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No.182 明石

Akashi Class Repair Ship

182 Card
Icon HP HP 39 Icon Gun Firepower 4 (14)
Icon Armor Armor 7 (19) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0 (0)
Icon Evasion Evasion 8 (29) Icon AA AA 10 (24)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 0 Icon ASW ASW 0 (0)
Icon Speed Speed Slow Icon LOS LOS 1 (5)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 10 (39)
Build Time Slot
2:20:00 (unconfirmed) 3
Stock Equipment Icon AircraftSpace
Ship Repair Facility 0
25mm Twin Autocannon Mount 0
-Unequipped- 0
-Locked- 0


Akashi Kai

No.187 明石改

Akashi Class Repair Ship

187 Card
Icon HP HP 45 Icon Gun Firepower 6 (24)
Icon Armor Armor 9 (27) Icon Torpedo Torpedo 0 (0)
Icon Evasion Evasion 10 (39) Icon AA AA 16 (36)
Icon Aircraft Aircraft 0 Icon ASW ASW 0 (0)
Icon Speed Speed Slow Icon LOS LOS 2 (6)
Icon Range Range Short Icon Luck Luck 12 (49)
Build Time Slot
Lv 35 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment Icon AircraftSpace
Ship Repair Facility 0
12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount 0
25mm Twin Autocannon Mount 0
-Unequipped- 0



Quotes (Kai)


Time Japanese English Note
00:00 深夜0時・・・そろそろお休みされます? 0000, Midnight... Shouldn't you be resting soon?
01:00 マルヒトマルマルです さすがに眠くありません? え?私?私は大丈夫です! 0100. Aren't you sleepy after all? Eh? Me? I'm fine!
02:00 マルフタマルマルです なんかトラックを思い出しますねぇ 頑張ったなぁ 0200. I've somehow remembered my time at Truk... I sure worked hard.
03:00 マルサンマルマルです パラオは・・・なんでだろう?あまり覚えてないんです 0300. About Palau… I wonder why? I don't really remember much of it.
04:00 マルヨンマルマルですね そろそろ朝ですよ? 提督?今晩は寝なくていいの? 0400. It's morning soon, yeah? Admiral? You sure you're fine with not sleeping tonight?
05:00 マルゴーマルマルです 空が次第に明るくなってきましたね!新しい一日です! 0500. The sky is gradually getting brighter! It's a brand new day!
06:00 マルロクマルマルです 提督?朝食は何にします?間宮さんほどじゃないですけど意外と私のも美味しいですよ? 0600. Admiral? What will you have for breakfast? It's not anywhere near Mamiya's level, but my cooking is unexpectedly good, you know?
07:00 マルナナマルマルです 朝ですねぇ ねぼすけさん達を起こしてきましょうか? 0700. It's morning, huh. Should we go and wake the sleepy heads up?
08:00 マルハチマルマルですねぇ さぁ!修理修理っとぉ! 0800, huh. Now! Time to get the repairs on!
09:00 マルキュウマルマルです どの艦から修理します? ・・・えっ!?まさか・・・出撃ぃ!? 0900. Which ship would you like me to repair? …Eh!? It can't be… a sortie!?
10:00 ヒトマルマルマルです ・・・提督?私・・・戦闘はちょっと・・・あ・・いえ・・兵装を積んでも・・・ 1000. …Admiral? For me, battles are a bit… ah… no… even if you load me with all theses weapons…
11:00 ヒトヒトマルマルです 提督も無茶されますねぇ 工作機械が壊れたら大変です! 1100. You're too reckless admiral. It'll be hell if the work machines broke down!
12:00 ヒトフタマルマルですね お昼です!お昼は明石カレー!いっちゃいますか!? 1200. It's afternoon! It's Akashi curry time! What do you say?!
13:00 ヒトサンマルマルです 艦内工場の点検をしておきますね!結構あるんですよ~ 1300. I'll be doing the inspection of ship interior factory! There's quite a lot of it~
14:00 ヒトヨンマルマルです そろそろ午後の修理に本格的に取り組みますね? 1400. It's about time I dive fully into the afternoon repairs, okay?
15:00 ヒトゴーマルマルです 提督?ちょっと小腹が空きませんか?ねぇ? 1500. Admiral? Don't you feel a little hungry now? Hmm?
16:00 ヒトロクマルマルです 間宮最中美味しいですねぇ!私も艦内で作りたいなぁ・・・ 1600. Mamiya Monaka is really tasty, isn't it! I would like to make some in the ship too... Monaka = a Japanese sweet made of azuki bean jam filling sandwiched between two thin crisp wafers made from mochi.
17:00 ヒトナナマルマルです そろそろ日が暮れてきました ふぅっ・・・疲れましたねぇ 1700. The sun will be setting soon. Oof… It's been tiring, yeah.
18:00 ヒトハチマルマルです 夕食は外食にします? 大和ホテルとかぁ・・・って冗談ですって 1800. Do you want to eat out for dinner? Like the Yamato hotel, perhaps… just a joke, really. (Yamato-hotel dinner, wow.)
19:00 ヒトキュウマルマルです 簡単なものですみません ご夕食ご用意しました! 1900. I'm sorry it's only something simple, but dinner is ready!
20:00 フタマルマルマルです 食べたら少し眠くなりますよねぇ・・・ふわぁああ・・・・あっ・・・いけない! 2000 I guess a full stomach really makes you sleepy, huh… Yaaawnn… Ah-- I shouldn't!
21:00 フタヒトマルマルですね 後3時間で今日もおしまいです お疲れ様です 2100, huh. The day will be ending in three more hours. Thanks for the good work.
22:00 フタフタマルマル 泊地の夜は静かですよねぇ・・・いつもこうだといいのですが・・・  2200 Nights at the anchorage sure is quiet, huh… It'll be nice if it stays like this…
23:00 フタサンマルマルです 提督?本日も一日大変お疲れ様でした! 2300 Admiral? Thank you for your hard work for today!

Anchorage Repair (泊地修理)

With Akashi set as the flagship, she can repair both herself and a damaged ship in position #2 in her fleet. She becomes able to repair the ship in position #3 as well, when she has a Ship Repair Facility (艦艇修理施設) equipped. Each addition of this equipment to her inventory will allow her to repair an extra ship at the same time. Currently up to 3 Ship Repairing Facility items can be obtained (one by default, one as April E4 completion reward, and one from Lv35 remodel) therefore ships up to position #5 can be repaired at the same time.

  • Her repairing is carried out in the form of 'ticks' every 20 minutes.
    • She must remain as the flagship for 20 minutes before each tick of repair carries out.
    • The repair target(s), including herself, must not sustain damage greater than minor damage (小破). Ships with moderate damage (中破) and greater will not be repaired. The same rule applies to herself.
    • Changing the spot of any ship in the fleet will reset the timer.
    • Sending the fleet to sortie will not reset the repair timer.
    • She will continue to repair while the player is offline, just like the dry docks.
    • Her repair is not affected by fatigue.
    • She doesn't need a Ship Repair Facility to repair herself and 2nd ship.
    • As she will always repair a minimum of 1hp every 20 minutes, ships that take longer than 20 minutes to repair a single hp in dry docks will be repaired faster by Akashi. Otherwise, the time to repair a ship with Akashi is exactly the same as the dry docks.
    •  The total repair cost required by Akashi to repair a ship is the same as the cost for dock repair unless interuptedThe Akashi repair cost will be greater than the dock repair cost if the repair is interupted (cost more).
Total repairs required

Total number of ticks required to fully repair a ship can be calculated by refering to the dock repair time

  • Total repairs (ticks) required = (Hours x 3) + (minutes / 20) + (seconds / 1200)

Example: For an Aircraft Carrier with 04:31:20 dock repair time

(4 x 3) + (31 / 20) + (20 / 1200) = 13.5667 ticks.
Amount of HP repaired per tick
  • HP lost / Total repair required 

Example: For an Aircraft carrier with 62/75HP and require 13.5667 repairs (ticks)

(75 - 62) / 13.5667 = 0.95119
Minimum Repair Cost
  • AKA cost per tick​ if interupted at the first 20 minutes(first tick), or actively interupted every 20minutes. 
  • The minimum repair cost depends on
    • Ship class
    • Amount of HP repaired per tick
  • The minimum repair cost can be generally calculated using
  • Verification of accurate ship class cost is currently in progress.

For example: For the same Aircraft Carrier mentioned above, if interupted at 20 minutes, minumum repair cost applies. 

Fuel Cost = 0.95119 x 2.1 = 2

Steel Cost = 0.95119 x 4 = 4
Interupted Repair Cost Calculation
  • The total cost required to repair a ship will increase if Akashi is interupted during repair.
  • Example of repair interuption :
    • Entering the main menu page from other pages
  • If the repair was interupted at 20minutes(first tick), minimum repair cost applies, refer above.
  • If the repair was interupted after 40minutes or later, the cost will be

For example: For the same Aircraft carrier mentioned above, if Akashi repaired 8HP before being interupted, interupted repair cost applies.

Interupted Repair Fuel Cost = 2 x (8 + 1) / 2 = 9

Interupted Repair Steel Cost = 4 x (8 + 1) / 2 = 18
list of Ship Class Repair Cost
Ship Class Cost (verifying)
Type Class Ship Class Cost > Lv90
Minimum Repair Cost
      Fuel             Steel      
SS Maruyu 0.3 0.5
I-168 0.3 0.8 1 Fuel 3 Steel
SSV Average 1.1 1.7 1 Fuel 3 Steel
I-401 1.1 1.7 1 Fuel 3 Steel
DD Average 1 1.5 2 Fuel 3 Steel
Shimakaze - -
CL Average 1 2
Agano - -
CLT Kai - -
Kai Ni 1.1 1.7 2 Fuel 3 Steel
CA Average - -
Furutaka - -
Tone 1.8 2.9
CAV Mogami 1.6 3
Tone 1.6 3
AR Akashi 1.7 3.3
LHA Akitsumaru - -
Akitsumaru Kai - -
AV Chitose - -
CVL Houshou - -
Shouhou, Ryuujou - -
Hiyou, Chitose - -
CV Shoukaku, Hiryuu, Souryuu 2.1 4 2 Fuel 4 Steel
Akagi - -
Kaga - -
Taihou - -
Fast BB Kongou 2.88 5.3
Bismarck Zwei 3.3 6.3 5 Fuel 9 Steel
BBV Ise, Fusou 3 5.5
Slow BB Ise, Fusou - -
Nagato 3 6 3 Fuel 6 Steel
Type Class       Fuel             Steel       > Lv90
Minimum Repair Cost
Ship Class Cost

Full list of rounded ship class cost



  • The only specialized repair ship operated by the IJN (the other two were cancelled)
  • Escaped Operation Hailstone on Truk in February 20, 1944, fled to Palau
  • Sunk while anchored in Palau on March 30, 1944 during Operation Desecrate One
  • Salvaged and scrapped in 1954.
  • Akashi had 17 different factories within her body. Factories included furnace and anvils amongst other things - a moving factory.
  • Out of the 779 crew in her, 443 were mechanics, which was not limited to military personnel.
  • Had 2 chimneys. The front chimney was used to exhale smoke from the factories - the one you see around her right arm.
  • Had power generation capabilities that rivalled the Yamato (4800kw) in order to power her machines.
  • Had German machinery loaded, allowing her to have unparalled reparation abilities compared to standard onshore factories. Her ability to repair ships efficiently was what made her a priority target by the Americans.

See Also

Ship · By Class · By Seiyuu · By Artist · Gallery · Start Stats · Max Stats · Drop List · Construction · Marriage · Enemy Vessel
Coastal Defense Ship Shimushu ShimushuShimushu · KunashiriKunashiri · HachijouHachijou · IshigakiIshigaki
Etorofu EtorofuEtorofu · MatsuwaMatsuwa · SadoSado · TsushimaTsushima · HiratoHirato · FukaeFukae
Mikura MikuraMikura · YashiroYashiro
Hiburi HiburiHiburi · DaitouDaitou
Type D Kaiboukan No.4Kaiboukan No
Destroyer Kamikaze KamikazeKamikaze · AsakazeAsakaze · HarukazeHarukaze · MatsukazeMatsukaze · HatakazeHatakaze
Mutsuki MutsukiMutsuki · KisaragiKisaragi · YayoiYayoi · UzukiUzuki · SatsukiSatsuki · MinazukiMinazuki · FumizukiFumizuki · NagatsukiNagatsuki · KikuzukiKikuzuki · MikazukiMikazuki · MochizukiMochizuki
Special Type Fubuki FubukiFubuki · ShirayukiShirayuki · HatsuyukiHatsuyuki · MiyukiMiyuki · MurakumoMurakumo · IsonamiIsonami · UsugumoUsugumo · UranamiUranami
Ayanami AyanamiAyanami · ShikinamiShikinami · AmagiriAmagiri · SagiriSagiri · OboroOboro · AkebonoAkebono · SazanamiSazanami · UshioUshio
Akatsuki AkatsukiAkatsuki · Hibiki/VerniyHibiki
 · IkazuchiIkazuchi · InazumaInazuma
Hatsuharu HatsuharuHatsuharu · NenohiNenohi · WakabaWakaba · HatsushimoHatsushimo · AriakeAriake
Shiratsuyu ShiratsuyuShiratsuyu · ShigureShigure · MurasameMurasame · YuudachiYuudachi · HarusameHarusame · SamidareSamidare · UmikazeUmikaze · YamakazeYamakaze · KawakazeKawakaze · SuzukazeSuzukaze
Asashio AsashioAsashio · OoshioOoshio · MichishioMichishio · ArashioArashio · AsagumoAsagumo · YamagumoYamagumo · MinegumoMinegumo · ArareArare · KasumiKasumi
Type A Kagerou KagerouKagerou · ShiranuiShiranui · KuroshioKuroshio · OyashioOyashio · HatsukazeHatsukaze · Yukikaze/Dan YangYukikaze
Dan Yang
 · AmatsukazeAmatsukaze · TokitsukazeTokitsukaze · UrakazeUrakaze · IsokazeIsokaze · HamakazeHamakaze · TanikazeTanikaze · NowakiNowaki · ArashiArashi · HagikazeHagikaze · MaikazeMaikaze · AkigumoAkigumo
Yuugumo YuugumoYuugumo · MakigumoMakigumo · KazagumoKazagumo · NaganamiNaganami · TakanamiTakanami · FujinamiFujinami · HayanamiHayanami · HamanamiHamanami · OkinamiOkinami · KishinamiKishinami · AsashimoAsashimo · HayashimoHayashimo · AkishimoAkishimo · KiyoshimoKiyoshimo
Type B Akizuki AkizukiAkizuki · TeruzukiTeruzuki · SuzutsukiSuzutsuki · HatsuzukiHatsuzuki
Type C Shimakaze ShimakazeShimakaze
Type D Matsu MatsuMatsu · TakeTake
Type 1934 Z1Z1 · Z3Z3
Maestrale MaestraleMaestrale · GrecaleGrecale · LibeccioLibeccio · SciroccoScirocco
Fletcher FletcherFletcher · JohnstonJohnston
John C. Butler Samuel B. RobertsSamuel B
J JervisJervis · JanusJanus
Tashkent TashkentTashkent
Light Cruiser Tenryuu TenryuuTenryuu · TatsutaTatsuta
Kuma KumaKuma · TamaTama · KitakamiKitakami · OoiOoi · KisoKiso
Nagara NagaraNagara · IsuzuIsuzu · NatoriNatori · YuraYura · KinuKinu · AbukumaAbukuma
Sendai SendaiSendai · JintsuuJintsuu · NakaNaka
Yuubari YuubariYuubari
Agano AganoAgano · NoshiroNoshiro · YahagiYahagi · SakawaSakawa
Ooyodo OoyodoOoyodo
Duca degli Abruzzi Duca degli AbruzziDuca degli Abruzzi · Giuseppe GaribaldiGiuseppe Garibaldi
St. Louis HelenaHelena
Atlanta AtlantaAtlanta
Town SheffieldSheffield
Gotland GotlandGotland
De Ruyter De RuyterDe Ruyter
Perth PerthPerth
Torpedo Cruiser Kuma KitakamiKitakami Kai · OoiOoi Kai · KisoKiso Kai Ni
Training Cruiser Katori KatoriKatori · KashimaKashima
Heavy Cruiser Furutaka FurutakaFurutaka · KakoKako
Aoba AobaAoba · KinugasaKinugasa
Myoukou MyoukouMyoukou · NachiNachi · AshigaraAshigara · HaguroHaguro
Takao TakaoTakao · AtagoAtago · MayaMaya · ChoukaiChoukai
Mogami MogamiMogami · MikumaMikuma · SuzuyaSuzuya · KumanoKumano
Tone ToneTone · ChikumaChikuma
Admiral Hipper Prinz EugenPrinz Eugen
Zara ZaraZara · PolaPola
Northampton HoustonHouston
Aviation Cruiser Mogami MogamiMogami Kai · MikumaMikuma Kai · SuzuyaSuzuya Kai · KumanoKumano Kai
Tone ToneTone Kai Ni · ChikumaChikuma Kai Ni
Battleship Fast Battleship Kongou KongouKongou · HieiHiei · HarunaHaruna · KirishimaKirishima
Bismarck BismarckBismarck
Vittorio Veneto Littorio/ItaliaLittorio
 · RomaRoma
North Carolina WashingtonWashington
South Dakota South DakotaSouth Dakota
Iowa IowaIowa
Richelieu RichelieuRichelieu
Gangut Gangut/Oktyabrskaya RevolyutsiyaGangut
Oktyabrskaya Revolyutsiya
Battleship Fusou FusouFusou · YamashiroYamashiro
Ise IseIse · HyuugaHyuuga
Nagato NagatoNagato · MutsuMutsu
Yamato YamatoYamato · MusashiMusashi
Colorado ColoradoColorado
Queen Elizabeth WarspiteWarspite
Nelson NelsonNelson
Aviation Battleship Fusou FusouFusou Kai · YamashiroYamashiro Kai
Ise IseIse Kai · HyuugaHyuuga Kai
Carrier Light Carrier Houshou HoushouHoushou
Ryuujou RyuujouRyuujou
Ryuuhou RyuuhouRyuuhou
Shouhou ShouhouShouhou · ZuihouZuihou
Hiyou HiyouHiyou · JunyouJunyou
Chitose ChitoseChitose Carrier · ChiyodaChiyoda Carrier
Kasuga Maru Kasuga MaruKasuga Maru
Taiyou TaiyouTaiyou · ShinyouShinyou
Mogami SuzuyaSuzuya Carrier Kai Ni · KumanoKumano Carrier Kai Ni
Casablanca Gambier BayGambier Bay
Standard Carrier Akagi AkagiAkagi
Kaga KagaKaga
Souryuu SouryuuSouryuu
Hiryuu HiryuuHiryuu
Shoukaku ShoukakuShoukaku · ZuikakuZuikaku
Unryuu UnryuuUnryuu · AmagiAmagi · KatsuragiKatsuragi
Graf Zeppelin Graf ZeppelinGraf Zeppelin
Aquila AquilaAquila
Lexington SaratogaSaratoga
Essex IntrepidIntrepid
Yorktown HornetHornet
Ark Royal Ark RoyalArk Royal
Armored Carrier Shoukaku ShoukakuShoukaku Kai Ni A · ZuikakuZuikaku Kai Ni A
Taihou TaihouTaihou
Lexington SaratogaSaratoga Mk.II Mod
Submarine Junsen 3 I-8I-8
Junsen Type B I-19I-19 · I-26I-26
Junsen Type C I-47I-47
Kaidai VI I-168I-168
Junsen Type B Kai Ni I-58I-58
Junsen Type A Kai Ni I-13I-13 · I-14I-14
Sentoku I-400I-400 · I-401I-401
Type IXC U-boat U-511U-511
Ro-series Ro-500Ro-500
Guglielmo Marconi Luigi Torelli/UIT-25/I-504Luigi Torelli
Type 3 S.T.V. MaruyuMaruyu
Seaplane Tender Kamoi KamoiKamoi Kai
Chitose ChitoseChitose · ChiyodaChiyoda
Mizuho MizuhoMizuho
Nisshin NisshinNisshin
Akitsushima AkitsushimaAkitsushima
Commandant Teste Commandant TesteCommandant Teste
Auxiliary Ship Submarine Tender Jingei JingeiJingei
Taigei TaigeiTaigei
Fleet Oiler Kamoi KamoiKamoi
Kamoi Kai Bo
Revised Kazahaya HayasuiHayasui
Amphibious Assault Ship IJA R1 Shinshuu MaruShinshuu Maru
Hei Akitsu MaruAkitsu Maru
Repair Ship Akashi AkashiAkashi
Fleet of Fog Playable Iona · Takao · Haruna
Enemy Nagara Class · Takao · Maya · Kirishima · Haruna · Kongou