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Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Mutsuki Play およ?節分ですか~、節分なんですか。睦月投げます!えーい! Oyo? It's Setsubun? It's Setsubun! Mutsuki is going to throw! Hyah! From Setsubun 2015
Kisaragi Play この豆を投げるのねー、えーい。いやだ、変なとこ当たっちゃった? We throw this bean, right? Hyaah... Oh my, did I hit somewhere strange?
Hatsuharu Play うむ、節分は大切な儀式じゃ、いろいろな意味があるのじゃぞ?あ、知っておったかや? Hm! Setsubun is an important ceremony! It holds many meanings! Oh, you knew?
Nenohi Play 二月といえば子日…じゃなくって節分だよー節分。豆投げるよー、とおー! If it's February, it's got to be Nenohi.... I mean, Setsubun-- Setsubun. I'll throw the beans--, too!
Wakaba Play 節分だと?この豆を提督に投げればいいのか?違うな、ではどうすれば? It's Setsubun? Should I throw this bean at the admiral? No, that's not right. Then what should I do?
Hatsushimo Play 鬼は外ー、福は内ー、えい!あっ提督に!?ごめんなさい、片付けますね。 Demons out! Luck in! Ei! Ah, Admiral?! I'm sorry; I'll clean this up.
Shiratsuyu Play 福はぁー内!鬼はぁー外ぉ!ふふっ、楽しいかも節分!村雨的にはどうなの? Luck in, demons out! Heh heh, Setsubun might be fun! How do you feel about it, Murasame?
Shigure Play 豆まき…か。結構、当たると痛いね。 Throwing beans, huh... It really hurts when you get hit, doesn't it?
Murasame Play はいは~い♪節分ね。この行事って、いつからあるのかしら?ねえ? Yep, yep! It's Setsubun, isn't it? I wonder, from when did this event start being celebrated? Don't you?
Yuudachi Play この豆、全力で投げるっぽーい! えい!えい!えーいっ!! ……あわわぁ!? I'm throwing these beans with full strength .... Ei.... Ei.... Eiiii.... Oohhh..
Urakaze Play 提督?なんでうちに豆を投げるんじゃ?怒らんけぇ言うてみ?ん?んー? Admiral? Why are you throwing beans at me? I won't get angry, so tell me. Hmm? Hmmm--?
Hamakaze Play 節分ですね。磯風と一緒にお豆投げたいですね。…あ、私、探しておきます。 It's Setsubun. I'd like to throw some beans with Isokaze.... Ah, I'll go look for her.
Tanikaze Play かぁっ!節分かい!こいつは粋だねぇーっ、誰に投げりゃいいんだい?浜風かぁ?…ア゛ッ!? Kaa! It's Setsubun! This is nifty. Who should I throw it at? Hamakaze? Ah!?
Nowaki Play 節分、って…豆は投げたほうがいいのか、食べたほうがいいのか…え?両方、なの…? In Setsubun, is it better to throw the beans or eat them? Eh? You do both?
Fubuki Play 吹雪、節分も全力で頑張ります! 目標確認、投げます! うりゃーっ! ……着弾確認、目標沈黙です! やりましたぁー! ……え、えへへ……。 Fubuki will do her best during Setsubun as well! Target found, I'm going to throw! Uryaa! The hit has been confirmed, target is silent! I did it! E-Eheheh.
Shikinami Play 節分だよーっ!割と…好きかな、なんか楽しいし。綾波に投げっ……あれ、いない。どこさぁーっ!? It's Setsubun! I kinda like it since it's fun. I will throw at Ayanami... Eh, she's not here. Where are you!?
Nagatsuki Play 節分か。こういう文化は大切にしないとな。…ぃ痛っ、皐月っ!ふざけるのやめろぉ! It's Setsubun, huh. This event should be treated with care. Ouch, it hurts Satsuki! Don't mess around, stop it!
Kikuzuki Play 節分か…。好きにやればいい…。誰だ、菊月の背中に豆を当てるのは!…む、睦月っ! It's Setsubun, huh. You should participate if you like it... Who was that!? Who threw beans at my back!? ... Mu-, Mutsuki!
Mikazuki Play ふぅ、お豆輸送中でーす!これ、皆さんの分に分けるの、ちょっと待っててくださいね!あぁぁ、もっち、まだ食べちゃダメ!

Fuu, I'm in middle of transporting beans! I'll distribute these equally to everyone, just wait a moment! Aaah, Mochi, don't eat that yet!

"Mochi" refers to Mochizuki. See below.
Mochizuki Play うーわぁ、豆いっぱいだぁー…。三日月大変そうだなぁ。ちょっと減らしてあげるよ、もぐもぐ。 Uwaaa, there are a lot of beans... Mikazuki sure seems to be busy. I'll help lighten her load, *chew* *chew*.
Oboro Play 節分ですね、多分。朧頑張って、お豆、投げます!えいっ! It's Setsubun, probably. Oboro will do her best, throwing the beans! Eii!
Akebono Play クソ提督、節分よ!何よ、この豆食べたり、投げたりすればいいの?楽勝じゃない! Shitty Admiral, it's Setsubun! Is it fine to throw beans at you and eat them? Piece of cake!
Sazanami Play 節分(・∀・)ktkr!ご主人様、豆投げますよー⊂( ・∀・) 彡≡・ って、あーん❤どう?(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)ウマウマ? Setsubun (・∀・) has come! Master, I'll throw beans at you! ⊂( ・∀・) 彡≡・ So ❤ how is it? (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) yumyum?
Ushio Play 提督、節分の豆はこちらです。あの、鬼役は……潮が担当しましょうか?え、いい? Admiral, here you are Setsubun beans. Eh, I will be the oni? Don't I have to be?
Asashio Play 司令官、節分ですね! お任せ下さい! この朝潮、豆まきも全力でかかります! えーい! えいっ! そーれ! Commander, it's Setsubun! Leave it to me! This Asashio will throw at full power! Ei! Ei! Soorye!
Ooshio Play 司令官、節分です! もちろん、節分もアゲアゲです! ほら、朝潮お姉さんが、お豆全力射撃中です! 大潮も参加します! えいっ、えいっ! Commander, it's Setsubun! Naturally, I will be in high spirit! Look at Asashio-nee, she is throwing beans at full power! Ooshio will also participate! Ei, eii!
Michishio Play 節分?こんな行事意味あるの? ぁぃ、痛っ!?あ、あんた達なんで全力で投げてくるの!?な、何なの!?何が目的なの!も、もぉぉー!? Setsubun? Is there any meaning to this event? Ouch, it hurts! You guys, why are you throwing with such force!? Wh-What is it!? What's your purpose!?
Arashio Play あらぁ~、節分ねぇ~。うふふふっ。姉さん達、どうしてそんなに本気でお豆投げてるの~? 当たったら、少し危ないわねぇ……。 Ooh, It's Setsubun. Ufufufu. Sisters, why are you throwing beans so seriously? It will hurt a bit if you hit, you know?
Arare Play 「せっつぶーん」って、何? ……あ、節分か。……大丈夫です。鬼役は、今年も神通さんが……あ、お豆は危険なので、霰は投げません。 What's "Settsubuun"? ...Ah, Setsubun. ...Don't worry. Jintsuu-san is the oni this year as well... Ah, it's dangerous to throw beans, so Arare won't throw them.
Kasumi Play だから! 豆を全力で投げるのやめなさいよ! 鬼役の神通さんがいつまでもっ……ほら……ほらあ……っ! わ、私知らないったらー! I told you! Stop throwing beans at full power! It won't be long before Oni Jintsuu... See! I-It's not my fault!
Kagerou Play 節分かぁ…ま、いいか。じゃ、投げるよー!…って不知火ぃ!?あんた何やってんの!? So it's Setsubun... Oh well. It's time to throw! Whoa, Shiranui! What are you doing?
Shiranui Play この豆を…鬼怒さんに投げるのですね。……いない……では……あっ、早霜に、えぇいっ! So I throw these beans at Kinu, right? She's not here... Well then, I'll throw at Hayashimo instead. Hah!
Kuroshio Play 恵方巻ねぇ~。えーっと、今年はどっちやろ~? こっちやろか。かぁ~むっ♪ Ehōmaki, huh~ Um, which direction is it this year, I wonder~? This way, is it? *nom* Ehōmaki are typically eaten while facing a particular "lucky direction", which is based on the year's zodiac sign and changes every year.
Hatsukaze Play 節分かぁ。…あ、妙高姉さん。…え、鬼役を? いえ、そういうの、私がやります! Setsubun, huh... Ah, Myoukou-neesan. Eh? You're the oni? No. Or rather, let me be it instead!
Maikaze Play 節分かぁ…よぉし、舞風、鬼役やるね!ワンツー、ワンツー♪ふふっ、当ったらないよぉ♪ Setsubun, eh? Alright~ I shall be the oni! One-two one-two~♪ Heheh, you can't hit me~
Teruzuki Play 節分ねー、豆投げればいいのよね?鬼役はー…え?霧島さんと、比叡さん!?え、えぇー!?えぇー…どうかなぁ…。 It's Setsubun. So i just throw these beans, right? And the oni is... Kirishima and Hiei? Uh, uhh... I don't know about this...
Takanami Play 長波姉様このお豆は……え、投げるかもですか?……え、えぇー!こうですか? Naganami, about these beans... Eh? You want me to throw it, you think? H-hyah! Like this...?
Asashimo Play 節分は嫌いじゃないねぇ…。いよーっし投げるぜぇ!って痛ぇ、清霜!あたいに投げんな! Setsubun doesn't seem bad to me. Aight, it's throwin' time...Oww! Kiyoshimo! Stop throwing at me!
Libeccio Play セツブーン… え、ほんと?本当にそんな名前の日本の儀式なの?これを投げる?ビスマルクに?じゃあ… えいっ!えーい! Setsuboon... Eh, Really? Is that really the name of this Japanese ceremony? So I throw this? To Bismarck? Alright. Hya! Hyah!
Kazagumo Play 節分かぁ…秋雲、鬼のお面描いてるんだ?上手いわね…って、それ私!?なんでぇ!? Setsubun, eh? Akigumo, are you drawing an oni mask? Looks pretty good... Wait, that's me? Why!?
Arashi Play 鬼はぁー外っ、福はぁー内っ!今年の鬼役は誰だ~?え?あぁ、川内さん!投げにくいなぁ。ま、いいか。とりゃあぁ! Demons are out! Luck is in! So who's the oni for this year, eh~? Uhh... It's Sendai... That's a hard thing to do... But, oh well. Rraagh!
Hagikaze Play 川内さん、本当に今年の節分、鬼役をされるんですか?いいんでしょうか?あ、これがお面ですけど。あっ!嵐!あー!ばかー! Sendai-san, có thật là trong lễ setsubun năm nay chị sẽ đóng vai quỷ phải không?. Vậy có ổn không ạ ? à mặt nạ của chị đây ! Á ! Arashi ! Đồ ngốc !
Umikaze Play 節分、ですか。ほっ!江風、川内さんに豆を投げるなんて…あっ、あわわ!川内さん、すみません!あっ、あの、すみません! Setsubun, is it? Hwah! Kawakaze, throwing beans at Sendai like that is...Ah-, Awawah! I'm sorry Sendai! I u-um...I'm sorry!
Kawakaze Play 節分だー! 豆投げるぜーっ! 右舷、目標発見! てぇーっ! …初弾命中ー! …え? あれ…川内…さン? えっと、えっと…え!? It's Setsubun! I'm throwin' beans! Starboard, target spotted! Fire! It's a hit! Eh, wha... Sendai? I uh... uhm...

Tuần dương hạm hạng nhẹ[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Tenryuu Play いて、いてててて! なんで皆オレに豆投げてんだよ! こら!「鬼なのです」じゃねえよ! これは角じぇねえし…おいこら龍田! 豆配るのやめろ! Ow! Owowow! Why are you guys throwing beans at me!? Hey! Don't say "You're the oni-nanodesu" at me! This thing I'm wearing isn't even a horn! H-Hey Tatsuta! Stop giving them beans to throw!
Tatsuta Play みんな~、「鬼は~外、福は~内」って言って、お豆を投げるのよ。足りなくなった人は言ってね? しっかり鬼に投げるのよ? うふふ♪ Girls~ When throwing the beans, say "Devil's out, Luck in"~ Come back to me if you're out of beans to throw~ Aim well at the oni~ Hehehe~
Yura Play 提督さん。節分、です。……お豆は投げる物ですよ? 提督さん。そんなに好き、なの? Admiral, it is Setsubun.....You want me to throw these beans? Admiral, do you like doing such things that much?
Kinu Play う゛お゛ーっ!?なんなの!?何でみんな鬼怒に豆投げんのよ!?あ痛っ!いたたたたたたっ! Gwaaaargh!! Why? Why is everybody throwing beans at me!? Ow! Owowowow! Kinu (鬼怒) while being the name of the river Kinu/Kinugawa, also literally means "angry oni". A repeatedly used joke specifically on Kinu.
Abukuma Play 節分って年の数だけお豆をいただくって聞きましたけど…… へ、深く考えるのはやめましょう!ええ、あたし的にはオッケーです。 I heard during Setsubun, you eat a certain number of beans based on your age... Ah, let's not think this too deeply. Yeah, that's OK for me! Given the customary practice in Setsubun, Abukuma would have to eat 93 soybeans if her age was counted from the launch of her historical ship on 1923.
Yuubari Play 節分かぁ。豆まきって不思議な伝統よね。あ、私?私は好きよ、豆まき。うふふ、えーい! Setsubun, huh. Bean throwing is a peculiar tradition isn't it? Me? I like it, throwing beans. Ufufufu. Ei!
Agano Play え? 能代、なになに? この豆をぶんぶん投げればいいのね? よぉーし、お豆砲戦、よぉーい、てぇー! あ、や、矢矧…えっとぉ…
Noshiro Play はい、阿賀野姉ぇ。この豆を投げるんです。鬼は~外! …こんな風に。ああっ、そっちは! …あ、あ~。あ、あのー、矢矧。あのね… Ok, Agano-nee. Throw these beans. Oni~out! ...like that. Ah, that way is-! ...ah, aah~. U-Um... Yahagi? Well, you see...
Yahagi Play 節分か。こういうのもいいわね…っていたっ!? 被弾!? だ、誰! …あ、阿賀野姉ぇ!? Setsubun, huh. This is pretty nice too...-kh, ow!? I'm hit!? W-Who was that!? ...Agano-nee!?
Sakawa Play ぴゃ! …あ…なんか矢矧ちゃんが怒ってる。どうしたんだろ。え、鳳翔さん。これは、恵方巻? まるかぶりで食べるのかな?
Ooyodo Play 提督、そろそろ礼号作戦ですね、私も頑張ります! Admiral, the Reigou-sakusen is coming, I will do my best! End of Year line is back

Tuần dương hạm hạng nặng[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Prinz Eugen Play これが日本の文化、『セッツブーン』! この豆を、長門に投げればいいの?…えいっ! わぁっ!? So this is Japan's culture, Setsubun! I throw this bean at Nagato, right? Hyah! Oh?! From Setsubun 2015
She mixed up Nagata Shrine (長田) with Nagato (長門
Myoukou Play 節分ですね。はい、提督用のお豆はこちらです。鬼はー外!…うふふ、楽しいですね。 It's Setsubun. Here you go. This is your portion of the beans. Devil's out! Hehehe... Isn't it fun?
Nachi Play 節分か。…まぁ今日ばかりは、ポン酒にしてみるか。…足柄、提督、貴様らもどうだ? Setsubun, huh? For today's occasion, we're having some sake. Ashigara, Admiral. Wanna join me? Pon-shu (ポン酒) is another word for Sake. It's a short for Nippon-shu (日本酒)
Ashigara Play 豆まきかぁ。まぁいいけど、間違っても妙高姉さんには投げないようにね。…あっ!? Mame-maki, eh? Sounds good to me. Here's hoping I don't hit Myoukou-neesan when throwing them. Ahh...!
Haguro Play 司令官さん、節分ですね。あの…羽黒が鬼役をしましょうか?…えっ、それは… Sir commander. It's Setsubun. Umm.., Would you like me to be the Oni? Eh? But that's...
Takao Play 愛宕、歳の数だけ、お豆食べるんですって。…え、いらない?そう…。あ、妙高さん!…え、鬼役ですか。やめた方が…え~……
Atago Play ふ~ん…節分の豆って、歳の数だけ食べるのねぇ。高雄って、意外と物知りね。…さぁ、提督。いくつたべるの?見ててあげるっ♪
Maya Play いくぜぇー鳥海!豆投げんぜぇ!うりゃ、うりゃうりゃ!!…何故逃げる!! Chokai, here we goo! I'm throwing the beans! Uryah, uryahuryah!! ...why are you running!!?
Choukai Play こ、こら、摩耶……。節分だからって豆投げ過ぎ……っていうか、どこに……! ……も、もう! 怒るわよ!
Tone Play 吾輩が何故鬼なのじゃ!?…うむ、お姉さんだからか!仕方ないのじゃ…あ痛っ!誰じゃ!! How come I have to be he oni!? ...hm, it's because I'm the older sister? No way around it then, I suppo-Ow! Who was that!!?
Chikuma Play 節分は、一年の邪気を祓う、大切な任務。姉さんも、あんなに張り切って…。
Suzuya Play 節分ねー…熊野、節分って何やるか知ってる?あー…なんか咥えてるねぇ。あぁー。 Setsubun, eh... Kumano, do we got any plans for Setsubun? Ahh... Looks like she's eating something. Ohh...
Kumano Play はむっ、ふっふっ、ふっふん。いいこと鈴谷? この恵方巻きは……ん、ん……一気呵成に食することで、はむっ、一年の無病息災などを……はむっふっふっふっんぐっーん、んっ! Nom nom- Yhou shee, Shuzhuya, Ihf ih eatf thih Ehohmahkif -nom nom- ahnd ghulp ih ihn wahn baiht -nom- ah ih wiff bih bleshf wifh goodh healf foh thef wholg yeahg-nggh...Mnngh...! *chokes*  (You see, Suzuya. If i eat this Ehou-maki and gulp it in one bite, I will be blessed with good health for the whole year)

Thiết giáp hạm[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Nagato Play 節分かぁ。鬼役を買って出てもいいが… いや、これは角ではないぞ!あっ、こら、もう投げている駆逐艦が……で、仕方ないなぁ。がおー! Setsubun, huh... I don't mind being the oni. Or rather, this is not a horn! Ah, hey! The destroyers already throwing it at me. Guess i have no choice... ROAAARR!!
Kongou Play HEY、提督ぅー! 今年の節分は、この金剛型四姉妹がDirectionさせていただきマース! まず、鬼役ですが……あっ、提督ぅ! なぜ逃げるデース!? Hey, admiral~! For this year's Setsubun, we, the Kongou-class sisters will be directing the occasion! First of, the oni-role... Ah, admiral~ Why are you running away~!?
Hiei Play はい、金剛お姉様!比叡、節分も、全力で気合、入れて、行きます!今年の鬼役は…妙高と川内…ふむ。さぁ、行きます! Yes, Kongou Onee-sama! Off I go for Setsubun, with my spirit, held high! This year's oni role will be... Myoukou and Sendai... Yep! Right, let's do this!
Haruna Play 提督、節分ですね。福はぁー内、鬼はぁー外!えへへっ、楽しいですね。お?提督、それは何ですか?恵方巻き…大きなお寿司ですね。榛名、初めて見ました。 Admiral, It's the Setsubun seasons. Luck in! Demon's out! Hehehe. This is fun. Oh. What is that, admiral? Ehou-maki? That's a huge sushi roll. I've never seen one before! Ehou-maki is a type of rolled sushi (futo-maki) eaten during Setsubun in the Kansai area. It is also customary to eat it while facing a specific direction on the compas based on your Chinese zodiac.
Kirishima Play さあ、節分よー! 今年の鬼役は誰かしら? ……ふん。ふっ、成る程。

よーし、射撃諸元よーし! お豆装填! 節分砲撃戦、用意! てぇーっ! ……ちっ、夾叉(きょうさ)か……次弾装填!

Right, It's time for Setsubun! So who is the oni-role for this year? Hmm... I see. Right. Firing factors , check! Beans loaded! Setsubun barrage, aim... Fire! Tch... a near miss. Reloading shells!
Fusou Play 山城、節分よ。この豆を、歳の数だけ食べるの。後、鬼役にね、投げるのよ。 Yamashiro, It's Setsubun... You eat a number of these beans based on how old you are... And then... You throw the rest to those who plays the Oni...
Yamashiro Play 姉さま。豆を食べて、投げるのですね? えぇっと、鬼役は……あ、あの子ね。ふっふっふっふっふっふ……。 Dear sister. So i eat this beans and throw the rest, is it? And who is the Oni right now... Ah, It's that child over there... Hehehehehe...
Musashi Play おぉ、節分か。よし、この武蔵が鬼役をやってやろう。さぁ、どんどん撃って来い! Oh... It's Setsubun. Right. I, Musashi will be the oni-role. Come on, hit me with your best shot!
Littorio Play セ…ツ…ブーン?セッツブーン?この行事はとても不思議な響ですね。 Set...tsu... Boohn? Settsuboohn? This occasion sure has a peculiar sounding name.
Roma Play 「セツブーン」?いや、違うでしょう、発音が。「セツブンガ」、これでしょう?へ、違うの?日本語は難しいわね。 Settsuboohn? No that's not it. The proper pronounciation is "Setsubunga", is it? No? Japanese language is difficult indeed. Setsubunga as of "Setsubun ga" (節分が). She misheard a chain of words thinking that's the actual pronounciation

Mẫu hạm hạng nhẹ[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Zuihou Play 節分の季節ですね。一応豆は炒っておきました。提督用の玉子焼きも万全です♪ It's the season for Setsubun. I've already roasted the beans. The grilled egg for the Admiral is also perfect! From Setsubun 2015
Chitose Play 節分ですね、提督。鬼役は…えっと… あ、千代田。節分の鬼役なんだけど、どう?
Chiyoda Play え、千歳お姉!何?私が鬼役?…いいけど… あ、痛っ!駆逐艦がっ痛っ!もう嫌だ!
Shouhou Play 節分ですね。この豆を投げればいいのですね? ……えーい! ……や、やだ! 提督、す、すみません! 目測を誤りました……!

Mẫu hạm tiêu chuẩn[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Akagi Play 節分ね。このお豆を、鬼役の軽巡に……って、あら、おいし! 意外! あら、いけますね~♪ It's Setsubun. So i throw this bean to that light cruiser who is the oni-role... Oh my, it's delicious~ Surprisingly... Oh dear! Ihts goohd~
Kaga Play 痛い。豆? そう、節分の……って私に当てた子は誰? そう……。 Ow... Beans? I see, it's Setsubun. And, who is the one that throw it at me? I see...
Shoukaku Play 瑞鶴、節分よ。……ううん、心配しないで。鬼役は私に任せて。慣れているから……。 Zuikaku, It's Setsubun time. No, don't worry. Just leave the oni-role to me. I'm used to it already...
Zuikaku Play 節分ねぇ… あ、翔鶴姉ぇ、毎年自分から鬼役を買って出なくていいのに!ぅんもう、このお面あたしに貸してよー!ほら、もう! Setsubun, eh... Ah, Shoukaku-nee. There's no need for you to be the oni every year! Ah geez, give me that mask! Come on! Sheesh...
Katsuragi Play 節分かぁ。…雲龍姉ぇと天城姉ぇに豆投げる感じでいいかな? …って、よくないよくない! Setsubun, eh... I wonder if i can throw these beans to Unryuu-nee and Amagi-nee? Wait, That's bad! No good!
Graf Zeppelin Play これがオイゲンに聞いた「セツブーン」と言う文化か。確かに不思議な文化だ。 よし、私も投げてみよう。赤城、行くぞ!覚悟! So this is what Eugen says of a cultural occasion called "Setzbühn". It is undeniably peculiar. Right. I'll give this a throw. Here i go, Akagi! Brace yourself!

Tàu ngầm[]

Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
I-19 Play 節分なの!えっと、イク達の鬼役は…大鯨なの!目標発見!節分戦深度に浮上!ってぇ~!鬼はー外!えいっ、えいっ! It's time for Setsubun! Our devil's role is...Taigei! Surface to the Setsubun battle depth! Te~! Devil's out! Ei, ei~!
I-8 Play 節分ですか? いいえ、はっちゃんはいいです。……提督? なんで、悲しそうな顔してるの? ……あ、はい。じゃあ投げます、え~い。
Ro-500 Play オイゲンさんから聞いたんだ。セッツブーン! 大切な文化!


Ship Name Audio Japanese English Notes
Katori Play 福はー内!鬼はー外!…うふっ、童心に戻ったみたいで、楽しいですね、提督! Luck in! Demons out! ...ufufu, going back to such childish things, it's quite fun, Admiral!
Kashima Play 香取姉ぇ、節分ってここでもどういう…… あぁ、提督さんに投げるんですね。わかりました!鬼はぁー外!えいっ!えいっ!え、違うの? Katori-nee, it's Setsubun, but what's going on...? Ah, we throw beans at Admiral-san! I understand! De-mons, out! Ei! Ei! Oh, is that not right?
Akashi Play 節分ですね、良いですねぇ!大淀ぉ、鬼やってよ、鬼!…えっ、私!?なんで!? Setsubun, eh... Sounds good to me. Come on, Ooyodo. You be the Oni. Eh? Me? Why!?
Akitsushima Play 節分かぁ。この豆を投げる…うーん。誰に投げるかが微妙に問題かも。…鳥海?違う!それは何か違うかも。 It's Setsubun? Throwing these beans... I see. Who'll we'll be throwing them at, though, that's a sensitive question, kamo. ...Choukai? No way. That's something I can't do, kamo.
Mizuho Play 節…分、ですか?え、摩耶さん、鬼役されるんですか?投げてみろって… え、えー? Setsu... bun, is it? Eh, you're the oni right now, Maya? Y-you want me to throw it...? E-Ehh...??
Hayasui Play 節分ですね。はい、速吸も豆をいっぱいお持ちしました。一緒に投げましょう!えいっ! It's Setsubun. Yes, Hayasui brought lots of beans too. Let's throw them together! Ei!

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