KanColle Wiki

This page displays existing visible equipment stat bonuses for different ships.


  • Air Radar: any radar that has an Anti-Air stat on it.
  • LoS Radar: any radar with 5 or more View Range stat on it.
  • Radars are able to function as both types provided they fulfill both conditions (example: Type 42 Air RadarType 42 Air Radar 032 Card).

Things to Note[]

As of 22nd February 2018, the following bonus stats have an erroneous effect on gameplay:

  • Firepower: Bonus visible Firepower from recon planes does not work on Carriers. Otherwise works as per normal.
    • Bonus visible Firepower from Night Planes does not count towards night carrier damage at night.
  • Anti-Submarine: Counts toward OASW value requirements, but does not affect damage.
  • Anti-Air: Does not have any effect on gameplay. AA Guns will not have increased shotdowns, Plane bonus AA will not have increased Air Power.
  • View Range: SG Radar (Initial Model)SG Radar (Initial Model) 315 Card LOS Visible Fit Bonus does not work. Type 2 Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft 061 Card's LoS Bonus has been tested to count as ship LOS and not equipment, for routing purposes.
  • Torpedo Attack, Armor and Evasion have been confirmed to be working normally.

See Also[]

[Edit]List · Gallery · By Stats · Development · Improvement · Overweight / Fit Gun · Visible Bonuses
Main Gun Small QF 4.7inch Mk.XII Kai · 12cm Single (Kai 2· 120mm/50 Twin · 12.7cm Single · 12.7cm Twin (Model A (Kai 2· Model B · Model C · Model D (Kai 3)) · 130mm B-13 Twin
AA 10cm Twin HA · 12cm Single HA · 12.7cm HA LM (Single · Twin· 12.7cm HA K2 (Single · Twin· 5inch Single Mk.30 (Kai)
AAFD 10cm Twin HA + AAFD · 12.7cm Twin Model A Kai 3 + AAFD · 12.7cm Twin Model B Kai 4 + AAFD · 5inch Single Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.37
Medium 14cm Single · 14cm Twin (Kai· Bofors (15cm Twin 1938 (Kai· 15.2cm Twin 1930· 15.2cm Twin (Kai· 152mm/55 Triple (Kai· 6inch Twin Mk.16 (mod.2· 6inch Twin Mk.XXI · 15.5cm Triple (Kai· 20.3cm Twin ((No.2) · (No.3)· SKC34 20.3cm Twin · 203mm/53 Twin · 8inch Triple Mk.9 (mod.2)
AAFD 5inch Twin DP (+ GFCS Mk.37)
Large 30.5cm Triple (Kai· 35.6cm Twin (Dazzle Camo · Kai · Kai 2· Proto 35.6cm Triple (Kai Dazzle Camo) · 38cm Twin (Kai· 38cm Quad (Kai· 381mm/50 Triple (Kai· 38.1cm Twin (/N Kai· 41cm Twin (Kai 2· 41cm Triple Kai (Proto 41cm · Kai 2· 46cm Triple (Proto 46cm · Kai)

16inch Twin (Mk.I · Mk.V · Mk.VIII Kai· 16inch Triple Mk.6 (mod.2 · + GFCS· 16inch Triple Mk.7 (+ GFCS)
16inch Mk.I Triple (+ AFCT Kai · + FCR Type 284)

Large (II) 51cm Twin (Prototype)
Secondary Gun 15cm Twin · 15.2cm Single · OTO 152mm Triple · 15.2cm Triple · 15.5cm Triple (Kai)
AA 8cm Twin HA (Kai + Add. Machine Guns· 10cm Twin HA (Carriage) · 10.5cm Twin · 12.7cm Twin HA · 5inch Single HA
AAFD 90mm Single HA · 10cm Twin HA Kai + Add. Machine Guns · 12.7cm HA + AAFD · 5inch Twin Mk.28 mod.2
Anti-Air Machine Gun 7.7mm · 12.7mm Single · 2cm Flakvierling 38 · 25mm Single (Twin · Triple· 3.7cm FlaK M42 · Bi Type 40mm Twin · 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher (Kai 2· 20-tube 7inch UP Rocket Launchers
C.D. 25mm Triple (Concentrated Deployment) · Bofors 40mm Quad · QF 2-pounder Octo
Fire Director Type 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director · Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
Torpedo Weapon Torpedo 53cm Twin · 53cm Oxygen Bow · 533mm Triple · 533mm Quint (Initial Model · Late Model· 61cm (Triple · Quad· 61cm Oxygen (Triple (Late Model· Quad (Late Model· Quint · Proto Sext)
Sub Submarine 53cm Bow (8 tubes) · Prototype FaT Type 95 Oxygen Torpedo Kai · Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes) (+ Skilled Sonar Personnel· Late Model 53cm Bow Torpedo Mount (8 tubes)
Midget Sub Kouhyouteki (Type A · Type C · Type D)
Carrier-based Aircraft Fighter Type 96 Fighter (Kai· Zero (Model 21 (Skilled · Iwamoto· Model 32 (Skilled· Model 52 (Skilled · 52A Iwamoto · 52C 601 · 52C Iwai· Model 53 (Iwamoto)) · Shiden (Kai 2 · Kai 4· Reppuu (Proto Late Model · Model 11 · 601 · Kai (Prototype) · Kai 2 (CarDiv 1/Skilled)) · Shinden Kai

German: Bf 109T Kai · Focke-Wulf (Fw 190T Kai · Fw 190 A-5 Kai)
Italian: Reggiane (Re.2001 OR Kai · Re.2005 Kai)
American: Wildcat (F4F-3 · F4F-4· Hellcat (F6F-3  · F6F-5)  · XF5U
British: Fulmar · Seafire Mk.III Kai

Night Reppuu Kai 2 Model E (CarDiv 1/Skilled· Hellcat (F6F-3N · F6F-5N)
Torpedo Bomber Type 97 (Skilled · 931 (931/Skilled· Tomonaga · Murata· Tenzan (931 · 601 · Model 12A · Model 12 Tomonaga · Model 12 Murata· Ryuusei (601 · Kai (CarDiv 1 · CarDiv 1/Skilled)) · Re.2001 G Kai · Swordfish (Mk.II · Mk.III· TBD · TBF
Night TBM-3D · Type 97 Kai Model E (Skilled· Tenzan Model 12A Kai (Skilled)
Dive Bomber Type 99 (Skilled · Egusa· Suisei (Model 12A (634 w/Cluster Bombs · w/ Photo Fuze Bombs· Model 22 (634 (634/Skilled)) · Egusa · 601· Type 0 Fighter-bomber (Model 62 (Iwai· Model 63· Prototype Nanzan · Ju 87C Kai (Kai 2 (Skilled)) · SBD · F4U-1D · FM-2 · Skua · Re.2001 CB Kai · SB2U
Recon Saiun (Eastern Caroline · 4th Recon Squad· Type 2 Recon · Prototype Keiun
Seaplane Flying Boat Type 2 Large Flying Boat · PBY-5A Catalina
Recon Type 0 Recon (Model 11B · (Skilled)) · Type 0 Observation · Shiun · Type 98 Night Recon · Ar196 Kai · Ro.43 Recon · OS2U · S9 Osprey · Swordfish Mk.II Kai (Recon) · Fairey Seafox
Bomber Zuiun (Model 12 (634)) · Kai 2 (634 (634/Skilled)) · 631 · 634 (634/Skilled)) · Seiran (Prototype Seiran · 631· Laté 298B · Swordfish (Seaplane) (Mk.III Kai (Skilled))
Fighter Ro.44 Seaplane Fighter (bis· Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai (Skilled· Kyoufuu Kai
Land-based Aircraft Attack Type 96 · Type 1 (Nonaka · Model 22A · Model 34· Ginga (Egusa)
Patrol Toukai (Prototype · 901)
Fighter Interceptor Raiden · Shiden (Model 11 · Model 21 (Kai (343) 301st Sq.)) · Reppuu Kai (352 Air Group/Skilled· Shuusui (Prototype)
IJA/Foreign Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa (Model II (64th Sq.· Model III A (54th Sq.)) · Type 3 Fighter Hien (244 · Model 1D· Type 4 Fighter Hayate · Spitfire (Mk.I · Mk.V · Mk.IX· Fw 190 D-9 · Me 163B
LBAA-IJA Bomb-carrying Type 1 Fighter Hayabusa Model III Kai (65th Squadron)
Recon Type 2 LB Recon (Skilled)
Jets Fighter-Bomber Jet Keiun Kai · Kikka Kai
Anti-submarine Warfare Patroller Ka Type Observation Autogyro · O Type Observation Autogyro Kai (Kai 2· S-51J (Kai· Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW)
Depth Charge Projector Type 94 Depth Charge Projector · Type 3 Depth Charge Projector
Racks Type 95 Depth Charge · Type 2 Depth Charge
Other Type 3 Depth Charge Projector (Concentrated Deployment) · Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai (Concentrated Deployment· 15cm 9-tube ASW Rocket Launcher · RUR-4A Weapon Alpha Kai · Lightweight ASW Torpedo (Initial Test Model)
Sonar Type 93 Passive Sonar · Type 3 Active Sonar · Type 0 Passive Sonar · Type 4 Passive Sonar · ASDIC (Type124 ASDIC · Type144/147 ASDIC · HF/DF + Type144/147 ASDIC)
Shell Type 3 Shell (Kai· Type 91 Armor Piercing Shell · Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell (Kai)
Anti-Ground WG42 (Wurfgerät 42) · Type 4 20cm Anti-ground Rocket Launcher (Concentrated Deployment)
Amphibious and Transport Landing Craft Daihatsu Landing Craft ((Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)· Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft (+ 11th Tank Regiment· M4A1 DD
Tank Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank
Drum Drum Canister (Transport Use)
Material Saiun (Disassembled for Transport)
Radar Small Air Type 13 Air Radar (Kai· SG Radar (Initial Model) · GFCS Mk.37
Large Air Type 21 Air Radar (Kai· Type 42 Air Radar · 15m Duplex Rangefinder + Type 21 Radar Kai 2 · FuMO25 Radar · SK Radar (+ SG)
Small Surface Type 22 Surface Radar (Kai 4 (Calibrated Late Model)) · Type 33 Surface Radar
Large Surface Type 32 Surface Radar (Kai)
Submarine Submarine Radar (& Waterproof Telescope · & Passive Radiolocator ((E27) · Late Model))
Engine Turbine Improved Kanhon Type Turbine
Boiler Enhanced Kanhon Type Boiler · New Model High Temperature High Pressure Boiler
Bulge Anti-torpedo Bulge (Medium · Large· New Kanhon Design (Medium · Large· Pugliese Underwater Protection Bulkhead · Arctic Camouflage (+ Arctic Equipment)
Night Battle Aid Searchlight · Type 96 150cm Searchlight · Star Shell
Support Item Emergency Repair Personnel (Repair Goddess· Combat Ration ((Special Onigiri) · Canned Saury· Underway Replenishment
Personnel and Facility Fleet Command Facility (Striking Force· Ship Repair Facility · Skilled Carrier-based Aircraft Maintenance Personnel · Night Operation Aviation Personnel (+ Skilled Deckhands· Skilled Lookouts