KanColle Wiki
Asakaze 朝風
Seiyuu Itou Shizuka (伊藤静) Availability Event Drop
Artist Parsley (パセリ) Implementation 2016/11/18



No.272 朝風

Kamikaze Class Destroyer

Asakaze Card
Icon HP HP 12 (14) Icon Gun Firepower 5 (29)
Icon Armor Armor 5 (17) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 12 (37)
Icon Evasion Evasion 37 (72) Icon AA AA 6 (27)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 0 Icon ASW ASW 17 (55)
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 6 (19)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 13 (72)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 15 AmmoKai Ammo 15
Build Time Slots
Unbuildable 2
Stock Equipment Space
Small Caliber Main Gun 12cm Single Gun Mount12cm Single Gun Mount 001 Card 0
Torpedo 53cm Twin Torpedo Mount53cm Twin Torpedo Mount 174 Card 0
- Locked - -
- Locked - -
Extra Statistics
Modernization Bonus
Firepower+1 Torpedo+1
Scrap Value
Fuel 1 Ammo 1 Steel 3
Category Equipment that can be improved with Asakaze as helper ship not found


Asakaze Kai

No.272 朝風改

Kamikaze Class Destroyer

Asakaze Kai Card
Icon HP HP 23 (25) Icon Gun Firepower 8 (42)
Icon Armor Armor 10 (37) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 14 (69)
Icon Evasion Evasion 50 (88) Icon AA AA 10 (52)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 0 Icon ASW ASW 18 (68)
Icon Speed Speed Fast Icon LOS LOS 9 (47)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 14 (88)
Resource Consumption
FuelKai Fuel 15 AmmoKai Ammo 15
Remodel Level Slots
Level 50 3
Stock Equipment Space
Small Caliber Main Gun 12cm Single Gun Mount12cm Single Gun Mount 001 Card 0
Torpedo 53cm Twin Torpedo Mount53cm Twin Torpedo Mount 174 Card 0
Depth Charge Type 94 Depth Charge ProjectorType 94 Depth Charge Projector 044 Card 0
- Locked - -
Extra Statistics
Remodel Cost
Ammo 150 Steel 80
Modernization Bonus
Firepower+1 Torpedo+1
Scrap Value
Fuel 1 Ammo 1 Steel 4
Category Equipment that can be improved with Asakaze Kai as helper ship not found
[Edit]Asakaze Equipment Bonuses
Equipment Extra Requirement Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Armor Evasion Note
Small Caliber Main Gun12cm Single Gun Mount Kai 212cm Single Gun Mount Kai 2 293 Card +2 +1 +3
+ LOS Radar +2 +1 +3
+ 53cm Twin Torpedo Mount53cm Twin Torpedo Mount 174 Card +2 +4
+ 53cm Twin Torpedo Mount53cm Twin Torpedo Mount 174 Cardx2 +3 +7
High-angle Gun12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E12cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Model E 382 Card +2 +1
+ LOS Radar +1 +2
+ AA Radar +2 +2
High-angle Gun12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model)12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount (Late Model) 229 Card (★7+) +1 +1
(★7+) + LOS Radar +2 +3
High-angle Gun12.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 212.7cm Single High-angle Gun Mount Kai 2 379 Card +1 +2
+ LOS Radar +2 +3
High-angle Gun5inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.375inch Single Gun Mount Mk.30 Kai + GFCS Mk.37 308 Card +1
Torpedo-based Weapon53cm Twin Torpedo Mount53cm Twin Torpedo Mount 174 Card +1 +2
Ssp cSkilled LookoutsSkilled Lookouts 129 Card +1 +2 +2 +1 +2


Event Japanese English Note
Introduction おはよう! 朝風よ。神風型駆逐艦二番艦、朝風。
司令官? 早く覚えなさい! いい?
Morning. Asakaze. The second ship of the Kamikaze-class destroyers, Asakaze. Remember it swiftly, Commander.
Kai おはよう! 朝風よ。神風型駆逐艦二番艦、朝風。
司令官、朝は好きになった? 前から好き? …よし!
Morning! I am Asakaze. The second ship of the Kamikaze-class destroyers, Asakaze. Commander, did you come to like morning? Have you liked it from before? ...Alright!
Library 神風型駆逐艦二番艦の朝風よ。長崎生まれ。
I am Asakaze, the second ship of the Kamikaze-class destroyers. Born in Nagasaki. Along with my sisters Harukaze and others, I formed the historic Fifth Destroyer Division. The flagship is naturally me. Participated in battles in the early stages of a war and strategy. Of course, I carried out also the important convoy escort firmly-strictly. Yeah... Went ahead, and tried everything!
Secretary 1 なによ。呼んだ? What is it? You called for me?
Secretary 2 なに?船団護衛?この私に任せておきなさい。いいから。 Yes? A convoy escort? You may leave it to my humble self. Don't worry about it.
Secretary 3 だっ、な…なによ、馬鹿にしないで!えっ、違うの…かな?ああ…ごめん、私、勘違いしてた。はい!これでおあいこね! Wha, w-what is it? Don't make fun of me! Huh, I'm wrong... I guess? Ahh... I'm sorry, I misunderstood. Here! Now we are even!
Idle なーんか退屈~。春風ー、アンタそんなしゃべり方で眠くなんない?松風とか見なよ。あ。松風またそんな帽子くっつけて。戦闘の邪魔じゃん、取っちゃいなよ。あ、なに?なによ、姉とやる気?上等じゃない。私手加減しないからね! I'm bored. Harukaze, don't you get sleepy talking like that? Just look at Matsukaze. Ah. Matsukaze you're wearing that hat again. It will get in the way during combat, you should take it off. Ah what? What is it, you want to fight me? Bring it on! I'm not going to hold back!
Secretary Married なーにー?だらしないわねぇ。こんなので疲れたの?はぁ~、司令官最近だれてんじゃない?仕方ない、私が気合い入れてあげるわ。ちょっと顔こっちに。いい?目を瞑って。…あ、開けた!目ぇ開けた!もうやってあげない! What is this? You're so sloppy. You're tired just by this? (sigh), Commander these days aren't you slacking a bit? There's no choice, let me give you some fighting spirit. Face your face this way. Alright? Close your eyes. ... Ah, you opened them! you opened your eyes! I won't do it anymore!
Wedding なに司令官、こんなとこ呼んで。私こう見えて忙しいんだけど。まあ、船団護衛とか?護衛とかね。えっ、何これ。私に…?ま、まあ、いただいとくけど?き、綺麗だし…。サイズ、ぴったり、だし…。 What is it Commander, calling me to a place like this. I'm quite busy right now you know. You know with convoy escorts and other escorts. Eh, what is this. For me...? W-well I'll accept it. C-cuz it's beautiful... And the size is just right...
Looking At Scores ん、情報ね?私取ったげる。待ってて。 Ah, news? I will give it to you. Wait.
Joining A Fleet 第五駆逐隊、抜錨!いい、みんな、ついていらっしゃい! Fifth Destroyer Division, weighing anchor! Good, everyone, make sure to follow me!
Kai 第一海上護衛隊、出るわよ!春風、準備はいい?今度は護りきるわよ!敵潜を近づけるな!出撃! First Surface Escort Division, sortie! Harukaze, are you ready? We will protect everyone this time! Don't let enemy subs come near them! Sally go!
Equipment 1 いいわね。助かるわ! Excellent. You helped me!
Equipment 2 どうかな…ま、私にはなんだって似合うけど! How is it...? Well, anything matches with me!
Kai いいんじゃない?司令官、ちょっと私の事分かってきた? Not bad.
Equipment 3 ま、こんな感じよ! Well, I guess it's like this!
 ⇧ shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development
Supply まあ、いただいとく。必要だし。 Well, I'll accept it. Cuz it's neccesary.
Kai もちいただいとく。がんばろ! Of course I'll accept. Let's do our best!
Docking Minor ごめん、ちょっと下がったりしてもいい? Sorry, can I retreat for a bit?
Docking Major うーん、これは神風姉に怒られそう…。ま、言わなきゃいっかな? Ummm, Kamikaze-nee will be mad at me for this... Well, I guess I don't have to tell her?
Construction 新しい子、来たわ。 Newbie came.
Returning From Sortie 司令官、艦隊戻ったわよ。は~疲れたぁ。肩揉んでくれてもいいけど? Commander, the fleet has returned. Phew I'm tired. You can massage my shoulders you know?
Starting A Sortie 五水戦、出るわよ!五駆のみんな、準備はいい?出撃よ! Fifth DesRon, sortie! All Fifth DesDiv, are you ready? Sally go!
Kai 五水戦、出るわよ!みんな準備はいい?松風?遅れたら、後で笑ったげるわ! Fifth DesRon, sortie! Is everyone ready? Matsukaze? If you lag behind I'll laugh at you later!
Battle Start 敵艦隊発見ってやつ?みんないい?やるからね。 Enemy spotted I guess? Is everyone ready? We'll do this.
Attack 撃ち方始め。てーっ! Commence fire. Shoot!
 ⇧ shared with day/night special attacks, support expedition team arrival
Night Battle 五水戦、突撃します。陣形を整え、私に続いて!いくからね! Fifth DesRon, charging in. Align the formations, follow me! We're going!
Night Attack よしっ食らいついた。仕留めてやる! Yes it took the bait. I'll finish you off!
MVP ほーら見なさい!私朝風でしょ一番は。爽やかさと鍛え方が違うのよ!えっ、司令官?なんで笑ってんの?なんでよ~!? Now look at me! The number one is me Asakaze right? My eloquentness and training is on a different level! Eh, Commander? Why are you laughing? Why!?
Kai ほら見なさい!私、一番は朝風でしょ?まぁ司令官とは長い仲だし?鍛え方が違うのよ!えっ、司令官?いつまで笑ってんの?なんでよ~!? Now look at me! The number one is me Asakaze right? Well I've known the Commander for a while I guess? And my training is on another level! Eh, Commander? Why are you still laughing? Why!?
Minor Damage 1 ちっ…やだぁ! Tut... No!
Minor Damage 2 やぁあぁっ!こんなのって…! Ahhhhh! This is...!
Major Damage 魚雷を食らったわけじゃない!こんなんで…沈むもんかっ! It's not like I took a torpedo! I'm not... gonna sink!
Sunk 嘘だ。私が…また、沈むなんて。松風…どこ?探しに…きてよぉ…。 It can't be. I'm... Sinking again. Matsukaze... Where are you? Why didn't you... Search for me...

Hourly Notifications (Kai)[]

Time Japanese English Note
00:00 午前零時。ふぅ。今日は私が一日付き合ってあげるわ。…なに、文句あるの?…あらそう、ならいいけど。 It's 00:00 AM. Phew. Today I'll accompany you. ...What, you got a problem? ... I see, then it's alright.
01:00 午前二時!って…。なに、あっちの方がいいの?生意気な…。まあいいわ。はい、マルヒトマルマル。これでいい? It's 2AM! Huh... What, you want it the other way? You cheeky... Oh well. 0100. Is that all right? She says 2AM which is possibly a mistake in the lines when recording.
02:00 午前!…あーそっか…。マルフタマルマル。まーいいけど。マルフタよマルフタ。ねー、聞いてる? It's! ...Oh right... 0200. I guess it's alright. It's 02, 02 alright? Hey are you listening?
03:00 マルサンマルマル。司令官。聞いてないよね?聞いてないなら、や・め・る・よ。ねーぇ!…あ、反応した。一応聞いてんだ。 0300. Commander. You're not listening right? If you're not listening, I'm. Going. To. Stop. Heeey! ...Ah, you reacted. I guess you were listening.
04:00 マルヨンマルマル。うーん!やっと朝かー。あさあさ。ふふっ。朝は好き!朝は本当にいいよねー。ねぇ司令官? 0400. Uuun! It's finally morning. Morning, morning. Fufu. I love mornings! Mornings are the best. Right Commander?
05:00 マルゴーマルマル!来たぁ!朝だぁ!朝です!朝の風ってほんっと気持ちいいー!ねぇ司令官!…え?寒いから窓閉めろぉ?はぁ…わかってないよねーうちの司令官は。 0500! It's here! Morning! It's morning! The morning breeze feels really good! Right, Commander? ... Eh? Close the window cuz it's cold? (sigh)... Our Commander really doesn't get it.
06:00 マルロクマルマル。朝から全開でいくわよ。まず、一日の始まりは、美味しい朝ご飯から!麦飯たーんと炊いておいたわ。さ、食べなさい! 0600. We're going full throttle from the morning. First, to start of the day, you have to start with a delicious breakfast! I made a huge batch of barley rice. Now, eat up!
07:00 マルナナマルマル。司令官、なに?あまり食が進んでないじゃない!ダメダメ、全然ダメ!朝はしっかり食べないと。はい、麦飯大盛りね!…仕方ない、私のたくあん少しあげるから。 0700. Commander, what? You haven't eaten much at all! No, no, this is not alright at all! You have to eat properly in the morning. Here, a large bowl of barley rice! ...It can't be helped, I'll give you some of my radish pickles.
08:00 マルハチマルマル。朝の演習を始めるから、五駆、集合よ!旗風、春風、松風!…まあいいわ。集まれるメンバーで朝の演習!第五駆逐隊、朝の抜錨よ! 0800. We're going to start the morning exercises, DesDiv 5 form up! Hatakaze, Harukaze, Matsukaze! ... Oh well. We'll do the morning exercises with those that can come. Destroyer Division 5, it's time for our morning sortie!
09:00 マルキュウマルマル。はぁー。朝のいい汗かいたわねぇ!よーし、まだ朝だから、どんどんいくわ!次はなに?遠征?出撃? 0900. Phew. I broke a good morning sweat! Alright, it's still morning, I'm ready for more! What's next? Expeditions? Sorties?
10:00 ヒトマルマルマル。うー、朝が終わっちゃう…。でも、まだ午前中!ある種朝だから!な、なに松風その目は。なによ!? 1000. uuuh, Morning is going to end... But, it's still before noon! It's still counted as morning! W-what is it Matsukaze? Why are you looking at me like that. What!?
11:00 ヒトヒトマルマル。わかったわよ、確かにそろそろお昼よね。あんなに朝食べたのにもうお腹がすいてきちゃった。司令官は? 1100. I understand, I guess it's soon noon. I ate that much in the morning but I'm getting hungry. How bout you Commander?
12:00 ヒトフタマルマル。お昼よー。ん?春風、それなに?…え、サンドウィッチ?なにそれ。駆逐艦はやっぱり麦飯でしょ!ね、司令官!…あ、あれ?そうでもないの? 1200. It's noon. Hm? Harukaze, what is that? ...Eh, sandwich? What's that. Destroyers should eat barley rice! Right Commander! ... H-huh? Not really?
13:00 ヒトサンマルマル。んー。サンドウィッチも悪くはないけど、あまり食べた気がしないわね。でもありがと春風。ごちそうさま! 1300. Hmmm. Sandwiches are not bad but, it doesn't really fill me up. But thanks anyways Harukaze. Thanks for the meal!
14:00 ヒトヨンマルマ…。あ、最上さん、三隈さん。どうも。あの、なに持ってるの?え、模型?ふーん、作るんだ。へぇー、物好きね。…あ!いや、そうじゃなくて!いいのできたら私にも見せて! 140.. Ah, Mogami-san, Mikuma-san. Hi there. Um what are you holding? Eh? a model? Hmmm, so you make them. You have eccentric tastes. ...Ah! No, I didn't mean it like that! If you make a good one could you let me see!
15:00 ヒトゴーマルマル。まー色々な趣味があるわね。松風、あんたは休みの日なにやってんの?…えっ。はあ…そう。ふ…物好きね。いいけど。 1500. Oh well I guess there are different hobbies. Matsukaze, what do you do on your off days? ...Eh. Haa.. Really. Fu... You really have eccentric tastes. I guess it's OK though.
16:00 ヒトロクマルマル。あー野分、どしたの?あ、そう。ううん見なかったけど?ん、わかった。見かけたら教えたげる。 1600. Ah, Nowaki, whats the matter? Ah, I see. No I didn't see her. Yeah, OK. If I see her I'll tell you. Nowaki was with Asakaze during a transport run once.
17:00 ヒトナナマルマル。そんなこんなでもう夕方。えっ?夕日がどうしたの?はっ、なに言ってんの?朝のお日さまのほうが何倍も綺麗よ。ねぇ? 1700. After all this it's already the evening. Eh? What about the sunset? Huh, what are you saying? The morning sunrise is so many more times beautiful. You understand?
18:00 ヒトハチマルマル。あーもう、そんなこと言ってたらもう夜よー夜。夜はなんだかねー。なーんかねー、やる気でない。 1800. Ah really, after saying all that it's already night. Night is really... really... I don't feel like doing anything.
19:00 ヒトキュウマルマル。司令官さぁ、悪いんだけど、夜はあまり働きたくないっていうか。…えっ、夜ご飯出前取るの?あ、なら頼みたい!えっとー私はねー…。 1900. Commander, I'm sorry but, I don't really want to work at night. ...Eh, you're ordering home delivery for dinner? Ah, then I wanna order as well! Umm I'd like...
20:00 フタマルマルマル。うん、間宮さんとこは出前も美味しいねーお腹いっぱい!たまの贅沢もいいわね。毎日は…うーん、それは贅沢かぁ。うん。 2000. Yep, Mamiya's home delivery is delicious as well. I'm full! Sometimes being extravagant is nice. Every day would be... hmmmm, that would be too much. Yep.
21:00 フタヒト、マルマル。…夜は、夜はいやね。特に、夜の海の中はいや。私は朝が好き。海の上が好き。晴れやかな青い空が好き。へ、三水戦?ううん。私五水戦だし。 2100. ...Night is... I don't like night. Especially the sea at night. I like mornings. I like to be on the sea. I like the clear blue skies. Huh, DesRon 3? No. I'm part of DesRon 5. A reference to Sendai who is the leader of the DesRon 3 and who has an obsessive love for night battles.
22:00 フタフタ、マルマル。第一海上護衛隊?…うん。頑張ったけど、護りたかったけど、きつかったかな。だから、夜はきらい。 2200. The 1st Surface Escort Division? ...Yeah. I did my best, I wanted to protect them, but it was too hard. That's why I don't like night. Asakaze sunk at 22:35 on the 23rd of August, 1944 while the ship she was supposed to protect the Niyoumaru watched on.
23:00 フタサン、マルマル。すっかり夜。仕方ないけど。…いいわ!また明日も朝は来るから。ねぇ司令官。明日の朝も、がんばろ! 2300. It's deep into night. It can't be helped though. ...Alright! Tomorrow morning will come again. Right Commander. Lets do our best tomorrow!

Seasonal Quotes[]

Event Japanese English Note
Christmas 2016
はぁぁ...これがクリスマス!いいわね、私こういうの好き!これがシャンパンなの?...ごく...やだー、お酒じゃない!あれ、松風!? Huh... So this is Christmas! Looks good. I like the atmosphere. So this is Champagne... *gulp* Oh dear, this is alcohol! Huh, Matsukaze!
Early Summer 2017
あ〜、今年ももうすぐ夏ね?夏の終わりはあんまり好きじゃない。なんか、寂しいじゃない? Ah~ it's almost summer again this year, huh? I don't really like the end of summer. It somehow feels... a bit lonely?
Fall 2017
ふふん、ふふ、あははっ! やったわ! 私、夏を乗り切っちゃった。勝ったわね! 秋よ秋。秋の朝もいいわねぇ。 大好き。
Late Fall 2017
New Year 2017
司令官、あけましておめでと。なに?なによ。違うの、こういうのは大事。決まってるじゃない。 Commander, Happy New Year. What? What is it? No. This is important. It really is.
Rainy Season 2017
もう... 最近、雨ばっかりでやんなっちゃう。ま、雨の朝ってのもありっちゃありかな。ねえ、司令官はどう思う?お、司令官? Geez... we’ve had nothing but rain lately. I wonder if it will be still be raining in a couple days too. Hey, Commander, what do you think? Oh, Commander?
Sanma 2017
Setsubun 2017
そうか、節分か?よーし、神風姉に…いた!や、やめてよ!何やってんの松風?!?うっ!旗風まで調子にのって!もう、怒ったから! I see, it's Setsubun. All right! Kamikaze-nee,...Owowow! Stop it! What are you doing, Matsukaze!? Ugh, Hatakaze, you're worked up too. Argh, I'm mad now!
Fifth Anniversary



  • Her name means "Morning Wind".
  • Helped sink the cruisers HMAS Perth and USS Houston during the Battle of Sunda Strait.
  • Sunk 23rd August 1944 by the submarine USS Haddo while escorting Convoy Hi-71, in Luzon, Philippines.

See Also

Kamikaze Class Destroyers
KamikazeKamikaze · AsakazeAsakaze · HarukazeHarukaze · MatsukazeMatsukaze · HatakazeHatakaze
Oite · Hayate · Asanagi · Yuunagi
Ship · By Class · By Seiyuu · By Artist · Gallery · Start Stats · Max Stats · Drop List · Construction · Marriage · Enemy Vessel
Coastal Defense Ship Shimushu ShimushuShimushu · KunashiriKunashiri · HachijouHachijou · IshigakiIshigaki
Etorofu EtorofuEtorofu · MatsuwaMatsuwa · SadoSado · TsushimaTsushima · HiratoHirato · FukaeFukae
Mikura MikuraMikura · YashiroYashiro
Hiburi HiburiHiburi · DaitouDaitou
Type D Kaiboukan No.4Kaiboukan No
Destroyer Kamikaze KamikazeKamikaze · AsakazeAsakaze · HarukazeHarukaze · MatsukazeMatsukaze · HatakazeHatakaze
Mutsuki MutsukiMutsuki · KisaragiKisaragi · YayoiYayoi · UzukiUzuki · SatsukiSatsuki · MinazukiMinazuki · FumizukiFumizuki · NagatsukiNagatsuki · KikuzukiKikuzuki · MikazukiMikazuki · MochizukiMochizuki
Special Type Fubuki FubukiFubuki · ShirayukiShirayuki · HatsuyukiHatsuyuki · MiyukiMiyuki · MurakumoMurakumo · IsonamiIsonami · UsugumoUsugumo · UranamiUranami
Ayanami AyanamiAyanami · ShikinamiShikinami · AmagiriAmagiri · SagiriSagiri · OboroOboro · AkebonoAkebono · SazanamiSazanami · UshioUshio
Akatsuki AkatsukiAkatsuki · Hibiki/VerniyHibiki
 · IkazuchiIkazuchi · InazumaInazuma
Hatsuharu HatsuharuHatsuharu · NenohiNenohi · WakabaWakaba · HatsushimoHatsushimo · AriakeAriake
Shiratsuyu ShiratsuyuShiratsuyu · ShigureShigure · MurasameMurasame · YuudachiYuudachi · HarusameHarusame · SamidareSamidare · UmikazeUmikaze · YamakazeYamakaze · KawakazeKawakaze · SuzukazeSuzukaze
Asashio AsashioAsashio · OoshioOoshio · MichishioMichishio · ArashioArashio · AsagumoAsagumo · YamagumoYamagumo · MinegumoMinegumo · ArareArare · KasumiKasumi
Type A Kagerou KagerouKagerou · ShiranuiShiranui · KuroshioKuroshio · OyashioOyashio · HatsukazeHatsukaze · Yukikaze/Dan YangYukikaze
Dan Yang
 · AmatsukazeAmatsukaze · TokitsukazeTokitsukaze · UrakazeUrakaze · IsokazeIsokaze · HamakazeHamakaze · TanikazeTanikaze · NowakiNowaki · ArashiArashi · HagikazeHagikaze · MaikazeMaikaze · AkigumoAkigumo
Yuugumo YuugumoYuugumo · MakigumoMakigumo · KazagumoKazagumo · NaganamiNaganami · TakanamiTakanami · FujinamiFujinami · HayanamiHayanami · HamanamiHamanami · OkinamiOkinami · KishinamiKishinami · AsashimoAsashimo · HayashimoHayashimo · AkishimoAkishimo · KiyoshimoKiyoshimo
Type B Akizuki AkizukiAkizuki · TeruzukiTeruzuki · SuzutsukiSuzutsuki · HatsuzukiHatsuzuki
Type C Shimakaze ShimakazeShimakaze
Type D Matsu MatsuMatsu · TakeTake
Type 1934 Z1Z1 · Z3Z3
Maestrale MaestraleMaestrale · GrecaleGrecale · LibeccioLibeccio · SciroccoScirocco
Fletcher FletcherFletcher · JohnstonJohnston
John C. Butler Samuel B. RobertsSamuel B
J JervisJervis · JanusJanus
Tashkent TashkentTashkent
Light Cruiser Tenryuu TenryuuTenryuu · TatsutaTatsuta
Kuma KumaKuma · TamaTama · KitakamiKitakami · OoiOoi · KisoKiso
Nagara NagaraNagara · IsuzuIsuzu · NatoriNatori · YuraYura · KinuKinu · AbukumaAbukuma
Sendai SendaiSendai · JintsuuJintsuu · NakaNaka
Yuubari YuubariYuubari
Agano AganoAgano · NoshiroNoshiro · YahagiYahagi · SakawaSakawa
Ooyodo OoyodoOoyodo
Duca degli Abruzzi Duca degli AbruzziDuca degli Abruzzi · Giuseppe GaribaldiGiuseppe Garibaldi
St. Louis HelenaHelena
Atlanta AtlantaAtlanta
Town SheffieldSheffield
Gotland GotlandGotland
De Ruyter De RuyterDe Ruyter
Perth PerthPerth
Torpedo Cruiser Kuma KitakamiKitakami Kai · OoiOoi Kai · KisoKiso Kai Ni
Training Cruiser Katori KatoriKatori · KashimaKashima
Heavy Cruiser Furutaka FurutakaFurutaka · KakoKako
Aoba AobaAoba · KinugasaKinugasa
Myoukou MyoukouMyoukou · NachiNachi · AshigaraAshigara · HaguroHaguro
Takao TakaoTakao · AtagoAtago · MayaMaya · ChoukaiChoukai
Mogami MogamiMogami · MikumaMikuma · SuzuyaSuzuya · KumanoKumano
Tone ToneTone · ChikumaChikuma
Admiral Hipper Prinz EugenPrinz Eugen
Zara ZaraZara · PolaPola
Northampton HoustonHouston
Aviation Cruiser Mogami MogamiMogami Kai · MikumaMikuma Kai · SuzuyaSuzuya Kai · KumanoKumano Kai
Tone ToneTone Kai Ni · ChikumaChikuma Kai Ni
Battleship Fast Battleship Kongou KongouKongou · HieiHiei · HarunaHaruna · KirishimaKirishima
Bismarck BismarckBismarck
Vittorio Veneto Littorio/ItaliaLittorio
 · RomaRoma
North Carolina WashingtonWashington
South Dakota South DakotaSouth Dakota
Iowa IowaIowa
Richelieu RichelieuRichelieu
Gangut Gangut/Oktyabrskaya RevolyutsiyaGangut
Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya
Battleship Fusou FusouFusou · YamashiroYamashiro
Ise IseIse · HyuugaHyuuga
Nagato NagatoNagato · MutsuMutsu
Yamato YamatoYamato · MusashiMusashi
Colorado ColoradoColorado
Queen Elizabeth WarspiteWarspite
Nelson NelsonNelson
Aviation Battleship Fusou FusouFusou Kai · YamashiroYamashiro Kai
Ise IseIse Kai · HyuugaHyuuga Kai
Carrier Light Carrier Houshou HoushouHoushou
Ryuujou RyuujouRyuujou
Ryuuhou RyuuhouRyuuhou
Shouhou ShouhouShouhou · ZuihouZuihou
Hiyou HiyouHiyou · JunyouJunyou
Chitose ChitoseChitose Carrier · ChiyodaChiyoda Carrier
Kasuga Maru Kasuga MaruKasuga Maru
Taiyou TaiyouTaiyou · ShinyouShinyou
Mogami SuzuyaSuzuya Carrier Kai Ni · KumanoKumano Carrier Kai Ni
Casablanca Gambier BayGambier Bay
Standard Carrier Akagi AkagiAkagi
Kaga KagaKaga
Souryuu SouryuuSouryuu
Hiryuu HiryuuHiryuu
Shoukaku ShoukakuShoukaku · ZuikakuZuikaku
Unryuu UnryuuUnryuu · AmagiAmagi · KatsuragiKatsuragi
Graf Zeppelin Graf ZeppelinGraf Zeppelin
Aquila AquilaAquila
Lexington SaratogaSaratoga
Essex IntrepidIntrepid
Yorktown HornetHornet
Ark Royal Ark RoyalArk Royal
Armored Carrier Shoukaku ShoukakuShoukaku Kai Ni A · ZuikakuZuikaku Kai Ni A
Taihou TaihouTaihou
Lexington SaratogaSaratoga Mk.II Mod
Submarine Junsen 3 I-8I-8
Junsen Type B I-19I-19 · I-26I-26
Junsen Type C I-47I-47
Kaidai VI I-168I-168
Junsen Type B Kai Ni I-58I-58
Junsen Type A Kai Ni I-13I-13 · I-14I-14
Sentoku I-400I-400 · I-401I-401
Type IXC U-boat U-511U-511
Ro-series Ro-500Ro-500
Guglielmo Marconi Luigi Torelli/UIT-25/I-504Luigi Torelli
Type 3 S.T.V. MaruyuMaruyu
Seaplane Tender Kamoi KamoiKamoi Kai
Chitose ChitoseChitose · ChiyodaChiyoda
Mizuho MizuhoMizuho
Nisshin NisshinNisshin
Akitsushima AkitsushimaAkitsushima
Commandant Teste Commandant TesteCommandant Teste
Auxiliary Ship Submarine Tender Jingei JingeiJingei
Taigei TaigeiTaigei
Fleet Oiler Kamoi KamoiKamoi
Kamoi Kai Bo
Revised Kazahaya HayasuiHayasui
Amphibious Assault Ship IJA R1 Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru
Hei Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru
Repair Ship Akashi AkashiAkashi
Fleet of Fog Playable Iona · Takao · Haruna
Enemy Nagara Class · Takao · Maya · Kirishima · Haruna · Kongou