KanColle Wiki

The Jukebox is a Special furniture that, through the use of furniture coins, changes the home screen BGM. It is found in the 'Chest' section and 'Desk' section, and costs 8,000 furniture coins, as well as 1 furniture fairy.

How It Works[]

Clicking on the jukebox will open up a list of music that can be listened to on the home screen. However, playing one will cost furniture coins, and a payment must be made per loop. It may be set as the default by clicking the blue button at the top right corner of the music player window. Clicking the 'X' button will cancel it, but will not refund the coins..

The default will remain even when swapped with other furniture, so the jukebox does not have to always be in use.

In the case of using furniture that has its own BGM, the new furniture will replace the jukebox's BGM until you remove the new furniture, and then the BGM will return to the jukebox's BGM.

With the Jukebox Kai, some kanmusu will make it difficult to click on the item. Therefore, it's recommended to use smaller kanmusu during track changes.

Only tracks with the 母港BGM設定可能 option can be set as the default, thus excluding Vocal Collection tracks.

Further details about the process & funding.

Music List[]

For more a complete list of all in-game tracks, see Music.
Position Japanese English JP Note EN Note Price Notes
1 母港 Home Port 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 100 Default HQ Main Screen BGM
2 連合艦隊旗艦 Combined Fleet Flagship 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 ?
3 武蔵の帰投 Musashi's Return 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 White Day update 3/13/2015
4 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改 Naval District Saury Festival Kai 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Saury Festival Update 10/21/2016
5 祈り Prayer 冬の新曲:母港BGM設定可能 New Winter Song: Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Game Update 12/11/2017
6 節分の鎮守府 Setsubun at the Naval Base 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 ?
7 迎春の鎮守府 New Years at the Naval Base 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 New Year's update 12/26/2014
8 桃の節句と艦娘 Hinamatsuri and the Shipgirls 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 White Day update 3/13/2015
9 提督と艦娘の食卓 Admiral and Shipgirl's Dining Table 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 White Day Update 3/11/2016
10 雨音の鎮守府 The sound of rain at the Navy Base 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Game Update 6/12/2015
11 連合艦隊の出撃 Sortie the Combined Fleet 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Fall 2014 Event
12 提督との絆 Our Bond with the Admiral 試製ロングバージョン Long Version 700 Vocal Collection Vol.2
Game Update 7/17/2015
Can be set as the homeport BGM as of the 2/8/2019 update.
13 明石の工廠 Akashi's Armory 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Early Implementation
14 特型駆逐艦 Special-type destroyer 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 White Day update 3/13/2015
15 暁の水平線に On the Dawn's Horizon 試製ロングバージョン Long Version 700 Vocal Collection Vol.1

Game Update 7/17/2015

16 鎮守府の朝 Morning at the Naval Base 試製ロングバージョン Long Version 700 Vocal Collection Vol.1

Game Update 7/17/2015

17 華の二水戦 The Splendid Second Torpedo Squadron 試製ロングバージョン Long Version 700 Vocal Collection Vol.2

Game Update 7/17/2015

18 鎮守府の秋祭り Autumn Festival at the Naval Base 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Game Update 9/7/2015
19 加賀岬改(母港ver) Kaga Cape Kai (Homeport Version) 同曲母港BGMバージョン Homeport BGM version of Kaga Cape 1000 Game Update 9/7/2015
20 瑞雲の空 The Sky of Zuiun 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Game Update 3/27/2019
21 噴式の胎動 Birth of the Jets 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 2000 Game Update 12/9/2016
22 雨とお酒と艦娘 Rain, Sake, and Shipgirls 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Game Update 6/12/2015
23 雨とお酒と艦娘(第二夜) Rain, Sake, and Ship Girls (The 2nd Night) 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1500 Game Update 6/29/2018
24 加賀岬 Kaga Cape 試製新曲先行公開 Experimental new song early release 1000 Game Update 7/17/2015
25 秋月の空 Autumn Moon in the Sky 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Early Implementation
[[File:|Play]] 26 月夜海 涼月mode Moonlit Sea (Suzutsuki mode) 試製涼月ソロ&ショートmode Trial production, Suzutsuki & Short mode 1000 ?
27 長波、駆ける Naganami, Running Forth 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1500 Game Update 3/22/2019
28 士魂の護り Grace of the Bushi's Soul 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 White Day update 3/13/2015
29 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り改三 Naval District Saury Festival Kai San 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1500 Saury Festival Update 10/11/2018
30 二水戦の航跡 Wake of the Second Torpedo Squadron 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 ?
31 聖夜の母港 Home Port on Christmas Eve 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Game Update 12/9/2015
32 師走の鎮守府 December at the Naval Base 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Live Update 12/29/2016
33 艦娘のお菓子作り Candy-making by the Shipgirls 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 White Day update 3/13/2015
34 八駆の迎撃 DesDiv 8's Interception BGMバージョン BGM Version 1000 Game Update 1/1/2020
35 海上護衛戦 Marine Escort Warfare 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 1-5: 鎮守府近海対潜哨戒
36 冬の艦隊 Winter's Ship 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 3-5: 北方海域戦闘哨戒

Early Christmas update 12/12/2014

37 粉雪の降る夜 The Night When Powder Snow Falls 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Game Update 12/22/2016
38 佐世保の時雨 Shigure of Sasebo BGMバージョン BGM Version 1000 Game Update 9/30/2019
[[File:|Play]] 39 月夜海(つきよみ) Moonlit Sea (Tsukiyomi) 試製先行ショートmode Trial production, Short mode 1000 ?
40 艦娘音頭 Ship Girl Folk Song 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Saury Festival Update 10/21/2016
41 梅雨明けの白露 The Glistening Dew After The Rainy Season 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Game Update 7/12/2018
42 水着の出撃 Sortie in Swimsuit 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Mid-Summer update 8/1/2016
43 浜辺の艦娘 Shipgirls on the Beach 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Game Update 7/17/2015
44 トラック目指して Head for the Truk 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Game Update 2/7/2020
45 遥かなるウルシー泊地 The Distant Ulithi Anchorage 母港BGM設定可能 Can be set for homeport BGM 2000 Game Update 11/20/2019

Unavailable Tracks[]

Position Japanese English JP Note EN Note Price Notes
1 冬の抜錨 A Winter's Voyage 母港BGM


Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Removed on Christmas 2013 Event
2 索敵機、発艦始め! Spotter Planes, Begin Departure! 母港BGM


Can be set for homeport BGM 1000 Removed on Spring 2014 Event
3 提督との絆 Our Bond with the Admiral 試製ショートバージョン Short Version 300 Changed to long version 7/17/2015
4 暁の水平線に On the Dawn's Horizon 試製ショートバージョン Short Version 300 Changed to long version 7/17/2015
5 華の二水戦 The Splendid Second Torpedo Squadron 試製ショートバージョン Short Version 300 Changed to long version 7/17/2015
6 鎮守府の朝 Morning at the Naval Base 試製ショートバージョン Short Version 300 Changed to long version 7/17/2015