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KanColle Wiki
Chiyoda 千代田
Seiyuu Miyakawa Wakana (宮川若菜) Availability Construction (Normal)
Artist Kuu Ro Kuro (くーろくろ) Implementation 2013/04/23 (Base)
2013/07/24 (Carrier Kai Ni)



No.50 千代田

Chitose Class Seaplane Tender

Chiyoda Card
Icon HP HP 40 (42) Icon Gun Firepower 9 (29)
Icon Armor Armor 18 (39) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion Evasion 20 (39) Icon AA AA 14 (29)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 24 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 34 (69)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 10 (49)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 35 AmmoKai Ammo 35
Build Time Slots
02:20:00 (Normal) 2
Stock Equipment Space
Secondary Gun 12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount 010 Card 12
Reconnaissance Seaplane Type 0 Reconnaissance SeaplaneType 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane 025 Card 12
- Locked - -
- Locked - -
Extra Statistics
Modernization Bonus
AA+1 Armor+2
Scrap Value
Fuel 3 Ammo 1 Steel 13 Bauxite 4
Category Equipment that can be improved with Chiyoda as helper ship not found


Chiyoda Kai

No.96 千代田改

Chitose Class Seaplane Tender

Chiyoda Kai Card
Icon HP HP 41 (43) Icon Gun Firepower 9 (29)
Icon Armor Armor 20 (39) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0 (29)
Icon Evasion Evasion 25 (44) Icon AA AA 15 (29)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 24 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 36 (69)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 10 (49)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 35 AmmoKai Ammo 40
Remodel Level Slots
Level 10 3
Stock Equipment Space
Reconnaissance Seaplane Type 0 Reconnaissance SeaplaneType 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane 025 Card 12
Seaplane Bomber ZuiunZuiun 026 Card 6
Small Caliber Main Gun 12.7cm Twin Gun Mount12.7cm Twin Gun Mount 002 Card 6
- Locked - -
Extra Statistics
Remodel Cost
Ammo 40 Steel 70
Modernization Bonus
AA+2 Armor+2
Scrap Value
Fuel 3 Ammo 1 Steel 14 Bauxite 4
Category Equipment that can be improved with Chiyoda Kai as helper ship not found

Second Upgrade

Chiyoda A

No.100 千代田甲

Chitose Class Seaplane Tender

Chiyoda A Card
Icon HP HP 42 (44) Icon Gun Firepower 9 (31)
Icon Armor Armor 21 (39) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 15 (73)
Icon Evasion Evasion 27 (49) Icon AA AA 17 (42)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 24 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 30 (69)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 10 (59)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 35 AmmoKai Ammo 45
Remodel Level Slots
Level 12 3
Stock Equipment Space
Reconnaissance Seaplane Type 0 Reconnaissance SeaplaneType 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane 025 Card 12
Midget Submarine Type A KouhyoutekiType A Kouhyouteki 041 Card 6
Midget Submarine Type A KouhyoutekiType A Kouhyouteki 041 Card 6
- Locked - -
Extra Statistics
Remodel Cost
Ammo 80 Steel 70
Modernization Bonus
Torpedo+2 AA+1 Armor+2
Scrap Value
Fuel 3 Ammo 3 Steel 15 Bauxite 3

Third Upgrade

Chiyoda Carrier

No.105 千代田航

Chitose Class Light Carrier

Chiyoda Carrier Card
Icon HP HP 47 (49) Icon Gun Firepower 0 (19)
Icon Armor Armor 25 (39) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion Evasion 37 (67) Icon AA AA 20 (49)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 36 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 36 (69)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 10 (59)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 40 AmmoKai Ammo 40
Remodel Level Slots
Level 15 3
Stock Equipment Space
Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Type 0 Fighter Model 21Type 0 Fighter Model 21 020 Card 21
Carrier-based Torpedo Bomber Type 97 Torpedo BomberType 97 Torpedo Bomber 016 Card 9
Xx c - Unequipped - 6
- Locked - -
Extra Statistics
Remodel Cost
Ammo 60 Steel 100
Modernization Bonus
AA+3 Armor+2
Scrap Value
Fuel 5 Ammo 5 Steel 17 Bauxite 4
Category Equipment that can be improved with Chiyoda Carrier as helper ship not found

Fourth Upgrade

Chiyoda Carrier Kai

No.105 千代田航改

Chitose Class Light Carrier

Chiyoda Carrier Kai Card
Icon HP HP 57 (59) Icon Gun Firepower 0 (34)
Icon Armor Armor 32 (64) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion Evasion 37 (69) Icon AA AA 27 (69)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 56 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 42 (79)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 12 (59)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 45 AmmoKai Ammo 40
Remodel Level Slots
Level 35 4
Stock Equipment Space
Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Type 0 Fighter Model 52Type 0 Fighter Model 52 021 Card 24
Carrier-based Torpedo Bomber Type 97 Torpedo BomberType 97 Torpedo Bomber 016 Card 16
Anti-Aircraft Gun 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher 051 Card 8
Xx c - Unequipped - 8
Extra Statistics
Remodel Cost
Ammo 250 Steel 550
Modernization Bonus
AA+3 Armor+3
Scrap Value
Fuel 5 Ammo 10 Steel 24 Bauxite 7
Category Equipment that can be improved with Chiyoda Carrier Kai as helper ship not found

Fifth Upgrade

Chiyoda Carrier Kai Ni

No.122 千代田航改二

Chitose Class Light Carrier

Chiyoda Carrier Kai Ni Card
Icon HP HP 58 (60) Icon Gun Firepower 0 (34)
Icon Armor Armor 32 (65) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0
Icon Evasion Evasion 38 (69) Icon AA AA 30 (72)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 59 Icon ASW ASW 0
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 42 (79)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 13 (59)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 45 AmmoKai Ammo 40
Remodel Level Slots
Level 50 4
Stock Equipment Space
Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Type 0 Fighter Model 52Type 0 Fighter Model 52 021 Card 24
Anti-Aircraft Gun 25mm Twin Autocannon Mount25mm Twin Autocannon Mount 039 Card 16
Anti-Aircraft Gun 12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher 051 Card 11
Xx c - Unequipped - 8
Extra Statistics
Remodel Cost
Ammo 370 Steel 430
Modernization Bonus
AA+3 Armor+3
Scrap Value
Fuel 5 Ammo 10 Steel 24 Bauxite 7
Category Equipment that can be improved with Chiyoda Carrier Kai Ni as helper ship not found
[Edit]Chiyoda Carrier Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Armor Evasion Note
FighterType 96 FighterType 96 Fighter 019 Card +1 +1
FighterType 96 Fighter KaiType 96 Fighter Kai 228 Card +1 +2 +1
Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance AircraftType 2 Reconnaissance Aircraft 061 Card (★2-3) +1
(★4-5) +1 +1
(★6-9) +1 +2
(★MAX) +2 +3
[Edit]Chiyoda Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Armor Evasion Note
High-angle Gun12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 212.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2 379 Card +1 +1
+ LOS Radar +1 +2
High-angle Gun12.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai 212.7cm Twin High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2 380 Card +1 +2
+ LOS Radar +2 +1
Torpedo-based WeaponType D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai)Type D Kouhyouteki Kai (Kouryuu Kai) 364 Card -1 -7


Event Japanese English Note
Introduction 水上機母艦千代田です。姉の千歳が、いつも迷惑かけていませんか? Seaplane tender Chiyoda. My older sister Chitose isn't bothering you, is she?
Carrier 空母になった千代田です。是非、千歳お姉と一緒に機動部隊を編成してね The girl that became an aircraft carrier, Chiyoda. Of course, I'll be assigned to Chitose-onee's fleet, yes?
Library 水上機母艦として建造された千歳型2番艦、千代田です。
Laid down as a Seaplane Tender, 2nd of the Chitose class, Chiyoda.
I was able to make use of midget subs, you know.
I'll do my best alongside Chitose-onee!
Chiyoda was able to use the Ko-hyoteki(s) initally, Chitose was not
Carrier 水上機母艦から大改装を受けて、航空母艦にジョブチェンジした千代田です。
Heavily remodeled from a seaplane tender, I'm the job-changed aircraft carrier Chiyoda.
I'm quite the carrier, no? I'll fight the enemy air force together with Chitose-onee!
Secretary 1 え?また千歳お姉が何か? Eh? Did Chitose-onee do something again?
Carrier 提督、なあに? Admiral, wha~t?
Carrier Kai Ni 千歳お姉、千代田が護るから! Chitose-onee, Chiyoda will protect you!
Secretary 2 千歳お姉…危ない……あ…夢か… Chitose-onee... watch out... ah... A dream? Chitose and Chiyoda were both sunk during the battle off Cape Engano during the Battle of Leyte Gulf. Chiyoda seems to be having a nightmare of this event from her past.
Carrier 飛行甲板って…いいよね! Flight decks... are great!
Carrier Kai Ni ええ?また千歳お姉がなにか。 Eh? Did Chitose-onee do something again?
Secretary 3 千歳お姉…くすぐったいよぉ…って…提督、何してんの? Chitose-onee.. that tickleeeesss... oh, Admiral, What are you doing?
Carrier 千歳お姉、そ~ゆぅのは二人の部屋で……なんだ、提督なの? Chitose-onee, do that when we're alone in the room... Oh. It's you, Admiral?
Idle 提督、千代田よ。忘れちゃったの? Admiral, it's Chiyoda! Did you forget about me?
Carrier Kai Ni ねぇ、提督ぅ! 千歳お姉見なかった? あーそうっ! …っもう、なんか退屈かもっ! Hey, Admiral~! Have you seen Chitose-onee? Oh, is that so! ...Jeez, I'm kinda bored!
Secretary Married 提督、千歳お姉見なかった? あ、そう、ふ~ん・・・じゃあまぁあの・・・ちょっと疲れたから膝貸して! 休んであげる! Admiral, had you not seen Chitose-onee around here? Ah, is that so, hmm... well, then, umm... you look a little worn-out so I'll lend you my lap! I'll let you rest a little!
Old 千歳お姉だけでも心配なのに、提督まで……本ッ当やれやれね Even though I'm worried for just Chitose-onee, the Admiral upon that... really, good grief.
Wedding 提督、私に何か用ですか?ぁっ、千歳お姉見ませんでしたか?あっ、そう… Admiral, do you need something? Ah- You wanted to know if I'd seen Chitose-onee? I see...
Carrier 提督……お気持ちは嬉しいけれど、千代田はやっぱり千歳お姉が心配だから…… Admiral.... I'm happy that you have feeling for me, but still, I'm worried about Chitose-onee...
Looking At Scores 千歳お姉に . . . いえ、提督にご連絡です Communique for Chitose-onee... i mean, for the Admiral.
Carrier 提督、お姉から…じゃなかった。司令部から連絡です。 It's from onee... No wait, it's a message from headquarters, Admiral.
Joining A Fleet よし、水上機母艦千代田、出ます! Alright! Seaplane tender Chiyoda, launching!
Carrier 航空母艦千代田、出撃します! Aircraft carrier Chiyoda, launching!
Equipment 1 少しは千歳お姉に近づけたかな? I'm getting a bit closer to Chitose-onee, aren't I?
Carrier ありがとう!これなら正規空母並みよね Thank you! With this, I can match the regular carriers, no?
Equipment 2 ふふっこれで勝てる…千歳お姉に勝てるかも! Heheh I can win with this... Maybe even beat Chitose-onee!
Carrier 今度はレイテでも大丈夫! Leyte will be okay this time!
Equipment 3 いただきです! I'll take that!
Carrier お姉、見てた? Sis, were you watching?
 ⇧ shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development
Supply 少しは千歳お姉に近づけたかな? I'm getting a bit closer to Chitose-onee, aren't I?
Kai 満タンでよろしくね Full tank, please.
Carrier Kai Ni ふぅ~。これで何とかなるかなぁ? Fuu~ With this, maybe I'll make it somehow?
Docking Minor どうもドック入りって好きじゃないわ I'm not really fond of docking, actually...
Carrier 空母はメンテが肝心よね。 Carrier maintenance is vital, you know.
Docking Major うっ、私が大規模修理…。千歳お姉には黙ってて!お願い! Urgh... I'm going for heavy repairs...? Don't tell Chitose-onee! I beg you!
Carrier 痛たたたたぁ…千歳お姉には内緒よ。 Ow-w-w~ Keep this a secret... from Chitose-nee~
Docking Complete 損傷していた船が修理できたって。 I heard the the damaged ship has been repaired.
Play Carrier 修理が終わった船が在るってぇ。 The boat is fully repaired.
Construction 新しい船ができましたよ~って、今から来てもねぇ… A new ship has been finished~ Oh, here she comes~
Carrier 新しい船が艦隊に加わるわ。 A new ship has been added to our fleet.
Returning From Sortie 艦隊が戻ってきたね。みんな無事かな? The fleet has returned. Is everybody safe?
Carrier 作戦が終わった艦隊が、戻ってきたね Operation's complete, the fleet has returned.
Starting A Sortie お姉!先に出るよ! Sis! I'm going ahead!
Carrier 艦載機の練度も十分、出撃ね! Attack wings are all ready, sortieing!
Battle Start 千代田艦載機、敵艦発見です! This is Chiyoda's seaplane. I've spotted the enemy!
Carrier 敵艦隊発見!攻撃隊、発艦開始よ Enemy fleet spotted! Attack corps, begin takeoff.
Air Battle お姉!先にやっちゃうよ! Sis! I'll go first!
Carrier 千歳お姉の隊と一緒に飛ばせたいなぁ… I really want to fly with Chitose-nee's fleet...
Attack 索敵したら、攻撃よね~ Search and destroy~ (Not Engrish)
Carrier さあ、艦爆隊、艦攻隊、出番よ! Right, bomber wing, attack wing, It's your turn!
 ⇧ shared with day/night special attacks, support expedition team arrival
Night Battle さーちあんど、ですとろい~! Search and destroy~ (Engrish) Possibly a parody of Integra Hellsing from Alucard?
Carrier そろそろトドメをさしちゃおっかな It's about time for the coup-de-grace!
Night Attack お姉!先にやっちゃうよ! Sis! I'll go first!
MVP 千代田が一番?あら、お姉はちゃんとやってるかな? Chiyoda's the best? Oh my, am I as good as Sis?
Carrier やったあ、空母としての千代田もイケるじゃない。千歳お姉、ちゃんと見てた? Yay! I can really do it with as an aircraft carrier, can't I? Chitose-nee, did you see me?
Minor Damage 1 ああぁ! Aaaaah!
Carrier やだぁっ! No way!!
Minor Damage 2 千歳お姉の方に行かせるな! I'm not going the same was as Chitose-onee! Chitose was sunk first, but Chiyoda despite being crippled kept on fighting, ultimately sinking with a loss of all hands.
Carrier 飛行甲板に火災!?消して~! The flight deck's on fire!? Put it out!
Major Damage もう、これじゃ水上機運用が……。 No... At this rate, my seaplanes... She's saying that she's too damaged to use the planes
Carrier うぅ、まあ軽空母だからね…無理はできないわ。 Oooh... Well, I'm a light carrier... I can't be too reckless.
Sunk 千歳お姉…ほんっとに、危なっかしいんだから… Chitose-onee... It really was... dangerous...
Carrier 千歳おねぇ・・・ゆっくり・・・来てね・・・ Chitose-one~... take it... easy....

Hourly Notifications (A)[]

Time Japanese English Note
00:00 千代田よ。今日は私が時報を担当するわ。あっ、午前0時です。 I'm Chiyoda. I'll be acting as your timekeeper today. Ah, it's midnight.
01:00 午前1時。提督、こんな時間までやるの?そろそろ寝ないと…。私も千歳お姉と…。 1 A.M. Admiral, your're going to keep going at this time? You should sleep soon.... I want to go to Chitose-onee's....
02:00 午前2時。寝ないの?提督が寝たら、早く千歳お姉のところに行きたいのに~。 2 A.M. Not sleeping? I wanna hurry up and go to Chitose-onee's room so go to sleep~
03:00 午前3時。提督に1時間ごとに連絡するなんて…。全く、この任務なんなのかなぁ~。 3 A.M. To call on the Admiral hourly... seriously, what kind of mission is this?
04:00 午前4時…。ね、眠くなんかないわ!任務中ですから…。 4 A.M.... I-I can't sleep now! I'm in the middle of a mission!
05:00 午前5時。提督、朝よ。この任務、千歳お姉にはさせられないわね…。私がやらないと。 5 A.M. Admiral, It's morning. This mission, will Chitose-onee have to do it... if I don't?
06:00 午前6時。そろそろ街も動き出す時間ね。 6 A.M. About time for the town to wake up.
07:00 午前7時。提督、朝よ!シャキっとした? 7 A.M. Admiral, it's morning! Are you refreshed?
08:00 午前8時。忙しそうね、仕事?勉強?原稿?なんでもいいわ。出撃、行くわよ! 8 A.M. You look busy. Job? Study? Manuscript? Anything's fine. Going off to sortie!
09:00 午前9時。今頃、千歳お姉はどうしているかなぁ…。 9 A.M. I wonder what's Chitose-onee's doing around this time...
10:00 午前10時。提督は、千歳お姉のことどう思ってるの?1時間後には答えてよね! 10 A.M. Admiral, what do you think of Chitose-nee? You're gonna answer me in an hour!
11:00 午前11時。ふ~ん、お姉のこと好きなのかぁ…。えっ、え~!?だ、ダメよ! 11 A.M. Sooooo, you like Onee, huh? E-eh!? N-No, you can't!
12:00 正午です…が、提督、さっきの発言を取り消すまで、今日のランチはお預けです! Midday.... hey, Admiral, until you take back what you said, today's lunch is on hold!
13:00 午後1時です。提督、さっきの発言、取り消してよ!千代田もおなかすいたよ~。ねぇ~。 It's 1 P.M. Admiral, take it back! I'm getting hungry too~ hey~
14:00 午後2時。提督も強情ね~。今日から恋のライバルよ!でも、仕方ない…。はい、おにぎり。 2 P.M. The Admiral's so stubborn~ You'll be my rival in love from today! Eh, it can't be helped. Here, onigiri. (Rival in love for Chitose-nee)
15:00 午後3時です。さて、午後はどっち方面に進撃するの?西?南? It's 3 P.M. So, where are we attacking this afternoon? East? South?
16:00 午後4時。足りない…千歳お姉が足りないよ~。 4 P.M. Not here... Chitose-nee's not here!
17:00 午後5時。提督~、お姉のどんなところが好きなの?1時間後に答えてよねっ! 5 P.M. Admiral~ What do you like about Sis? You're gonna answer me in an hour!
18:00 午後6時。さぁ、答えなさい!…ええ…ふんふん…え…えぇー!う、うそー! 6 P.M. So, what's your answer! hmm... I see... hmmm... e-eh! N-No way!
19:00 午後7時。夕食の時間だけど…提督…お先にどうぞ…。微妙にショックで…喉を通らない… 7 P.M. It's dinner time but.... Admiral... you go on ahead... I'm a little shocked... I lost my appetite...
20:00 午後8時です。目が赤いって…泣いてないですからっ! It's 8 P.M. My eyes aren't red...because I've been crying!
21:00 午後9時です。提督…私に夜食差し入れって…。それは…ちょっと嬉しいかも… It's 9 P.M. Admiral... giving me supper... I'm a little glad, maybe...
22:00 午後10時です。やっぱり千歳お姉が提督の膝枕で寝るなんて、許せない! It's 10 P.M. As I thought, Chitose-Onee sleeping on the Admiral's lap, I can't forgive this!
23:00 午後11時よ。提督のお姉に関する記憶を塗り替えるわ!さ、膝枕を差し出すのよ!おやすみなさい! 11 P.M! I'll refresh the memories of Onee! So, gimme that lap! Good night! Rough translation (Following the 22:00 notification, Chiyoda will rest her head on the admiral's lap to become closer to her sister by replicating the intimate experience. This can be mildly classified as fetishism.)

Seasonal Quotes[]

Event Japanese English Note
Christmas 2013
Christmas 2014
Christmas 2014
End of Year 2014
New Year 2015
Setsubun 2015
Valentines Day 2015
Valentines Day 2015
White Day 2015
Second Anniversary 2015
Second Anniversary 2015
Rainy Season 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Early Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Mid-Summer 2015
Fall 2015
千歳お姉、焼き芋しようよ!秋はなんと言っても焼き芋よ。私、お芋調達してくる! Let's make roasted sweet potato Chitose-sis! Autumn is all about roasted sweet potato!. I'll provide the sweet potato! As secretary
Fall 2015
はう…焼き芋美味しい♪ Roasted/baked sweet potato is delicious♪ As secretary
Fall 2015
うん、甘くって、この金時美味しい。千歳お姉、食べないの? Yes it's sweet, this golden time of deliciousness. Not gonna eat Chitose-sis? As secretary
Fall 2015
Fall 2015
Halloween 2015
Fall Event 2015
Fall Event 2015
Christmas 2015
クリスマスか!おお、この鳥料理、お姉、好きそう!提督!千歳お姉見なかった? Christmas,huh. Oh~ Sis, I love this fowl-dish! Admiral! Have you seen Chitose-onee?
Christmas 2015
Christmas 2015
End of Year 2015
ああ、年末の大掃除か。艤装や鎮守府、提督の執務室・・・掃除するとこいっぱいありすぎ! Ahh... Year end's spring cleaning... My riggings, the homeport and the Admiral's office. There's so many things to clean up!
New Year 2016
提督、新年明けましておめでとう!ねえ、千歳お姉見なかった?そう・・・どこなの? Admiral, Happy New Year! Hey, have you seen Chitose? No...? ...where is she?
New Year 2016
Setsubun 2016
え、千歳お姉!何?私が鬼役?…いいけど… あ、痛っ!駆逐艦がっ痛っ!もう嫌だ! Eh, Chitose-onee! What is it? I'll be the demon? I don't mind...Ow! The destroyers are-Ow! No more!
Valentines Day 2016
提督?千歳お姉見なかった?・・・あ、そう。し、仕方ない、じゃあこれ・・・あげる! Admiral? Had you seen Chitose-onee? ...Ah, is that so. I-It can't be helped then, here... have this!
Valentines Day 2016
Hinamatsuri 2016
Hinamatsuri 2016
White Day 2016
ふぇ?これ何?チョコのお返し?いいのに…あ、でももらってあげる。折角だから! Eh? What is this? In return for the chocolate? Are you sure? Ah, but I'll accept it. Since you went through the trouble!
Spring 2016
千歳おねえとお花見!?いいじゃない!あたし準備するね!・・えっ?えぇ?提督も?・・・まぁいっか! Flower viewing with Chitose-onee!? Nice! I will start preparing now! E-Eeh? The admiral too? ...Well, fine I guess!
Third Anniversary 2016
へっ!?三周年何だ、私達?何かすごいけど...えっ?何だろ?あっと言う間... Huh!? So, it is our third anniversary? I know that is amazing, but... Eh? How should I say it? It just so sudden that I...
Third Anniversary 2016
Rainy Season 2016
雨の日、ちょっと退屈…。千歳お姉は何してるのかな?あっ、ちょっと見てくるだけ! Rainy days are a little boring... Chitose-onee; I wonder what is she doing now? Ah, I'm just off to see her for a bit!
Rainy Season 2016
Early Summer 2016
Mid-Summer 2016
Fall 2016
Fall 2016
Sanma 2016
Christmas 2016
New Year 2017
New Year 2017
Setsubun 2017
Valentines Day 2017
Valentines Day 2017
Hinamatsuri 2017
Hinamatsuri 2017
White Day 2017
Spring 2017
Fourth Anniversary 2017
Rainy Season 2017
Rainy Season 2017
Early Summer 2017
Mid-Summer 2017
Fall 2017
Sanma 2017
Late Fall 2017
Eve Of Battle
Fall 2017 Event
Christmas 2017
End Of Year 2017
New Year 2018
Setsubun 2018
Valentines Day 2018
Eve Of Battle 2018
Winter 2018 Event
White Day 2018 Event
Spring 2018 Event
Fifth Anniversary 2018
Rainy Season 2018
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Winter 2018 Event[]

Event Japanese English Note
Winter 2018 Event Secretary 1

千歳お姉、わかってる。必ず戻るから、一緒に! I get it, Chitose-onee. We’ll definitely make it back together!
Winter 2018 Event Secretary 2

千歳お姉、あたしだって、帰るんだから! I’ll make it back too, Chitose-onee!



The Chitose class have 5 remodels with a total of 5 different visual forms, the most of any ship.

  • General Appearance:
    • Chiyoda has brown eyes and shoulder-length chestnut brown hair in curtain bangs style.
    • Chiyoda wears a white collared blouse with a red han-eri collar underneath as well as a navy blue blazer with a golden crane pattern embroidered into both sides. Her blouse is tucked into a short red hakama skirt with grey line and circle pattens on the ties. She wears a black thigh-highs on her legs and a pair of brown Loafer shoes. She also wears a headband on her head with a forehead protector attached and a golden Chinese good luck knot with 4 tassel cords as a neck accessory.
  • 1st Form: She dual-wields plane catapults as well as a pair of 12.7 cm/40 Type 89 naval guns and two triple barrel Type 96 25mm Guns attached to her rigging.
  • 2nd Form (Kai): Chiyoda gains a second pair of plane catapults over her shoulders.
  • 3rd Form (A): She gains a pair of midget submarine racks on her ankles.
  • 4th Form (Carrier & Carrier Kai): Chiyoda replaces her catapults and submarine racks for a flight deck theatre. On the flight deck is the first two kana of her name (ちよ). She controls her planes with puppet control bars.
  • 5th Form (Kai 2): Her hakama and vest gain splotches of a green/black/yellow camouflage pattern and her flight deck theatre becomes more intricate in its design. Her expression also changes from a more serious, commanding expression to a softer smile. Her damaged art also reveals a significant increase in bust size and that she wears black panties with a red trim.


  • Chiyoda is a passionate and spirited younger sister who loves and admires her elder sister greatly.
  • She has a sister complex towards her sister Chitose, she's quite passionate about it and sometimes depicted as being a little obsessed with her.
  • She seems to have a one sided friendly rivalry with the Admiral for Chitose's affections; she secretly harbours warm feelings toward the Admiral herself.
  • She is very fond of Roasted Sweet Potatoes, she loves roasting them during the autumn season. (She does tend to overindulge on them sometimes)
  • She seems to have a fascination with midget submarines.
  • She can sometimes be emotionally sensitive, She'll tends to lose her appetite if something upsets her enough.


  • Her name translates to "Thousandth-Generation Field".
  • The camo pattern of her 5th upgraded version clothes refer to the actual flight deck camouflage pattern used during Leyte Gulf battle, the same pattern was used on Zuikaku, Chitose and Zuihou.
  • Received her Kai Ni on 24/07/2013, together with her sister.
  • Named after the Chiyoda special ward located in central Tokyo.
    • That name was first carried by a 1891 protected cruiser sole in her class.
    • In her modern incarnation, she is now a submarine rescue tender ship under the JMSDF as AS Chiyoda.
  • The real life Chiyoda was able to carry Type A Midget Submarines, while Chitose could not.
  • Chiyoda was the largest vessel of any nationality which is definitely known to have been sunk with all hands during World War II. She was also one of the few carriers sunk by surface forces in naval warfare's history.
  • Sunk 25 October 1944 during the Battle of Cape Engaño.

See Also

Template:Chitose Class

Ship · By Class · By Seiyuu · By Artist · Gallery · Start Stats · Max Stats · Drop List · Construction · Marriage · Enemy Vessel
Coastal Defense Ship Shimushu ShimushuShimushu · KunashiriKunashiri · HachijouHachijou · IshigakiIshigaki
Etorofu EtorofuEtorofu · MatsuwaMatsuwa · SadoSado · TsushimaTsushima · HiratoHirato · FukaeFukae
Mikura MikuraMikura · YashiroYashiro
Hiburi HiburiHiburi · DaitouDaitou
Type D Kaiboukan No.4Kaiboukan No
Destroyer Kamikaze KamikazeKamikaze · AsakazeAsakaze · HarukazeHarukaze · MatsukazeMatsukaze · HatakazeHatakaze
Mutsuki MutsukiMutsuki · KisaragiKisaragi · YayoiYayoi · UzukiUzuki · SatsukiSatsuki · MinazukiMinazuki · FumizukiFumizuki · NagatsukiNagatsuki · KikuzukiKikuzuki · MikazukiMikazuki · MochizukiMochizuki
Special Type Fubuki FubukiFubuki · ShirayukiShirayuki · HatsuyukiHatsuyuki · MiyukiMiyuki · MurakumoMurakumo · IsonamiIsonami · UsugumoUsugumo · UranamiUranami
Ayanami AyanamiAyanami · ShikinamiShikinami · AmagiriAmagiri · SagiriSagiri · OboroOboro · AkebonoAkebono · SazanamiSazanami · UshioUshio
Akatsuki AkatsukiAkatsuki · Hibiki/VerniyHibiki
 · IkazuchiIkazuchi · InazumaInazuma
Hatsuharu HatsuharuHatsuharu · NenohiNenohi · WakabaWakaba · HatsushimoHatsushimo · AriakeAriake
Shiratsuyu ShiratsuyuShiratsuyu · ShigureShigure · MurasameMurasame · YuudachiYuudachi · HarusameHarusame · SamidareSamidare · UmikazeUmikaze · YamakazeYamakaze · KawakazeKawakaze · SuzukazeSuzukaze
Asashio AsashioAsashio · OoshioOoshio · MichishioMichishio · ArashioArashio · AsagumoAsagumo · YamagumoYamagumo · MinegumoMinegumo · ArareArare · KasumiKasumi
Type A Kagerou KagerouKagerou · ShiranuiShiranui · KuroshioKuroshio · OyashioOyashio · HatsukazeHatsukaze · Yukikaze/Dan YangYukikaze
Dan Yang
 · AmatsukazeAmatsukaze · TokitsukazeTokitsukaze · UrakazeUrakaze · IsokazeIsokaze · HamakazeHamakaze · TanikazeTanikaze · NowakiNowaki · ArashiArashi · HagikazeHagikaze · MaikazeMaikaze · AkigumoAkigumo
Yuugumo YuugumoYuugumo · MakigumoMakigumo · KazagumoKazagumo · NaganamiNaganami · TakanamiTakanami · FujinamiFujinami · HayanamiHayanami · HamanamiHamanami · OkinamiOkinami · KishinamiKishinami · AsashimoAsashimo · HayashimoHayashimo · AkishimoAkishimo · KiyoshimoKiyoshimo
Type B Akizuki AkizukiAkizuki · TeruzukiTeruzuki · SuzutsukiSuzutsuki · HatsuzukiHatsuzuki
Type C Shimakaze ShimakazeShimakaze
Type D Matsu MatsuMatsu · TakeTake
Type 1934 Z1Z1 · Z3Z3
Maestrale MaestraleMaestrale · GrecaleGrecale · LibeccioLibeccio · SciroccoScirocco
Fletcher FletcherFletcher · JohnstonJohnston
John C. Butler Samuel B. RobertsSamuel B
J JervisJervis · JanusJanus
Tashkent TashkentTashkent
Light Cruiser Tenryuu TenryuuTenryuu · TatsutaTatsuta
Kuma KumaKuma · TamaTama · KitakamiKitakami · OoiOoi · KisoKiso
Nagara NagaraNagara · IsuzuIsuzu · NatoriNatori · YuraYura · KinuKinu · AbukumaAbukuma
Sendai SendaiSendai · JintsuuJintsuu · NakaNaka
Yuubari YuubariYuubari
Agano AganoAgano · NoshiroNoshiro · YahagiYahagi · SakawaSakawa
Ooyodo OoyodoOoyodo
Duca degli Abruzzi Duca degli AbruzziDuca degli Abruzzi · Giuseppe GaribaldiGiuseppe Garibaldi
St. Louis HelenaHelena
Atlanta AtlantaAtlanta
Town SheffieldSheffield
Gotland GotlandGotland
De Ruyter De RuyterDe Ruyter
Perth PerthPerth
Torpedo Cruiser Kuma KitakamiKitakami Kai · OoiOoi Kai · KisoKiso Kai Ni
Training Cruiser Katori KatoriKatori · KashimaKashima
Heavy Cruiser Furutaka FurutakaFurutaka · KakoKako
Aoba AobaAoba · KinugasaKinugasa
Myoukou MyoukouMyoukou · NachiNachi · AshigaraAshigara · HaguroHaguro
Takao TakaoTakao · AtagoAtago · MayaMaya · ChoukaiChoukai
Mogami MogamiMogami · MikumaMikuma · SuzuyaSuzuya · KumanoKumano
Tone ToneTone · ChikumaChikuma
Admiral Hipper Prinz EugenPrinz Eugen
Zara ZaraZara · PolaPola
Northampton HoustonHouston
Aviation Cruiser Mogami MogamiMogami Kai · MikumaMikuma Kai · SuzuyaSuzuya Kai · KumanoKumano Kai
Tone ToneTone Kai Ni · ChikumaChikuma Kai Ni
Battleship Fast Battleship Kongou KongouKongou · HieiHiei · HarunaHaruna · KirishimaKirishima
Bismarck BismarckBismarck
Vittorio Veneto Littorio/ItaliaLittorio
 · RomaRoma
North Carolina WashingtonWashington
South Dakota South DakotaSouth Dakota
Iowa IowaIowa
Richelieu RichelieuRichelieu
Gangut Gangut/Oktyabrskaya RevolyutsiyaGangut
Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya
Battleship Fusou FusouFusou · YamashiroYamashiro
Ise IseIse · HyuugaHyuuga
Nagato NagatoNagato · MutsuMutsu
Yamato YamatoYamato · MusashiMusashi
Colorado ColoradoColorado
Queen Elizabeth WarspiteWarspite
Nelson NelsonNelson
Aviation Battleship Fusou FusouFusou Kai · YamashiroYamashiro Kai
Ise IseIse Kai · HyuugaHyuuga Kai
Carrier Light Carrier Houshou HoushouHoushou
Ryuujou RyuujouRyuujou
Ryuuhou RyuuhouRyuuhou
Shouhou ShouhouShouhou · ZuihouZuihou
Hiyou HiyouHiyou · JunyouJunyou
Chitose ChitoseChitose Carrier · ChiyodaChiyoda Carrier
Kasuga Maru Kasuga MaruKasuga Maru
Taiyou TaiyouTaiyou · ShinyouShinyou
Mogami SuzuyaSuzuya Carrier Kai Ni · KumanoKumano Carrier Kai Ni
Casablanca Gambier BayGambier Bay
Standard Carrier Akagi AkagiAkagi
Kaga KagaKaga
Souryuu SouryuuSouryuu
Hiryuu HiryuuHiryuu
Shoukaku ShoukakuShoukaku · ZuikakuZuikaku
Unryuu UnryuuUnryuu · AmagiAmagi · KatsuragiKatsuragi
Graf Zeppelin Graf ZeppelinGraf Zeppelin
Aquila AquilaAquila
Lexington SaratogaSaratoga
Essex IntrepidIntrepid
Yorktown HornetHornet
Ark Royal Ark RoyalArk Royal
Armored Carrier Shoukaku ShoukakuShoukaku Kai Ni A · ZuikakuZuikaku Kai Ni A
Taihou TaihouTaihou
Lexington SaratogaSaratoga Mk.II Mod
Submarine Junsen 3 I-8I-8
Junsen Type B I-19I-19 · I-26I-26
Junsen Type C I-47I-47
Kaidai VI I-168I-168
Junsen Type B Kai Ni I-58I-58
Junsen Type A Kai Ni I-13I-13 · I-14I-14
Sentoku I-400I-400 · I-401I-401
Type IXC U-boat U-511U-511
Ro-series Ro-500Ro-500
Guglielmo Marconi Luigi Torelli/UIT-25/I-504Luigi Torelli
Type 3 S.T.V. MaruyuMaruyu
Seaplane Tender Kamoi KamoiKamoi Kai
Chitose ChitoseChitose · ChiyodaChiyoda
Mizuho MizuhoMizuho
Nisshin NisshinNisshin
Akitsushima AkitsushimaAkitsushima
Commandant Teste Commandant TesteCommandant Teste
Auxiliary Ship Submarine Tender Jingei JingeiJingei
Taigei TaigeiTaigei
Fleet Oiler Kamoi KamoiKamoi
Kamoi Kai Bo
Revised Kazahaya HayasuiHayasui
Amphibious Assault Ship IJA R1 Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru
Hei Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru
Repair Ship Akashi AkashiAkashi
Fleet of Fog Playable Iona · Takao · Haruna
Enemy Nagara Class · Takao · Maya · Kirishima · Haruna · Kongou