Tips[]
General Editing[]
- When inserting photos, you may want to align left.
- There is an alignment option in the insert photo popup
- You may add
in the File code
- If you do not want text wrapping your images, you may use
for all succeeding text to be on the next line below your image.
- When using VisualEditor, copy the code inside the box, and use Ctrl+Shift+V for pasting, not just Ctrl+V
- When using Source Editor, copy-paste the code normally
{{Taiha}} |
{{Like}} |
{{LSC}} |
{{Maruyu}} |
{{TTK}} |
{{CatBomb}} |
{{bait}} |
Template:Bait | {{Salt}} |
Template:Salt |
Other Community Sections[]
Dedicated page for your artwork. Give and take constructive feedback!
Profile Templates
Pre-made template codes for your wiki profile!
Wikia Forum
Discuss serious matters with the community!
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